We just started MFW this morning let me say I'm impressed. All the kids sat on the sofa for bible time and the Window of the World was really neat.We wanted to keep reading but I said no :( they can look through it again we finish the day up. They are no doing their math drills. We are adding in Math twice a day like the planner says to do. So we do a my drill after bible and our regular pages when the littles go down for nap. Ethan and Chase even sat there listen as we were reading. I love having the planner to use because I think before for me not having it I was sos overwhelmed with what do and I was going insane and then we would be like lets do it another day which made us fall behind. Hannah is taking an assessment text today for Math to see where she is at. we are switching to Teaching Text Books for her so we need to know where to start. we did get Life of Fred books over the weekend and ready to break into them. But those are like story books for her so she is loven those. I'm looking forward to the Home school expo so I can find a math program for Cody. Im also looking for preschool stuff Ethan and Chase.Im using Rod and Staff right now for them and Dollar tree books.
We attend a church yesterday that I totally feel in love with. I woke up yesterday with like a panic attack telling me we had to be there no matter what. While getting reay Chase decided to flip of his rocking horse and scare us horribly, then i was thinking we need to go the ER but he was ok. We made it to church with arms wide open from everybody there. So nice. I was worried that I would be the lady in back with a pew full children that wouldn't stop making noise, but to my surprise just about every one there had a baby!!!! While toddlers so I felt so much better. My kids did really well, with the 3 trips to bath room :) Jolene pretty much slept through the whole thing. But here's why I fell in love... As you know Im struggling with discipline and Cody with his need to do better so to say. Well the sermon was about striving for excellence for the Lord!!!! That hit Cody like a bag of bricks. The pastor there was really into what he was talking about walking real fast back and forth just really preaching. He was awesome. I was in total shock that he happened to be speaking about this on the day we show up, on the same issues we are having here at home. Now tell me how does God work ???? :) :) I think we have found our home. They were having a family night last night but Jeff was getting ready for his flight so he wanted us to stay home.
Last night Hannah made dinner for everyone. lasagna!!! It was great. She did it all by herself. Then Jeff got us strawberry ice cream. So much for eating right :(
1 comment:
It seems like our Pastor has been a fly on the wall in our home often.I think it's just God's way of Knowing.
So happy you had a great day with ECC!Math is tough.We used Singapore for a while, then switched to MathUsee, and Kylie will go with Teaching Texts once she gets to HS.
I emailed you yesterday, and answered some of the questions you left on my blog.I hope you got it.If not, you can just email me at mommy24baileys at gmail dot com.
Have a good week!
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