Another beautiful Jolene

yesterday we made homemade granola and put it over yogurt yummy
Oh man the week just flew by like nothing. Its so sad. we had a pretty busy week even though I wasn't planning on it. Monday we had 3 dentist appts and that took WAY longer than expected. I got my crowns on and fit nicely. They didn't at first but I guess I just had to get use to them. They look sooo very pretty next to my "real " teeth. Hannah and Cody had scheduled to get cavity's filled but the office over booked appts because the public schools were on spring break and wanted to get alot of them in. So needless to say MY children who are NOT on spring break has to take another 3 more visits there to fill there teeth. I was so mad when they said " Im sorry, we over booked the appts and your going to have to come back several more times to fill the cavity's " First off we had them scheduled already to fill the cavity's today and worked our week out so we could do so and because you cant do your job right my kids have to come back over and over again!!! Im very short tempered and yes I pray for that to stop but come on people, just because we homeschool doesn't mean you can throw our time around like that. So now we going on the 7th,12th and 19th of April. Wednesday we had church and learned alot ( the kids did ) and Sunday they will be singing in front of the morning worship. They are really excited. When we got home Wednesday night Chase decided to get sick everywhere and we both ended up taking a midnight shower, ewww. Hannah woke up that night really not feeling good and spent all day Thursday sleeping. Chase is still 100% but is getting there. We have our oldest daughter Caitlin with us this weekend. So the girls have been downstairs catching up on life events. Caitlin is almost 14 cant believe that. She is Jeffs Daughter from years before he met me. Its great to have them all together.
well I didn't get much done today as I was rocking Jolene and Chase almost all the day. I made chicken Alfredo with bread for dinner tonight, they all devoured it like a pack of dogs. I have the dinner mess cleaned up and kitchen swept and mopped. Laundry going with 5 baskets to fold :( I have 2 bath rooms that need to be scrubbed. Living needs to be cared for. The downstairs playroom needs a major pick up. Im thinking coffee will be my friend tonight :0
The new house is coming along. Jeff was able to get the old foundation walls down and removed. Its ready to have the new walls poured and all the fun that comes after. We knocked down two walls because we decided it wasn't big enough so we are adding another 15-20 feet to it. Im hoping the rain holds off so the ground gets a chance to dry so the trucks don't get stuck. Its all pretty exciting for the kids to watch with all the big trucks and bobcats out there.
Ill have to get back on later as my mind just went blank on what I was going to say :)
I am thinking...Wheres all my energy??
I am thankful for my husband and his laid back mind set
I am wearing...black skirt with brown shirt
I am going...to clean house and sort laundry tonight...maybe...I dont think so
From the learning room...I LOVE MY FATHERS WORLD
I am creating...Godly children
I am reading...Matthew
I an hoping...that Chase can shack this tummy trouble he has been having
I am hearing... Cody and Ethan on the floor playing monster trucks
Around the house...did you see that tornado come through?
My favorite things...breastfeeding and seeing my older kids read to the littles
A few plans for the week ahead... Tuesday Faithgroup, Wednesday church
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