Well its been awhile since I posted. Lets see... Tuesday we had our homeschool group potluck. Thats always so much fun for the kids. And it gives me a chance to fellowship with my mommy friends. The weather here has been so nice I can hardly take it. The kids have been been able to play outside everyday for the last week. we love that because then they sleep great. Cody needs it must because he is a ball of energy and the outside his is best friend :) Sunday e went to a new church and loved it. Then we tried there Wednesday night children's bible class. I was able to stay right there with all 5 of my children. Amanda I now your reading this, you did such an amazing job with all the kids. Ethan, my Ethan was even singing and really getting into it. That never happens at the first try with him, as you know he is very shy around new people. In the truck on the way home all the kids were singing Jesus loves me and doing signs with it.Im pretty sure we have found our church home.
This week was our first week with MFW and I cant say enough good things about it. we did have one morning that wasnt smooth and someone lost there trip over to a friends house but you have days like that we we ended up finishing up our day anyway. I love having Fridays off of school and actually having every subject DONE. Were as before I was so over whelmed we never would finish all subjects and it was pure craziness. But we got everything done and this love it. I think out favorite part is the book basket. I Love reading to every one and they stay so into it.Hannah knows so much and I was missing out on that because she did her Geo and history by herself so what she knows is blowing me away. Cody really like that this is more mom reading and less paper work. Everybody is just happier all around with this.
Yesterday Hannah and me got our hair cut finally. Im so glad I got mine short. I was so needing it. Hannahs looks so cute. Its pretty much just like mine but she has bangs and wears it like swept to the side. CUTE!! I really havea good time doing this like that with her. Cody spent the day yesterday with his Dad out at the property. So the building beings :) I think I will be more excited once I see the framing up and all that. Right now I'm still like we just moved hun. But I'm supporting it no matter what. This is Gods plan and I'm riding it :) Hannah and Cody are having a sleep over at Grandmas tonight. I'm going to use my time tomorrow to do laundry and get rid of half my books off my selves. We have a homeschool swap at Skaterz this Wednesday so I'm hoping to sell most of it. Since I know we love MFW and Teaching Textbooks i don't want anything else to over whelm me.
We went out to eat at Pizza and Pasta and I think we have food poisoning. Me and Jeff both.The little boys never eat, they drink the soda so I dont think they will get anything. Looks like im riding the sofa tonight :) I all ways have so much in my head but then comes time to blog I forget what it is.
I am thinking...Why did we eat out
Iam thankful for...coffee and I guess my pillow
From the learning room... we finished a WHOLE week with every subject!!
I am wearing...you dont need to know ;)
I am creating...Godly children
I am reading...23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese, if you havent read it yet, READ IT
I am going... more than likely the bathroom again
I am hoping... 15 rolls will be enough
I am hearing...he hum of my computer and the gurgling of by tummy
From the kitchen... went grocery shopping today only spent $146 !!! Thats the lowest its ever been.
A few plans for the days head... enjoy my children and drink coffee
One of my favorite things...The smile on Codys face when I told him he was sleeping over at grandmas.
Sorry to hear that you are sick! I am glad you enjoyed Wednesday night service. I love to read your blog posts because I can hear the love you have for your children. I know how hard it is for me with so many littles and I can only imagine what its like to be you! I am looking forward to reading all your homeschooling adventures. I am looking forward to learning from other peoples trial and error and hoping it will help me to make less error of my own!
PS I like youe hair cut.
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