Jolene and Chase fell alseep like this. I LOVE baby feet but only my childrens baby feet.

I am so tired tonight. All the littles are in bed and getting ready to send the older ones to bed when Im done here. We have had a crazy busy week and ready to stay home. Wednesday we had skating,park,school,outside play. Thursday we had running around, school, I cut the boy's hair, major amounts of laundry.Friday we went grocery shopping, to the property,school and then Cody had a friend stay over.Hannah went to the movies to see Diary of A Wimpy Kid. She said it was kinda funny but wouldn't see it again.More of a boy movie. Then she had a sleep over. Another homeschooling family we met a few years ago at skating. So Cody had his friend over, which is also the brother of Hannahs friend she went the movies with. So the boys were being boys all night long and Nick got sick :( He got really uncomfortable around 3 and by like almost 5am he wanted his mom so we called and bless her heart came and got him a little after 5. I picked up Hannah around 10:30 and she said Nick was doing better just alot of congestion and stuffy nose. Jolene and Chase were up alot last night too.Jolene has a really runny nose and congestion. Chase just wasn't happy no matter what you could for him. Today we spent the day ALL day laying around, well the kids not me. I put on movie after movie for them so they would relax and try to nap. They dint get that during the week so they were all shocked when we said its a lazy day. Worked out great. Chase and Ethan went right to bed at 8:30 tonight.As soon as they hit the pillow they were out. I played a few card games with Hannah and Cody also and was planning on playing more once I got the kitchen clean but then it was late and we didnt want to. we have church tomorrow and then Monday we have a dentist app. for Hannah, Cody and me. then after that we are staying home!!!! So please don't ask us to go anywhere :) I really need to be home for a few reasons, Jeff wants us to so we can save money, Chase needs potty trained, I want the kids to be happy and content with being home. Im sick of hearing " Were are we going today? What are we getting? etc... I get stir crazy so easy and im praying to be content and happy at home. I have to stop all the running that doesnt need to happen.If I have running I need to do it all in one day. Pray for me :) I better go and sleep while can :)
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