We had a wonderful day. I had planned on going to the zoo but the kids were outside by 8:30 in the morning and I thought I better do laundry and get out school stuff ready while I can. So I cleaned and got school ready for next week and my diapers washed and dried. So then after lunch we headed out to our property and let the kids go crazy out there.We had my Brother in law Doug and his boy Alex out there.Cody and Alex played in the creek all day and I mean all day. They were acting like man vs wild. He had a great time. Now he is sun burnt so I put a ton of after sun aloe on him. We all came home and Jeff bbq for us. I cant believe how nice it was. I wish everyday was this pretty. The sun sure days perk every one up real fast. I was out thee looking where my garden will go.I think we are going to put it on the right side of the pole barn. I talked to my brother today and got the plans all lined up. we are planning in about 3 weeks ready for him to come out and frame up for us. Im so excited.At first I wasnt really thrilled with the idea of moving again but we need the country life and the kids deserve the big area to play and have goats and dogs. I need it too. Im ready now.
I have all the stuff ready for school on Monday. With My Fathers World you also use a book basket every week from the library so I was able to get all those books Friday and in the basket. They look really cool. I have Ethans preschool work in his folder and ready.For Chase I do colors of the week so this week for him is green. Ethan will do it too even though he knows it but he loves to color. Ethan is doing counting to 5, color green, words At, the, bee. He is also tracing words. Well what he is really doing is tracing the lines and Os. He is really good and as a mom im thinking " you are so advanced for your age!!!!" all moms do it, we think our kids are smarter than yours but we dont want to say it to your face :) I had a mommy let down on my part today. Ethan was completely potty trained and then we got sick with the runs ( sorry ) so I was putting diapers back on him because he was going like every 5 minutes and never making it the potty. So after he was better he would hold the pooh in and jump around like crazy until he finally went on th pot. He was doing great then got scared again. Me as the mean mom I am refused to put a diaper on him. He had to go this morning and was jumping around ut just wouldn't go. By like 6pm tonight he was totally losing it and after fighting him the whole time I gave in and put a diaper on him.He immediately ran to Codys room and then came out not 1 minute later saying he stinks :) I did feel so bad I let him go that long. He is just so afraid to go.He does great some times and really likes going then theres days like today.... what are ya to do??? Anyways he is better now eating Girl scout cookies. They are all laying around in the living after a long day. We are going to a new church tomorrow. I have been praying and praying about it and I think its time we go. I need it so bad as do the bigger kids. I'm hoping there is a Sunday school for them.The littles will stay with me as Im not fond of living littles with anyone dont care who you are. They are to little.
Cody is making improvement. He is trying really hard to hold back when he thinks he is going to GET angry. I hug him more than ever and I think thats the trick. I melt him with my love. Try it it works. We have found spanking is not the way to go around here. You cant spank an angry child.Even a child who is not. When we tried our Tomato staking I found Chase hitting us because he saw me spanking. So then I was like " how is this teaching my kids anything but the opposite of what we want for our kids?" So after all that and trying to explain to a 2 year old and a 3 year old that hitting is never ok we are trying to melt out children in love. They know when they are doing wrong we will address it and love each other and move on with our day. IF you feel like your losing it andI see that, im there to help with my love.So far so good.
I almost for got to tell you. we have discovered these math books call Life of Fred, Fractions is one of them and Decimals and Percents is the other. Let me say these books ARE AWESOME!!!! Go to Z-Twist Books and take alook. we got both today in the mail and its I cant wait to use them monday.well Hannah cant :)
I havea million things to read so I better go. I feel the need for a Pepsi!!!!!
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