This is the foundation thats left.

we have had a day packed with adventure for sure. We had our Faith group day so I this morning I threw a whole chicken, potatoes and veggies in the crock pot ( thank you God for making do that ). So Dinner was done before we left.Get there around 10 am and the kids had a blast playing outside and playing basketball and big game of kickball. I had a great time with my mommy friends and we always always have the neatest conversations.Sherri and me went over the birthday party plans for our boys. They have the same birthday so since they are best buds we are doing a double party for them. we have all the same friends so it works out really nicely. We are doing bbq pulled pork sandwiches and veggie trays and chips. Im making Cody a football cake and I think Sherri is going to get a cake for Keegan. Im hoping the weather holds out for us. But we pretty much have that squared away now we just need to buy everything. I have no clue what to get Cody this year. Im thinking he would like a new pair of working boots like his Dad. He has a pair that are pretty worn out and he will be helping with the new house alot. He loves being around his dad and doing the manly things we " skirts" cant do :) Jeff bought yes bought a Bobcat for the new house today. It was just so expensive to rent one all the time and a pain to have to go back and forth from the rental center. He is very happy he got one :) Im happy he did too. we are waiting for the ground to dry out a bit more and we need Doug off work to pour the 2 walls for the basement. We had to knock down 2 walls so we can add 15-20 more on to it. So now we wait. This week has been great so far high in the 70's and pure sunshine. I think its to be like that all week. Please God keep it nice for him. I love the smile on Jeffs face when he talks about his day out there. He is truly happy to be making this house for us. he is such a good man and father. I was truly blessed by him. So anyways on to my day of adventure... Once we left there around 1:30 we went straight to the property to see Jeff and the New ( used ) man toy. we were only there long enough to nurse Jolene and let the boys play. we got home and Chase decided to play on the big boy bike. Well we have concrete out there and a little grass hill that he was trying to go up. well it didn't work the way he wanted and flipped straight back right on to the concrete!!! His head hit first and I almost died. It was horrible. The kids were of course freaking out. Chase was like half there and putting his head down and just not acting right. So we threw every one in the car and went to the ER. They got us right in. I mean I walked in he doors and we went straight back to room to get him weighed and everything. The Doc came in with the first 5 to 10 minutes and looked him and all the good stuff and said to just watch him. Chase wasnt throwing up and his eyes were dilating so all was good. Just some Mortin and ice for a few days. I was so scared that something was wrong because the way he fell. But we came home and he ate dinner and had a bath. they are all sleeping now. Now im throwing my diapers in the dryer and starting another load. Tomorrow we are busy again with doing half school and then Purina farms!!! And dye 5 dozen eggs!!!