Jolene showing off her teeth
As I sit here writing this I feel like im in highschool as thats how mature these people are.True friends true people just seem to be slim pickens anymore.The people I thought were near and dear to my heart and my family have to faces and thats sad ( for them). I have seen the light and God is putting me down a different path than the one I have been on since my homeschool journey began.They stand out like a light in the woods on a dark summer night. For the last couple of months I have sat by to see if what I was feeling was right and it was. IF you are a true friend you show support,love and back them 100%. A true friend calls to see how you are doing. A friend calls just to chat because she has a moment of silence.A friend wants to listen to you when you have something to say. Im sure who ever is reading this knows a true friend and gets what im saying. I have maybe one true friend and is dealing with the same issue with the same people. I have learned SO much this last week that I feel like a new woman and a TRUE woman at that. Im tired of being like them, Im tired of doing what they do, being in the same place as them etc. Im done. I found myself and that was Gods plan the whole time. I found my walk with God to be the best thing ever. From all this over the last almost 4 years I have grown into this woman that I have tried so hard to FIT in with, woman who are so fake.Woman who put up this act in front of people and woman who Id hate to be standing by on judgement day. REALLY.When I got home around 4 today I was new. God is amazing and lead me to someone that just made it even clearer to me.Im longer "fake". Im me. That loud funny,pant wearing, music blasting,kid loven,passionate wife I was before the CRAP came in my life. Im not sorry for the "friends" I made because that was Gods plans.I made a really good friend.I will pray for the ones Im talking about and up they wake up before they suck in to many more.Boy they can judge and judge away they will. Wagging that finger when they need to turn that finger around.Im glad Im moving on and moving on smiling. God is wonderful and I feel awesome that I have that bubble around me POPPED. I live in the real world.Im also sure I will ge alot of e-mails from these people wondering what in the world am I saying etc... save it for someone who cares!!!You havent called to check on us in months, you dont e-mail to see how we are doing. You judge people and thats sad. The only reason who stayed friends is because I CALLED you, I wrote you!! You did nothing but fake smile and sit back like you guys are Holy.
Anyways on to other stuff..... The drywall in the house is done. well they have tape and mud but its up and Im in love with my house!! we also have this house we are in now up for sale. Want to buy it?? Maybe by the end of Sept we will be in it. Our foster parenting is moving right along and we start our classes this Thursday and we are BOTH excited and ready. Its been LOT of paper work and writing.If we can help one child out of this we have been blessed in what we set out to do.These children deserve a chance like all the others out there. why would you say other wise? These children need a hug, need an ear , need advice and love that is unconditional.Thats that. This is Gods walk for us and we are taking it with joy. Our schooling is slowly but surely coming along this year. we are loven MFW and FIAR.Loven it all. I bought Hannah a new curriculum for Math today. Its Saxon 5/4 I think...Id better make sure before I write that down huhhhh. But anyways it looks like to will work and Ill let you know when we try out first week. Jolene has 6 teeth now and loves to show them off. Chase loves Handy Manny, Ethan loves cowboy boots,Cody loves to work with Dad, Hannah is all about reading 39 Clues,Dad would love to get the house done and I am loving this new free feeling!!!
1 comment:
Sounds like girl got empowered today! Wahooooooooooooooooo! Jason and I are sitting here just relishing in this post and smiling and agreeing all the way! :-)
Love ya girl!!
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