Isn't he cute

God moves like an over flowing river.He just keeps pouring His word into me. To be back to my hold self again is so amazing I have been trying so hard to find words to describe to you but I cant. I feel 100 pounds lighter and just so much more relaxed. To wake up every morning and put a skirt on and that fake little wimpy house wife with the kids all following down the same path can get really exhausting.I use to be this laid back talk like a sailor because you looked at me wrong, do things as soon as I thought of them person. Guess what? Im back! My marriage is better, my kids are happier, my friends ( the ones that love me) are happier. I like myself. Im real. Im not pretending to be prefect.I like my kids to joke with, I like to have "fun" with my husband anywhere and any time. I like to listen to Arrowsmith,Eminem, I like to watch Frosty the snowman.I like it all. God wants us to follow His word and do the best we can in a world after the fall. With all I like and am back at doing, guess what Im not sinning. Im not hurting my relationship with Jesus, not at all. ITs so much better. Because Im not agreeing with everybody on everything that was so washed up and man made that I could barf. Barf I was doing on my own words. I listened to people who told me my family was a "bad" influence for my kids and a stumbling block. What the hell was I thinking listening to this pile of shit! Thankfully my family was PRAYING for me and hoping id come back to reality and come back to them. My sister is so happy to have me and my children back. She never said anything bad about me or questioned my life. She truly was happy to have me back. My Mom was So very excited to have the Jen back she knew the whole time was there. Thats how awesome my family is.After taking Hannah shopping and buying us all new blue jeans and work out pants that we rock by the way, I bagged up all my skirts and donated them. I look at them and my stomach turns.I thought oh maybe I should keep a few for weddings or things like that, then I said to myself" OHHH NO, who says I cant wear pants to a wedding"? So out they went!! You should have seen Hannahs face when I said throw your skirts in a bag and toss!! She was pulling them out like a kid in a candy store. HUGE bag of dresses and skirts and she was the happiest I had seen her. She is excited she gets blue and pink highlights in her hair for her birthday next week. SHE is excited to be rocking those jeans and wearing want she wants.( as long as we dont see crack we are good). She had fun and I had a blast. Little Jolene got fall/winter pant outfits and it felt so good to buy stuff that was making my happy.Honestly for the last 8 weeks waking up and getting dressed was horrible. I hated it because I knew it wasn't me. I like wearing work out pants and tennis shoes and running my treadmill and kickboxing. Im so going to lose weight now because I feel like I can. I feel like its ok to kickbox and act like im smacking people around. Its ok, Im human. I like sweating, I like being rough.I like my farm girl play in dirt and yell and just being crazy. Does that make me a sinner? Does that make me any less of a wife? Does that make me a bad person? NO!! It makes me real. Im a good person. Id bend over backwards to help anybody regardless of your opinions on things. I love all people. God has showed me that.You want to get personal... Heres a few things you may or may not no about me... I could listen to Eminem all day, I like guys in tattoos head to toe,I like playing my music so loud I cant hear anything else, I like black,I like backtalking, I like my daughters sassy talk,I like mud trucks, I want a boob job, I like that my children are real and real with God. They wake up and we do bible study and they ask question and questions and love to get deeper in the word.I like that I'm raising God fearing children.I like that my kids are so well behaved I get complements every time I go out with them.I love they have bigger hearts than any one I know. I love the fact my son will drop what ever it is he is doing to help our neighbor mow her lawn because he doesn't want her to work any more than she needs to. I love the fact my daughter will pray for someone she doesn't even know. I love the fact my daughter loves animals. AMEN!
AS far as school we managed to get bible and math done and then we had running to and didn't get back until around 4. Tomorrow I'm showing the house so I should be cleaning but I have no idea where to start. I got Before FIAR for the littles and we will start that tomorrow as well as finish up France in MFW. We move on to Germany.I cant wait. Hannah is liking her new math( Saxton).I love it as well because I don't hear "mom" every two seconds when she is doing it.Well I better go and clean.... I might just go to bed?????
1 comment:
Girl, you are just so much fun!! I'm serious. Now I have to go to my blog and post all the things I love. Ohhhhh, there are so many of them. :-) I have to say, your "wordly" outburst made me giggle so many times and Jason is just gonna die when he reads it. I've gotta think of a new name for all of us moms, homeschooling or not, that just want to be ourselves. It's about darn time!
No longer a follower of Man only Christ,
Your buddy and partner in crime. :-)
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