What a wonderful day we had. First thing this morning we had another home visit for our Stars training for foster parenting. It was amazing. I love our assessment worker and our caseworker. The classes will break your heart and prepare you for all the crap that these wonderful blessings have been through. It will be really hard to go through this but think of that child, the one who was abused and no one to help. well that's why God call on us to do this. We will help in anyway we can. We have our faith, we have our God. we will help.After that was over I took the kids out to Prairie Days and had a blast!The kids rode horse which by the way Ethan hopped one a horse and smiled the whole way. He doesn't like changes, he doesn't like adults he doesn't know but man today he was going for that horse with Cody and wasn't looking back :) They were able to pet snakes and turtles and furs and the list goes on. we saw the Blacksmith and that was really neat. Amazes me every year. Cody got to throw a tomahawk like an Indian.Loved it! Hannah went around collecting her wooden coins to trade at the Trading Post. She got 2 bracelets and stickers.Cody traded in his coins for an arrowhead. The little boys got a fake snake.All was good in out little world today.After that I dropped Hannah and Cody off at their friends house. It pays off when they are friends with siblings because then they are always together and we dont have to worry so much. Cody came home around 7:30 tonight and Hannah is sleeping over. We have a rule and its you have to be 10 years old and ready before you stay at someones house. So he has another year to go :( But we will see I love the family they play with and I'm pretty sure he would do great. we have had his friend over for sleep overs many times so its something we may bend the rules on :) Awhile ago we got out all our info we got today from Missouri Conservation and looked at all the frogs and turtles and snakes. The boys love looking at snakes and frog. Cody and Nick found a ring snake today by the chicken coop and thought that was the best thing ever. Only problem is we watch all the Man vs wild and Man woman wilds and so Cody thinks he is am expert on all. We watches Billy the Exterminator all the time.Child has no fear. Then poor Chase thought he would give old mom here a heart attack and decided to fall down the stairs. Yes he is fine but I'm sure you know the feeling.I think every fall like that is the worst thing ever and he was fine but I was scared *&*^less.Tomorrow I'm working on my reading with the kids and relaxing. I have spent more than enough in gas this week and I'm done for awhile. Well I have to go pick Hannah up but then that's it.....
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