Oh every time I say I need a slow week, it turns into the longest week ever. I ran so much this week Id love to sell me suburban so I have a reason to stay home. Not really but you get the idea. We have had more kids here this week than I can even count. It was really fun to watch all the kids play and have a good but its really tiring on old mom here to cook and clean and cook and clean for extra kids when my children forget to clean up after themselves when they have company. So heres our week in rewind...
Monday: was a holiday so no school work. we played over at the new house. It was mud and even more mud. we were trying to save tadpoles that have taking over our backyard. I mean hundreds of them. Some turned into frogs that are smaller than a dime. I mean way smaller! so cute. We also were on a turtle mission. we have a lot of wild life out there and every day we go we find something neat to explore.
Tuesday: We had an appointment at 9 am and that went smooth. Jolene weighs in at 17.7 pounds and 29 inches long. Looks just like her Daddy. we left there and headed over the property to grab my nephew Alex. Hes there since his school is out and his Dad Doug ( my brother in law) is working on our house. So I grab him and headed over to my mom and dads farm for the day. My sister and her 3 kiddos were there to play. Mom has baby rabbits and kittens in the barn. And 2 new goats that my brother is housing over there until his fence in up. Mom already has 5 goats whats 2 more. The gineys had babies but the chickens stepped on it and killed it so thats a bummer. Th olders kids stayed the night there and me and other kids headed home.
Wednesday: I went grocery shopping and made banana bread. The kids came home around 4 or 5 that night we played out side until bed time.
Thursday: We did alittle school work and cleaned what I could and then we headed off for more running. That day I was beyond tired!
Friday: was field trip day. Alex was dropped off early in the morning and we headed out to run errands for my hubby. Then we ran over the the Bobcat store for hubby and headed over to Lone Elk Park for the best day ever! as Cody and Alex repeated over and over :) We saw the Bird of Prey. They were so neat. Ethan was going to find away to get into the cages if no one was looking. Jolene slept in her stroller the whole time missing not one wink. The eagles were so pretty. we saw Pelicans with fish in there breaks, eagles eating some gross, a big turkey following Ethan. Then we went for a ride o see the BIG animals. Chase sat on my lap and Ethan came up front to sit with Hannah. Chase was driving and scaring the boys who couldnt see my hands on the bottom of the steering wheel. Haha! They saw Huge buffalo's and baby buffalo's, Elk that were laying in the pond and baby elk drinking moms milks. THey even saw HUGE elk on the picnic tables that they said they were no longer going to eat there. After that we headed over to Pizza Hut and they stuffed themselves full. Then we ran over and grabbed Kinzey, Hannahs best friend. We got home just in time to get the neighbor girls after their summer school was over for the day. So I had a house full of kids so we went out side for much needed water play. Needless to say we played forever and had a blast.
Today: We went yard sale hunting and found nothing. Got Hannahs brows waxed and ate Chines for lunch. Now I am ready for bed. Next week the only place I have to go is to a used curriculum sale on Thursday and thats IT! Nothing else. we have to do school and school. You remember how I was wanting to have a summer break? Thats not going to happen. Why? Because I need those weeks for when we move again this summer. I want to take off at least a month so we can box this house back up and then unbox everything at out NEW house. As of right now they have all the walls up and 3/4 of the inside walls up. Today my hubby spent the day moving dirt and getting things ready for geothermal loops to be laid out. Things are moving right along and im picking colors and colors for everything. Its really fun.
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