Had a wonderful day with my Mom and Dad today. The littles have colds so we spared the church and stayed home. I was so excited to show my Mom my ONE tomato I have growing. I do not in any way have a green thumb like her but this I started everything some seeds and they all are doing awesome. My peppers are growing like mad but I did kill my peas when I moved them from pot to ground. But thats ok next year will work I know it. All my herbs are gr owing and just cute my first batch today. We headed over to the new house to show them the progress and found my hubby sweaty as can be working away over there. Bless his heart for working out in this. But he loves doing it :) I have managed to get a lot of laundry done just not folded. Im working on a new routine for the house work. We need to stay home more so its not always a mess here. I hate coming home and everything is on the floor and dishes need to be done etc... so Im working on what to do and how. I know the kids need to be home yes for school but also so they stop thinking everyday is a treat getting day. Also Friday we headed over to out wonderful Chiropractor and Natural healer because we have been having problems with Chase and pooping. He has always had a problem going either way to much or not at all and I have to help. So my little man went a did the testing from there and we found out he is allergic to Fructose! And milk. Yes everything we feed him as fructose in it. everything. so I felt like a horrible mother not realizing it earlier but that's life. So we also have a list ( full page) of things that will trigger a reaction in his body. So we had to redo our whole eating thing we have going on here and do ALL natural everything. I went to the store to try to find some snack for him until I can make it out to Trader Jos but let me tell you everything has it in there. EVERYTHING. So I bought all fruits and veggies and more fruits and veggies. Thank goodness her loves watermelon and strawberries. This will be a good thing for our family because we need it. Living healthy and me losing weight is a good thing. My hubby is a huge natural lover so this wont be a challenge for him. he older kids and me it will be really hard.But if Chase cant have it, its not going to be in our house because a 2 year old will not understand why they can have something and he cant. Thats a battle I dont want to deal with. And the milk, we went through about a gallon and a half everyday with the kids. we switched Ethan over to a sippy cup a few weeks ago and that is saving me a lot in milk. Since Chase cant drink it we have switched him over to Rice milk and he loves it. Im still praying my Mom decided to have a nanny goat again because raw goat milk is the BEST for children and everybody really. My older ones were raised on raw goat milk then we moved and Mom stopped milking for us. Even raw cow milk would be great. I do know a few people that sell it but we were going through so much it was like a car payment just in milk so we stopped. Now that they are down to a normal amount we can start back at it.
Last night we went to the fireworks display and it was really exciting for the kids. We had the best spot ever and boy Cody was just smiling and loven every second. The little boys liked it but not like Cody did.Jolene was so hot and sweaty and sticking to me she really didnt watch anything. She wanted to be home in the A/c nursing ") Hannah got some pic ill have to post.I better get off and start dinner for the crew here.
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