So every time I post I want to stay home and focus just on that, the week turns out be long and busy. Not that they arent full of great memories and all but its so much not what I want to be doing.I was home today for the most part. Hannah and me knocked out alot on my to do list and feel pretty good about it but I I have a whole list to go. Hannah is so awesome at helping me and not saying one word about it. As a reward for helping me so much she was asked over for a sleep over tonight with her best friend so I ran her over there after the chores were done for her. Cody spent the day helping his dad at the new house. It was so hot out that I have no idea how the made all day out there. Cody loves to work if it involves hard work outside. He likes manly jobs and he is so proud of himself when gets home and tells me all about it. From every nail her hammers to every frog he sees and every word dad says to him. That just makes him smile. The little kids played with me while I cleaned. I bought Jolene a new jumper and she loves it. So im able to get alot more done with her flying to the ceiling and back. Its makes school time alot easier. I have started doing tae bo again and love it. I forgot how mush I love that. I have made it a whole week doing it. We have also started taking about an hour long walk after dinner which is great because the kids burn there last bit of energy off and are ready for bath and bed with no problems... so heres our week run down....
Sunday.. we spent the day running around to Lowes and Home depo with the hubby. I picked out my big garden tub for the master bath. Im so happy for that. I will never again shower once we move there. Im a bath person and is Hannah and Jolene. I also taught the kids an awesome bible lesson from Danielle's place.com. Its a great website to go to. they loved it.
MOnday..I cant remember that day.....imagine that
Tuesday..funny I cant remember that either...
Wednesday... cant remember...
Thursday.. ahh yes I can remember that day. we had a homeschool book fair! I got so much stuff there it was great. I got everything single thing I was looking for for preschool and then some! I also found Rod and staff English 6 and all my pathway readers I was missing in our collection. I was so very excited. I found all kids or readers for Hannah. There was a lady selling books for 5 for a dollar. So of course I bought a little over 30 for the kids and Im wishing I would have got more. I found a bunch of Dick and Jane readers for Cody and Ethan. Then after that we headed over to a few shoe store and the kids new shoes. Its so hard to find New balances in x wide for the toddlers. But we found them and made their day.Cody got a new pair of work boots, a pair of church shoes and clogs. He was very happy. I even found my running shoes on sale which of course made me work again when I got home because I im silly that way. Then we headed to Target and got Jolenes jumper ( which is a life saver ). After all the others errands I ran after that we were home and done.
Friday... we did school!!! yes we did. we did school the whole week but I remember Fridays because we are studying Norway in My Fathers World and we did the geography game and Cody blow me away he knew just about country in Europe. I was shocked as was Hannah. They both remember South America and North America. Which means... yes even though we are so crazy busy they are still learning and remember what I say and read to them. Thats great!
Sat... I cleaned and cleaned.
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