we have been so busy around here I had to catch my own head and reattach it. Crazy I know.From traveling to Indiana every other week with the kids and then moving and schooling and oh yes that thing called life, im ready to hunker down for the winter and enjoy my new house with my family.Im so blessed for all i have and blessed to have a husband who every morning puts layer upon layer on to head to work out in blow freezing weather.This man has never once complained about a thing to me!!! Not once has he said he hates the cold weather or hates having to get up and go to work. This man is beyond my dreams and so much more.He will never know how much I look up to him and adore him. My husband is the greatest in every way.i tear up just thinking about wonderful our God is. when I was a single mother of 2 i always sat around wondering if I would ever be a mom of many or have a husband who at least loved me alittle.I prayed for a man like Jeff and I prayed hard.Its it something when the Lord speaks and shows us he is listening,he knows my heart my desires but the question lays in you.are you listening? You better believe I am!
we a had great Christmas with family and the kids had the first Christmas ever where we stayed home on Christmas day to enjoy each other and play with the goodies they got. we had a huge snow fall here in Missouri and in Indiana.A white Christmas was something my Hannah wanted and that wish was granted! Id post pictures but my computer has a nasty virus on it so until thats fixed im on my daughters notebook.Ill see if she'll let me download pics. I have alot to post and will when the time is right.I have 2 pounds of frozen hamburger in the pan,im trying to make tacos for six 6 kids who i think truly have hollow legs!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hanukkah fun
The time just flies by when we are busy and then I try to catch up and go" I cant believe its been that long". This week I'm so proud of us as homeschoolers.Why you ask? well I have buckled down and we have been cranking out the work like crazy. learning a ton and looking forward to the next study. we have been doing The Jesse tree Journey and the kids find it totally awesome. On Monday we went over to a fellow homeschoolers house and learned about Hanukkah.She had all the bells and whistles out for us.we were so blessed to be invited to this.She had so many crafts,games and yummy Hanukkah treats.She sent the kids home with a game called Dreidel.If you haven't played before look it up and enjoy. Hanukkah is something we will start doing every year at our house.After we had our fellowship I came home and researched this and I cant believe what we have been missing out on.A huge part of God right there and I was unaware of it.I have alot more research to do for it but next year ill be ready.Ill go ahead and give Lisa a plug on my blog for her new book!!! Check your book stores or online for Lisa Stough's new book Healing Letters. She is truly amazing.Here's the blog for her book healinglettersthebook.blogspot.com I'm so proud of her!!!
Anyways we have been busy around here.So much to write about but I'm not because theres a new Amish book I'm reading and I think I love it more than the Lewis series.ohhhh my, such a nerd I know.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Im sitting here in the kitchen of our Indiana home we rent. Its very cute and the neighborhood is great.LOT of history here and im looking forward to day so we can find the museum and explore a bit. The ride up was nice and the kids giggled alot. we made it here in a little over 4 hours so that was great timing.Jolene is the only one still sick.Chase and her are on day 6 of the antibiotics. Chase is almost 100% better but Jolene has alot of chest congestion and a nasty cough that im watching for close. I made lasagna last night for dinner and Ithink everybody liked it :) Its my moms recipe.When the littles eat it you know its good. I bought up our school work.well its A Jesus Advent Celebration and its an amazing booklet for the study of Jesus.I cant wait to get into today.i have had so many thoughts and listening to God.My heart has been so heavy and tired. When I started over as the new me I think I also lost part of me while doing it.I love the loud very loud me I always have been.But I let go of what was really important to me and to my family.i allowed not so nice language in our house, shows that even my husband was like I think not. In my head I knew that was wrong but I wanted to do it anyway.So as im still on this new journey Im also grabbing along the way the things that mean a lot to me. Our number one reason we are here is Jesus.Jesus should be front and center in all we do.I have let that backslide on my children here lately. Yes we do bible study and learn His teachings but not really.we lost the meaning and the joy that really comes from His teachings. we got lost in the world of me me me.So asI try to get back on track and balance out the world and us it will be a challenge. I have great friends and family and not ever going let that change.Im just saying we need to focus on the reason we are here.I think alot of people are lost and need to know the story of Jesus and we are here to help.we have so much to be thankful for this year. My husband job which allows us to have everything we need and more.The beautiful home my husband built for us and enough land for the kids to go crazy and be kids.We are blessed for the house in St.Clair that housed us for the birth of Jolene and laughs and crys we had there.Im thankful for this house in Indiana that is big enough for all of us and then some.Im thankful for the health of my kids and family.Im really thankful we went and did our 9 week classes so we can be foster parents to kids who need a little love and support.these are just a few things im thankful this year. Really look at your life and give thanks.even if you look back and say you dont have much.Really you do...Look harder and you'll see all the great you have.Just look and sit and pray.
Im thinking....theres so much on my mind these days.Im ready to go to my friends home and hold the baby I have waited to hold for a long time.
I am wishing... Jolene's URI would go away already..
In the school room... Advent time!! Christmas crafts and cookies
Im creating.....Godly children
I am hearing...Jolene taking daddys brush up and down the wall next me. The sound of big trucks getting trash on the streets and the girls snoring in the living.
I am wearing... yoga pants,turtleneck, sweater and Christmas socks.
Im thinking....theres so much on my mind these days.Im ready to go to my friends home and hold the baby I have waited to hold for a long time.
I am wishing... Jolene's URI would go away already..
In the school room... Advent time!! Christmas crafts and cookies
Im creating.....Godly children
I am hearing...Jolene taking daddys brush up and down the wall next me. The sound of big trucks getting trash on the streets and the girls snoring in the living.
I am wearing... yoga pants,turtleneck, sweater and Christmas socks.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Im done
So this post is pretty much just for me. Im tired of being so fat and uncomfortable and cant move like I sue to.working out used to be Huge in my life.Right before and even the first few months after meeting Jeff I was running on the treadmill every second I could.I would never let a day ago by unless I ran 3 miles.I miss my legs and I miss my back and arms. I use to have arms that had definition in them.I loved feeling like I could all day and not blink an eye.Im tired of looking in the mirror and going "oh my goodness what have I done". It sucks ass bad.Im so over stopping at the dam Mcds and really my family one bite at a time. Im tired of thinking that piece of food wont hurt me. Bull shit. In done. I want to be healthy and happy.I dont like being smaller than 12 but that's just me. I'm FAR from that and HATE it.When I would wear long skirts it hid alot of fat but man trying on blue jeans is just something Id will not do until I lose about 30 pounds.I would like to lose about 75 lbs and maybe more.Im done. I cant do this anymore.Im very much into natural healing and natural everything but why is it so dam hard to stay away from the one thing that is slowly killing alot of us? I have to be stronger than that.I use to be why not now. I really lost myself over the last few years and I feel like finally Ill be able to get me back.Im ready for me.Its very important that the kids get up and start moving as well. They need to workout and shed the weight. why? Because what ever I was eating they were eating and it just needs to stop.theres no point of being here on earth if we are just slowly dieing.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
1 year ago today

This is half my kitchen

Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet and giggly daughter Jolene Denise.I cant believe its been a year already. I hate blinking really I do.She is an amazing child. Super laid back and laughs all the time. Loves her huggs and kisses and loves chasing her brothers around the house.Jolene has 8 teeth and started walking about a month ago. She loves her Daddy like crazy and misses him greatly while he is away. we headed up to Indiana over the weekend only to leave Tuesday because I had sick children and needed to be home so they could be comfy.It was so pretty up there and totally easy to drive too.Farm land after farm land and really great people.Love the house Jeff got up there.Its in a really cute and OLD neighborhood. Theres this church that looks like a castle out of a book. Totally beautiful and amazing. I fell in love the first day we were there. We did get to eat a Mennonite restaurant and love it too. The women were in he whole outfit. They didnt have the prayer cap on so that bothered me but all was good.There is also an Amish restaurant but we left before I could go there. Next trip for sure! we will probably go there every other week for a few days. I found a homeschool group in that area im excited to join.they do alot of farm field trips and things that I love to do. Exciting!!! the new house is moving really so because Jeff is away 6 days now. We did hire out the rest of the house but its just one guy and he moves slower than my 93 year old grandma. we only have little left to do but man oh man its taking forever. I have been slowly taking boxes over there but how we manged to squeeze so much in here. Really looking forward to my new kitchen.Can you say Christmas cookies anyone?!
We have had a few MFW co ops since my last post. The kids really look forward to those. we have to miss tomorrows because we are sick but we will be wishing we were there with them.We are in Kenya and really loven it.Lots of books to read and the culture is awesome!!! The kids love looking and watching about the people there.We have watching alot of National Geo dvds on Africa.Love every bit of it! I have noticed we need to spend time on reading with Cody. He needs to pick a book and read it. Thats that! Im sure I could write forever but I want to put up Christmas lights today so we have the Holiday feel in here. I know I know we are moving but honestly with out my husband here its kinda sad. Os lights will work wonders one me!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
WOO HOO its November

This is what we wear when we change diapers in this house! Just kidding

well I'm so excited its November.We have almost a dozen birthdays this month with family. Jolene turns 1 ( yes I'm crying) and Ethan turns 4. I just cant believe it.Where one earth does the time go. Really? I cant even wrap my mind around the thought of Jolene 1.nope its to hard to do.This month we also move into our new house.The floor looks great and they are putting in the cabinets as we speak.Ill head over there tonight and take pics after they are done.This weekend was a blur to us. Jeff came home late Friday night and of course was like Santa to the kids.They love when daddy comes home!Saturday the older kids went to Six Flags with their friends and then we ran around like a fish out of water all day.Yesterday we ran again like crazy and it was Halloween.Jeff had to leave at 5pm and that was Right at the same time I got the kids out the door to go trick or treating. So they didn't really know he was leaving which made it easier for that part. But this morning they were aware of him not being here.Next weekend Jeff and his friend move into a house in Indiana they found for rent. Which its a really nice house and its bigger than the current house we are in now.....how I manage to squeeze 6 kids in here I have no idea. I guess it will be Nice for them to have all that space.Thats why I'm waiting to move to our new home. SPACE!We took the day off school today so we could relax and regroup.Im beat and the kids are beat. SO much running and having extra kids all the time is exhausting.This week no extra kids or extra running. I finished my last Foster parenting class Thursday and have to take my 6 hour class this Saturday and we are done.This class is not for the faint of heart but I would suggest that any parent with a heart take this class. It makes you love your kids that much more.Its been a blessing to hear the stories we hear there because now we know why God called us to do this. Those kids need some one.I'm like a hoarder,really.Hoard those kids so I can hug them and love them and make sure they are ok.Man oh man they go through alot....
Anyways lets talk school....uhhh we didn't make it to Kenya in My Father's World.... although today I did order the book basket books from the library today. Like 25 of them this time. Thats less than Germany and Norway we borrowed.Germany is freaking cool to learn about. we still have a lapbook to make for that country. I'm so ready to do Kenya though.Lots of lapbooks and the littles can do one for this too.School is going really slow right now and Im not sure what the heck is my deal. I really wish some one would hide my keys and then give them back on the weekends.Ohh and my dear friend is having her baby tomorrow. I cant wait to meet the little bundle of joy. This is her 5th blessing.I cant wait to hold and snuggle him.SO much fun. Can we say BABY FEVER??Lets see what God has planned because as soon as I decide something he places something else on my heart.I'm listening!!!Thats for sure. I love this time of year. Yes I even broke out the Christmas sweaters and bought new Christmas socks. Hubby bought me the new Allen Jackson cd over the weekend and I'm listening to Christmas music online right now!!! The kids love it and it totally sets the tone in the house. We start our 30 days of blessings tree today.SO much to be thankful for this year.Lots.Chase is over here dancing to Jingle Bells SO cute.Tomorrow he will wear his reindeer sweater with NOEL socks with mommy :) hehehehe.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just got done folding a mountain of laundry.I love the way fresh laundry smells.I'm so ready for double washers and dryers its not even funny. So today we had a way better day than we did yesterday.Way better. Although we didn't get alot done.I ran over Hannahs glasses over the weekend so we went today and had them order a new pair. They were under warranty.We went to the library to grab our Germany books and a few Halloween DVD's for the kids. I have done about 5 loads of laundry and we made homemade pizzas. the kids each rolled their dough out and put what they wanted on them. They had lots of fun and lots of giggles.Last night a really big storm came though and lets make this short~ God works wonders.He had us all up and each had a baby in our arms in a matter of seconds and down stairs.Amazing how fast my older kids jumped out of bed and grab a baby. I was so proud of them.Hannah almost got sucked out of the house the wind pressure was that strong. Scared her to death but we made and all is ok.Sadly our pumpkins that we had so much fun carving didn't make it :( So we must get news ones before the weekend.Ethan and Cody had a really hard day yesterday and I wont post all that happened but Ill say that the day after Jeff leaves it very hard for them.Change is something thats is hard for kids who cant handle the emotions with it. One is ADD and ADHD. One I'm not sure what is going on my if he is out of his element the world will stop and needs to get back on track.Yes I get comments like" oh they have pills for that" or they need help" Well first save it for some one who believes your crap and I'm not pumping my children with something you dont even what is in it!we do jusy fine with prayer and family. After we sat and relaxed we were ok.I also adjusted the school work that would make it flow a little better for Cody.we are only doing English 2x"s a week. Looks like that will work out better for him. He is flying through his math and really getting it. I wasnt going to move him up a grade in math until he got the basics down and he is showing me everyday he is ready. Amazing that :) We are taking out time in MFW and doing alot of book basket reading.Really studying the country we are doing and I'm thinking unit studies will be good for the next few ahead.Next in MFW we travel Kenya.I'm pretty excited about it.Over the weekend Jeff was home and we had a busy crazy day. The floors are being laid this week and I'm very happy for that. we had to hire a friend to finish up the house as Jeff cant do it and it needs to be done like a month ago.Its so close but yet so far from being done.I'm waiting and packing. Every time we go over there I drop a load in the school.My big bath tub with like 10 jets is calling my name.we had the well put in last week and I was able to water my yard.I have grass growing but will need to redo it again in spring. Im sure we did alot over the last week but Im really having a hard time tonight as my mind is going in a million different directions. Oh I almost forgot. we got 2 little puppies for the kids!! they are so stinking cute. I think we got them like a week ago.They named them Buzz lightyear and Batman. They are 2 little black fur balls.They are lab and shepherd mix. we love them so much. One is really laid back and the other is like a wild man.
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ethan on the turtle he calls Franklin
My husband headed out a little while ago and I did my shedding of tears and heartbreaking.As I have to wait now until late Friday night to his smiling face.As I was doing my pity party for me and got smacked in the head by God(thanks) and how it must feel for him to leave us.We lined up on the fence and did our waving as be backed out of the driveway waving back. The look on his face was so sad and hard for me to see.Here this man is with a huge family and adores us all like theres no tomorrow and he is leaving so we can have everything we have ever wanted.Here he is driving far far way and sleeping in the bed with no one, working his ass off in the highest point in the job and scared shit less im sure. God smacked me and Im pretty sure will have a bruise ;) from that one. You see this morning he was stressing out like bad! theres a list a mile long to get done at the new house and then at this house we are selling. Theres things that need to be done so he can leave on time today and things like foster parenting classes that need to be done on his part. Thankfully on that he can make his time up on the Saturday 6 hour class and be fine and done. But thats stressful to for him because here I am with our 6 six kids homesachooling and Im holding the fort by myself. Let me tell you, I hate mowing, I hate doing any type of crap that involves something like that. Im a mom, im a cook, im a diaper changer, im a boo boo kisser, Im a yeller, I am NOT a manly woman and I dont in any way want to be. Thats why God gave me a manly 9 year old. He gave Cody the desire to work HARD outside and love it for this very reason. He knew in the plan that one Jeff would be far away from us and things would need to get done. He knew that one day Id need my lawn mowed and one day I might need my garage door fixed or washer worked on. He blessed Cody with the skills to work hard and be proud that he can take care of his family while Dad is gone busting his butt for us. This plan plays out clearer and clearer for me. He is amazing. Truly amazing. So as I shed my tears for the touch of my husband and smell of his shirt and I no longer shed a tear for the why me's. I see it in a new light and im good with that. God also gave me the love of traveling because HE knew I would be traveling to see my husband. And He just happened to plant my husband in the best place in the world just for my sake ;) Amish Land!! thats right people, he is by the Amish. If you know me you know Im smiling and counting down the days until we make our first trip there. I might be the person walking the Amish dirt roads stalking them but ill be so happy doing so. SMILES :) So when changes happen and you feel like crying and asking why, be prepared for the smack of a life time because I think God might actually like hitting people :) hard enough to wake them up! Many blessing to my husband and his friend as they travel to Indiana together for another week of climbing and pulling wires.
Now on to school...Friday we had My Fathers World co op and we did class for awhile the headed to Turtle Park for lunch. After that which was a amazing for the kids we headed over to the Zoo. Another great day of wonderful weather and many laughs and smiles from the kids. They saw just about everything and 4 of them fell alsleep in the truck on the way back. Busy day. This week I has decided that since Jeff was gone we would try to make routine and keep school flowing. So thats what we did. Hannah even had a girlfriend sleep over and she brought her school too so all the kids did their work together :) It was pretty fun. Ethan has been loving school and doing really well. Doesn't like anything but his B and E but we are getting somewhere Im sure. Chase wakes up and says" Mom, lets do school", now he says this with his binkie still in mouth so its super cute! This week we will do the same and keep to routine and work like crazy so when we take a trip we wont have to bring books. All play would be nice. We have be doing Rod and Staff English for years now and im pretty sure we need to move on to thing else. Cody is doing 3 and they are diagramming sentences and Hannah is in 6 and thats all she does. Ok they know what they are doing and really tired of doing over and over. So if anyone has a good English Curriculum let me know Id love to hear about it. I have searched online and found a lot but need to hear from people who use it. I have 2 children who learn very differently so Im sure it will be 2 different curriculum's.
well lets talk Jolene shall we..... she is walking !!!! walking like she had a little to much to drink but she is walking :) She says Dad and mom and baba. She also sings really loud thanks to her sister who thinks she is an opera singer :) She was horribly sick last night and today she has been sleeping. But no throwing up today. We have been truly blessed by this laid back baby :) Daddy took us out to eat last night and she sat in her highchair smiling to everyone. Shes awesome.Daddy bought the 3 boys new John Deere tractors so they have been outside just about all playing with those in the dirt. Jolene did go out play for while and ate some acorns to give mom a heart attack. But I survived as did she. Ethan took her for a ride in his jeep and she clapped the whole time. thank goodness we see a chiropractor because whiplash might be in the future they way Ethan drives around :)
OPPppsss after I posted this Jolene started throwing up. So she was better all day until tonight.....Now Ethan and I have some tummy troubles going on...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Changes are here

Jolene saying" I have super girl powers don't make me use them"
Times are a changing. The moment I was and still do not want to hear have come to a reality in the house.My husband took a job in another state and will be gone all week long. From Sunday afternoon until Friday around 11 or 12 at night.His good friend actually took the same job(the are union commercial Electricians) so they will spend the first 2 or so weeks in a hotel and while there they will be looking for an apartment.having his friend there with him makes me feel so much better.That way they aren't lonely and they have that someone to do things with.His Friend is a really good guy and couldn't be blessed more. He also has little twin boys I think they are 6.they are going through the same changes.Im heart broken and beyond myself. God has a plan and we are following but its hard anyway I look at it. He is my best friend, the one I vent to, the one I hear a dozen or more times on the phone, the one who comes home everyday for lunch with us, the one who makes me complete. Having him gone will be so wrong for me and us.He leaves tomorrow for the first week and Im so upset. I hold it in because I know if the kids see me upset they will be more so. The older ones get it, the know we will be going and seeing him sometimes during the week and making a field trip out of it. They understand he wont be home at night. The littles have no idea. I told them but they are so small they pretty much were like uhh Mom her is right here what are talking about :) So sweet :) we will adjust and God will guide us and we will follow.This also means it slows down our new house!we are having a friend go pick up our bamboo flooring and someone will lay it for us.Once thats done the cabinet guys can come and do what he needs to do. Still waiting on the well to be put in. I'm so done and ready to move its nuts. I'm ready the space and the country living again. I know the kids are ready.Ill just slowly pack and wait....
Friday we had and MFW co op and it was the best we had ever. well actually it was our Disciple Training Day but its with World Changers which is our MFW co op. we had another missionary speaker and she spent years in Pakistan and Germany. She asked for no one to post her name or pictures out of respect for her group. She was amazing and told great stories of her Muslim friends. we are studying Germany in MFW right now so it tied in real well. we are also doing a silent drama and my daughter Hannah got the leading part. She is the "believer" in it and im so proud of her. She is really breaking out that shell she has been wearing and doing things I knew she could do.Its awesome. Cody is also doing a sign language song for this drama and again I'm so proud. Jesus is giving the desire they need and really working it.Hannah became good friends with these 2 girls. Its so neat to see them all giggling and just really enjoying each other. Cody has a bunch of new friends and they actually live out by my mom so that's even cooler! Im so glad God has moved us to this group of amazing people. i cant put into words how nice it feels to be part of this.
Today I'm babysitting my Niece and nephew and I took all the kids skating with my sister and her family and then my Mom even came. we had so much fun. Chase and Ethan decided to get some skates and try. Guess what? They did great. So it took us 15 minutes to move 15 feet but it worked. By the end of the session they were able to walk and stay up! Thats pretty neat. My sister is like a child out there. Just skating like its nothing. She goes skating every weekend with her kids so her skill is sweet :) What else have we been doing? Oh yes, we have been doing school. Yes thats right I have pretty much stuck to routine this week and I'm so proud of myself! Monday we did have Chiropractor appts but other than that we did well. Like I said we made it to Germany in MFW and liking it. This week I'm really going to focus on the preschool and get Ethan to spell his name and point out the letters. Chase is working on his ABCs and I'm going to work on his name also. With Jeff gone through the week I feel God pushing me to stay home and do my good as homemaker.Fridays will be co op and library day. Kinda excited about it.
I am thinking...I need to go to bed and rest
i am praying...about my husband and his new job and how we are going be through the week without him
I am hearing...A 9 year old and a 13 year old playing IronMan downstairs very loudly.
I cooking...well tomorrow I'm baking cookies and breads for my hubby for his first week away.
II am reading...Many books at this time.
I am wearing...all black
From the schoolroom...This week are in Germany and doing alot of Fall crafts and nature hikes in our own back yard.This is my favorite time of year.I'm also working hard on our reading with Cody and Ethan. Flash cards will be are friends.
For the week ahead... lonely.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
My calling

My mom is amazing.we went to the woods and I pulled down these huge vines and in like 10 minutes she made me this HUGE pumpkin wreath and a smaller one. She made it like it was a piece of cake. Ill post a good pic of them when I go back out to the house tomorrow.

I cant believe its October already. That means we have 2 birthdays coming up in November. Ethan will be 4 and Jolene will be 1. Thats just to hard to wrap my brain around. I have a few friends having babies this month and next. well 2 already gave birth and are enjoying their sweet babies now.I have also had many posts for prayer for a few of these babies. This is a subject that bring tears and full blown sobs from me. Prayers are needed for the baby who is dying, for a baby who has a condition only 5 kids in the WORLD have. Prayers for these mothers and fathers who have to bare the pain and watch their baby suffer.But at least these wonderful babies have those parent to hold them, to lay them on their chest when ever they make a sound, they have the warm touch of mommy all the time.God has a plan and though its one i'll never understand and they wont ever understand its His plan.God made our choices we have been going through very clear to me.His reason for me letting go of something so stressful and something that was making me hide and not be me. I got rid of that. Then he opened my heart to Foster parenting. He did this all at the same time for this very reason. As my husband just said to me"share your nurturing".Thats what we will and are doing. Im ready to take on that child that hates and feels alone. Who has been hurt and abused and deep down wants a Mom who loves and protects. Im here for that child. Im here for the week long battles and the fists flying in my way. Im here for the screams and the don't talk to me moments. Its those moments, that childs heart softens, that child can go to sleep and dream about that hug, dream about that I love you he just heard. Fostering is alot of hard work but God has called Jeff and me to this and we plan to use every fiber we got to help that family. We'll be looking into adoption in January.Yes I'm planning on a special needs child. Yes you can keep you " oh mys" and " what about you other children" and what are thinking" comments to yourself. they will be instantly deleted from me. Its people who have no heart for these children that make the fall of the world worse than it is. every child deserves to be loved.Pray for the children and families that waited 9 months to hold their baby and find out they only have a few weeks. Pray for the mothers who are grieving the loss of their baby. Pray for the whole family who needs Jesus right now more than ever. I'm blessed to have 6 beautiful healthy children and my calling now is help the ones who aren't so blessed.
We have had another busy week but with many great memories along the way. school has been slow BUT we are learning those life skills that come in handy.we have been doing our Character Notes/training and I have to say if you haven't done those with your kids your missing out. They are amazing and the kids love them. we are making 12 heart booklets each have 4 pages in them. every day I write in the board the verse and the character trait. We read the verse and the chapter in the bible an talk about it. Then we brain storm all things that fit into that area. Its been alot of fun. Real eye opening for the kids.( I hope it sticks) :) Id love to stay on here and write forever but really im tired and I want the pillow NOW. Blessings
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Before Five in A Row

I'm working on my preschool lessons for the Ethan and Chase. We are doing Before Five In A Row with them and reading Jesse Bear,What Will You Wear? Ethan will be working on his B lapbook, tracing his Bb, coloring black, brown, and finding words that start with B. We are doing a matching game with wooden bears and dressing those bears in different outfits. He loves the books we read though this program.Cody is FIAR and this week we are doing Lentil. He will be doing a lapbook and many games to go with this. It fits right in with My Fathers World so I'm happy with this weeks set up.With the moving going on and everything else that comes with homeschooling we are going to really pray and try to stay home and get work done. The downstairs in the new house is down( while not the bedrooms but my school room) so I'm going to try to set that up next weekend and get it really exciting and fun for our change soon. I'm going to set up a computer area and craft area and up stairs in the living room Ill have a corner with bean bag chairs for reading time. Ill have 2 desks set up for test time or for those days when we have "hiccups" during class. looking forward to our new change and I cant wait.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Prairie days

What a wonderful day we had. First thing this morning we had another home visit for our Stars training for foster parenting. It was amazing. I love our assessment worker and our caseworker. The classes will break your heart and prepare you for all the crap that these wonderful blessings have been through. It will be really hard to go through this but think of that child, the one who was abused and no one to help. well that's why God call on us to do this. We will help in anyway we can. We have our faith, we have our God. we will help.After that was over I took the kids out to Prairie Days and had a blast!The kids rode horse which by the way Ethan hopped one a horse and smiled the whole way. He doesn't like changes, he doesn't like adults he doesn't know but man today he was going for that horse with Cody and wasn't looking back :) They were able to pet snakes and turtles and furs and the list goes on. we saw the Blacksmith and that was really neat. Amazes me every year. Cody got to throw a tomahawk like an Indian.Loved it! Hannah went around collecting her wooden coins to trade at the Trading Post. She got 2 bracelets and stickers.Cody traded in his coins for an arrowhead. The little boys got a fake snake.All was good in out little world today.After that I dropped Hannah and Cody off at their friends house. It pays off when they are friends with siblings because then they are always together and we dont have to worry so much. Cody came home around 7:30 tonight and Hannah is sleeping over. We have a rule and its you have to be 10 years old and ready before you stay at someones house. So he has another year to go :( But we will see I love the family they play with and I'm pretty sure he would do great. we have had his friend over for sleep overs many times so its something we may bend the rules on :) Awhile ago we got out all our info we got today from Missouri Conservation and looked at all the frogs and turtles and snakes. The boys love looking at snakes and frog. Cody and Nick found a ring snake today by the chicken coop and thought that was the best thing ever. Only problem is we watch all the Man vs wild and Man woman wilds and so Cody thinks he is am expert on all. We watches Billy the Exterminator all the time.Child has no fear. Then poor Chase thought he would give old mom here a heart attack and decided to fall down the stairs. Yes he is fine but I'm sure you know the feeling.I think every fall like that is the worst thing ever and he was fine but I was scared *&*^less.Tomorrow I'm working on my reading with the kids and relaxing. I have spent more than enough in gas this week and I'm done for awhile. Well I have to go pick Hannah up but then that's it.....
Sunday, September 19, 2010
12 the lucky #

Jolene wearing a Dora wig!!!
Happy birthday Hannah.12 years ago today I had barely turned 16 and was in the hospital in labor. After hours of labor I gave birth to the sweetest thing.Hannah is kind,thoughtful,loud,crazy,extremely smart and always ready to talk. I'm so proud of her. She has blossomed into this amazing young lady and I get complements every time we go out on her.She is the one I lean on, she is the one always there to play a game, she is always the one who jumps up when a little needs something. She is always the one who leaves her room like a tornado ran through. She is always the one who has on mix matched socks( she gets that from me).Hannah I love you and thank you for being my daughter.
For her birthday we have been busy so we through in some fun time. Friday I dropped all 5 children off at my Moms so I could go out to the the new house and paint. And I mean I painted like crazy. I love the colors and cant wait to put pictures up and decorate.Her friend Kinzey came over for a sleep over and then Sat Caitlin made her way over here.Those 3 girls are the best est of friends. I also brought the kids over to the new house leaving the 3 girls at home. I had to finish up my painting and my Mom was bringing back Cody we slept over there for the night. Having the 3 littles there while painting, well you just don't get much done. So I did what I could only leaving one all left for Jeff to do. Then we headed home and I took the kids skating. It was alot of fun and really exhausting for me. The 3 littles are crazy!! They were everywhere! Cody fell a few good times but nothing bad. the girls all had a blast. We came home and I was pooped! Today I have been cleaning and sorting clothes. Thursday when Aunt Paula came to babysit so Jeff and me could go to our second training class, she brought out 8 bags of clothes and shoes for Jolene. Yes 8. I mean huge black trash bags FULL of clothes from Easter dresses to Halloween costumes. So much stuff and so many days to sort it all. Lets just say I hope we foster a little girl so we can use some of these clothes!Our training classes are going good. They are really long! like 3 hours long. You hear some heartbreaking stuff that people do to these wonderful children and you just cry for them.How any one can do these things is beyond me. I don't understand it but we are going to give these children were they never have to worry about that again. Its so horrible what you hear. In January we are taking our 12 hour class to become adoption ready. Meaning if a child came into our home and they were up for adoption and they fit with us we could adopt. That also means we can start looking for a child that is in the USA needing a home.You would not believe how close Jeff and me have got since deciding to do this. God is wonderful.
Tomorrow I will be waking my olders up at 6:30 am to start our routine. I have been letting Hannah sleep until after 9 and we just don't get anything done. Not that we will get alot done with the moving and all but I'm hoping to at least do math and reading. I'm good if we get that done. We do bible every morning regardless if we are busy or not.That always gets done. I have been boxing everything up and I only left out the books we are using now for school. Which is only 2 boxes. SO I'm doing good.I know I had more to write but I have a list going in my mind right now I cant think what to write?????
Sunday, September 12, 2010
MFW week15

This week in MFW we are finishing up France and doing a review of week 3 and 4 for our co op. the are making the Eiffel Tower out of popsticks and making a really yummy dinner one day this week.Which day ot sure as I plan to stay home every day with them until co op on Friday. Well I take that back we have a little running to do. DANGG never works does it. Anyways as we get deeper and deeper into the animal behaviors in science I'm planning our trip to the zoo.now that the weather is cooler and the kids can make that long walk with out killing mom half way through its a great time to do so. we really need to be focusing on Cody's reading and writing. So I'm writing scripture out on the board and he is coping them down so many times everyday. I must stick with this because I can not read he handwriting and keep marking things wrong when they aren't. I'm also breaking back out the pathway readers for him and doing the workbooks for him. I need to make sure he is getting what he is reading. we are also working on Ethan's handwriting. He is doing really good on tracing. He can now can recognize alot of letter and we are going to start Starfall.com with tomorrow. He is going to love it. Hannah is loving her new Math. Saxon. She is getting and I love the solutions for the parents. I do like math at all. I'm so luckily my husband knows everything about it so he can teach because half the time I through my hands in the air and say I'm done. Yes I know great attitude MOM but really I just don't get it until the husband comes home and explains every detail to us over and over again! Jolene is doing her school.Yes even Jolene does school. She plays. She now goes everywhere in the house and loves exploring her bedroom and under the table in the kitchen. what she finds a mystery to us. So here's our week for ya. Monday: School,Tuesday:School, Hannah is getting her hair cut and highlights put in, Wed: school, Thursday: school, Aunt Paula is coming over to babysit all the kids so Jeff and me can go to our 2nd training class,Friday:MFW Co op and SHESHH theres a secret r this day for someone in our house!! hehehehehe.
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