My mom is amazing.we went to the woods and I pulled down these huge vines and in like 10 minutes she made me this HUGE pumpkin wreath and a smaller one. She made it like it was a piece of cake. Ill post a good pic of them when I go back out to the house tomorrow.

I cant believe its October already. That means we have 2 birthdays coming up in November. Ethan will be 4 and Jolene will be 1. Thats just to hard to wrap my brain around. I have a few friends having babies this month and next. well 2 already gave birth and are enjoying their sweet babies now.I have also had many posts for prayer for a few of these babies. This is a subject that bring tears and full blown sobs from me. Prayers are needed for the baby who is dying, for a baby who has a condition only 5 kids in the WORLD have. Prayers for these mothers and fathers who have to bare the pain and watch their baby suffer.But at least these wonderful babies have those parent to hold them, to lay them on their chest when ever they make a sound, they have the warm touch of mommy all the time.God has a plan and though its one i'll never understand and they wont ever understand its His plan.God made our choices we have been going through very clear to me.His reason for me letting go of something so stressful and something that was making me hide and not be me. I got rid of that. Then he opened my heart to Foster parenting. He did this all at the same time for this very reason. As my husband just said to me"share your nurturing".Thats what we will and are doing. Im ready to take on that child that hates and feels alone. Who has been hurt and abused and deep down wants a Mom who loves and protects. Im here for that child. Im here for the week long battles and the fists flying in my way. Im here for the screams and the don't talk to me moments. Its those moments, that childs heart softens, that child can go to sleep and dream about that hug, dream about that I love you he just heard. Fostering is alot of hard work but God has called Jeff and me to this and we plan to use every fiber we got to help that family. We'll be looking into adoption in January.Yes I'm planning on a special needs child. Yes you can keep you " oh mys" and " what about you other children" and what are thinking" comments to yourself. they will be instantly deleted from me. Its people who have no heart for these children that make the fall of the world worse than it is. every child deserves to be loved.Pray for the children and families that waited 9 months to hold their baby and find out they only have a few weeks. Pray for the mothers who are grieving the loss of their baby. Pray for the whole family who needs Jesus right now more than ever. I'm blessed to have 6 beautiful healthy children and my calling now is help the ones who aren't so blessed.
We have had another busy week but with many great memories along the way. school has been slow BUT we are learning those life skills that come in handy.we have been doing our Character Notes/training and I have to say if you haven't done those with your kids your missing out. They are amazing and the kids love them. we are making 12 heart booklets each have 4 pages in them. every day I write in the board the verse and the character trait. We read the verse and the chapter in the bible an talk about it. Then we brain storm all things that fit into that area. Its been alot of fun. Real eye opening for the kids.( I hope it sticks) :) Id love to stay on here and write forever but really im tired and I want the pillow NOW. Blessings
1 comment:
You two will be amazing foster parents. You are SO not blinded by gushy ideas that things will be bliss once that little one hits the doors of your home. I am so proud of you both!! God is going to use you in amazing ways. :-)
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