Jolene saying" I have super girl powers don't make me use them"
Times are a changing. The moment I was and still do not want to hear have come to a reality in the house.My husband took a job in another state and will be gone all week long. From Sunday afternoon until Friday around 11 or 12 at night.His good friend actually took the same job(the are union commercial Electricians) so they will spend the first 2 or so weeks in a hotel and while there they will be looking for an apartment.having his friend there with him makes me feel so much better.That way they aren't lonely and they have that someone to do things with.His Friend is a really good guy and couldn't be blessed more. He also has little twin boys I think they are 6.they are going through the same changes.Im heart broken and beyond myself. God has a plan and we are following but its hard anyway I look at it. He is my best friend, the one I vent to, the one I hear a dozen or more times on the phone, the one who comes home everyday for lunch with us, the one who makes me complete. Having him gone will be so wrong for me and us.He leaves tomorrow for the first week and Im so upset. I hold it in because I know if the kids see me upset they will be more so. The older ones get it, the know we will be going and seeing him sometimes during the week and making a field trip out of it. They understand he wont be home at night. The littles have no idea. I told them but they are so small they pretty much were like uhh Mom her is right here what are talking about :) So sweet :) we will adjust and God will guide us and we will follow.This also means it slows down our new house!we are having a friend go pick up our bamboo flooring and someone will lay it for us.Once thats done the cabinet guys can come and do what he needs to do. Still waiting on the well to be put in. I'm so done and ready to move its nuts. I'm ready the space and the country living again. I know the kids are ready.Ill just slowly pack and wait....
Friday we had and MFW co op and it was the best we had ever. well actually it was our Disciple Training Day but its with World Changers which is our MFW co op. we had another missionary speaker and she spent years in Pakistan and Germany. She asked for no one to post her name or pictures out of respect for her group. She was amazing and told great stories of her Muslim friends. we are studying Germany in MFW right now so it tied in real well. we are also doing a silent drama and my daughter Hannah got the leading part. She is the "believer" in it and im so proud of her. She is really breaking out that shell she has been wearing and doing things I knew she could do.Its awesome. Cody is also doing a sign language song for this drama and again I'm so proud. Jesus is giving the desire they need and really working it.Hannah became good friends with these 2 girls. Its so neat to see them all giggling and just really enjoying each other. Cody has a bunch of new friends and they actually live out by my mom so that's even cooler! Im so glad God has moved us to this group of amazing people. i cant put into words how nice it feels to be part of this.
Today I'm babysitting my Niece and nephew and I took all the kids skating with my sister and her family and then my Mom even came. we had so much fun. Chase and Ethan decided to get some skates and try. Guess what? They did great. So it took us 15 minutes to move 15 feet but it worked. By the end of the session they were able to walk and stay up! Thats pretty neat. My sister is like a child out there. Just skating like its nothing. She goes skating every weekend with her kids so her skill is sweet :) What else have we been doing? Oh yes, we have been doing school. Yes thats right I have pretty much stuck to routine this week and I'm so proud of myself! Monday we did have Chiropractor appts but other than that we did well. Like I said we made it to Germany in MFW and liking it. This week I'm really going to focus on the preschool and get Ethan to spell his name and point out the letters. Chase is working on his ABCs and I'm going to work on his name also. With Jeff gone through the week I feel God pushing me to stay home and do my good as homemaker.Fridays will be co op and library day. Kinda excited about it.
I am thinking...I need to go to bed and rest
i am praying...about my husband and his new job and how we are going be through the week without him
I am hearing...A 9 year old and a 13 year old playing IronMan downstairs very loudly.
I cooking...well tomorrow I'm baking cookies and breads for my hubby for his first week away.
II am reading...Many books at this time.
I am wearing...all black
From the schoolroom...This week are in Germany and doing alot of Fall crafts and nature hikes in our own back yard.This is my favorite time of year.I'm also working hard on our reading with Cody and Ethan. Flash cards will be are friends.
For the week ahead... lonely.
You won't be alone. I know this is hard and know how this feels as Jason has done this before but don't forget, you have friends here to help you through. Let Jesus be your strength and let your friends help hold you up. Love ya girl!
I can't imagine what it would be going through a husband being so far away! I will pray. I always get tons done when my hubby is working late or out of town though, so maybe you will be very productive? Though I have a hunch you are enourmously productive already!
Your new group sounds great. I am longing to be part of a good homeschool group. Glad you found a home there.
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