Friday night Hannah had a beautiful piano recital and she did AMAZING! She played three songs and was one of the few students to open in the prelude.All the kids did great! Hannah looked like she had grown over night when she came out of her room all down up. I almost cried. I can NOT believe she is my first baby and already so grown. Man she is such an amazing child. She goes where ever needed with out a complain. People call and her and she is right there the second they say so. Her faith is stronger than most adults I know. She even shows me up when we are doing bible and I'm like " Is Mark before or after Matthew?" She knows every book( just about) and when In teaching Cody she is right there to correct my dumbness. Which its a good thing because it shows me her drive and love of Jesus and that's all I want for my kids because He will do the rest.
Friday wrapped up or busy routine for the summer of running. THANK YOU! we are home bound with only riding lessons on Thursday. we have so much to work on. Not to mention the attitudes of some littles. We will be working on sitting for more than 5 minutes, manners, chores, and loving people like they want to be loved. One of the many reasons I homeschool, well theres hundreds but that a different post, but a good is so that im not tied to someones schedule. I HATE having to be somewhere at a certain time every week or day. I hate being committed. I know sounds bad but thats me. I don't like having a routine where I have to go by someone elses times. Makes me crazy. I can do it for a few things but man. My anxiety has swung back into play and it suck. I was doing so good and then had few days of really busy running and I felt like was letting someone down ( my husband). Its a horrible feeling like my heart is going to pop out of my throat and my shakes will take me down. I refuse to use doctor meds but I do use natural things and they help but there some days were I just need breathe and relax and stop all that is going on. So thats why I'm so thankful for the break. AS for the fall when things pick back up we have decided on changes so we aren't gone alot. I'm not posting the changes because I don't want an hear full.
If the rain ever decided to stop for I don't know maybe a DAY I could my garden going. Its so dang muddy and nasty I cant even till and plant! Maybe summer will go until November this year. I have a sinus headache and a stuff nose and just about all my kids have a sinus thingy going on. Ethan and Jolene are the only ones free of it. grrrrr
Oh the reason for me to post was for my memories of my kids. Jeff taught Laurabeth how to say, Laura,grandma,nose,eye,Hannah,dad,ear,Chase. Yes, all those words while I was at Hannah's piano recital. He recorded them and its crazy! I guess I need to work with her more? Its super cute.
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