After what seemed like rain forever last week, we are really enjoying the sunshine and warm air.We get up early and get our chores done and work on learning. Boy as soon as 11 hits we are out the door to play and work. Cody is in charge of mowing the front yard and weed eating as I do the side and back yard and by the barn. I really like mowing with the sun hitting me and the wind blowing. The husband wants to get a zero turn rider so he has been looking for the right one. Yesterday I picked up 13 more Americana/mix chicks from the farm store and they are sooo stinking cute. Laurabeth thinks they are her toys so she goes to the deck and hold everyone of them really fast and then runs off. Our baby kittens are doing wonderful. We keep them in a play pen in the living room and they have learned to climb out so ever once in awhile we find a kitty or two walking around the sofa! we are only keeping one or two of them and Ill be looking for homes next week for them.Ill miss them :( If the rain holds off im hoping to get the garden tilled finally this weekend after soccer practice. Id love to do it Friday but we will see after the rain Thursday if I can. Im about tried of this rain. Just wish it would hold off until I get my garden in. My tiller is broken so we have to rent one but I cant until the husband is ready to till the upper field for what he is working on so we don't have to pay more to rent it twice. Man my knock out roses look AMAZING right now. Super bright red. We made Ethan a relaxing water garden I planted some roses and beautiful flowers by it for him. Well now we have to pull the liner of the pond back out and redo the side of it as the boys lay across it and smashed the sides down. Instead of filling it all up with water for safety reasons with the little girls we are going to add all rock and just 10 inches or so of water it. I'm worried that she will get past my eyes and fall in. Everyday the boys add frogs and worms to the pond :) We are still on the hunt for a turtle. We past a few on the road but I refuse to stop and get them if they are almost to the other side. We have found 2 baby copperheads so far this year, another reason I added more chicks to my already nice size flock. My cat brought me a dead snake and left it on my back deck! The kids thought it was a mouse or a opossum tail. So glad they didn't touch it because the cat must have just killed it as it was still fresh. ekkkk
Today we have homeschool PE an the kids look forward to that every week. Its nice to get out and talk for a few hours with other mommas. We did have riding lessons for tomorrow but she text me about the rain and said we will move it to next week. The kids SO every much enjoy riding. Val their teacher is old school and teaches them first to ride bareback. So awesome how God has placed her in our life. She ROCKS! The kids spend 6 hours there every Thursday and its all they talk about for the next few days. Another plus to that is we go past my girlfriend Lisa's house and she texts me to stop by and have picnic lunch with her and her kids at her house so the littles can play. Her kiddos also do the riding lessons but on different days.
I need to get up and start my chores and showers before the day really starts. Most of the kids are still sleeping ( another reason why I like the warm weather, they play so HARD they sleep so well!). Have a blessed day my friends and enjoy those children!
These riding pics are all from the EE bbq over the weekend
This is the third or forth arrowhead we have found on our land.
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