Well summer is here and Im not liking the heat to much.You go outside only to feel like someone throw a bucket of water on you.We have been swimming,search the river for "crab daddys" and enjoying our A/C.Hannah and Cody are staying over at my Mom and Dads for a week. They are having so much fun. Animals everywhere for the play with. The 3 littles are a little upset they arent here to play with :( So here is our week rewind...
Sat...we had VBS at the park.As the children and me loading the truck up I realized some one broke into my car and stole my wallet and cash in the console.I keep my purse under my seat with all it because I just do. Well I thought my husband had got in there and was looking for some money to stop and get something to eat. I called him and he said no. Well as it all sank in we realized we had be robbed! So I called the cops and a very nice officer Woods came out and took all the info he needed and pretty was like nothing we can for you. So they took everything including all 6 of our SSN cards( I usually dont carry these but we were switching doctors and needed them for paper work),my drivers license,debit card,my birth certificate,pictures of children everything was in there. So I was really upset. But VBS was really nice. I was in charge of the 3 and under and I pretty much just turned the water on for them to play in so they stayed cool and were still having fun. We came home and relaxed awhile.
Sunday.. we had a family reunion and it was really fun. We went down to the State park and headed to the river for a day of play.The boys are fish. Thats that. They LOVE water and Cody was showing them how to grab "crab daddys" that's what my nephew calls them :) It was so nice. I could live on the river in the summer time. I could camp all summer along if my husband would let us :) Then we came home late and pretty much hit the sack!
Mon... I was on the phone almost all day with the social secruity office and insurance company over the robbery.It was a long talking day..
Tus.... We were to have a playgroup but some of the kids were sick it was called off. So we heading over to a friends house and swam for along time. That was nice. Jolene was in the water for 3 hours straight and smiled the whole time. All the kids came out like prunes :) I cant wait until the kids are alot older so we can get a pool.
Today... Its over 100 outside and we have been to the store,the new house and now I have been cleaning and doing laundry. Yes ill have to tell you.... today at the store I bought a BOX of diapers for Jolene. Yes I know please dont lay it one me! I'm so tired of getting peed on and smelling like pee all the time. I have tried every thing out there for stripping the inserts and diapers and every wash soap, every little trick out there. Even my wool is not working right and I even just lanolized it a few days ago. Im taking the month off of cloth for her. Chase is potty trained but still wears and Bum and a wool cover at so that Ill still do. But Im going to TRY to find something out there that works.
On to the new house... we have electricity out there!!!! MY husband has been running and pulling wire for a few weeks now and its almost done. They turned it on I think Monday. He was really excited.I keep going over there looking at my HUGE tub with jets just waiting for them to be done!! I told them as soon as the well is in Im in that tub dont care whos around or whatever Im getting in!!!We are still thinking about in the end of August until we move. I CANT WAIT!! Oh yes one more thing JOLENE IS CRAWLING!!!!
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