We have been busy doing field trips and My Fathers World co-cops.we had our back to School Bash with our new MFW group yesterday. It was beyond fun. Sp many new homeschoolers. It was nice because they asked me a ton of questions because I was one of the ones who have schooled the longest. We are doing ECC this year and I think there is only one or two others families who have homeschooled before, and the rest, this is there first year.We had a lot of great ideas. The kids are really excited. Its a BIG group of probably over 50 kids who are doing all doing different years in My Fathers World. So here is our co-op sh elude: The 1st and 3rd Friday of the month is our group time from 9:30-45 is Worship, 9:45-11:45 is MFW group time, 11:45-12:30 lunch,12:30 - 2:30 MFW group time. Then the 2nd Friday of the months are World changers Disciple training days. THe 4th Friday of the months are Hand and feet out reach day with missionary speakers.On DTS days we do Art class,sign language class and Drama. Then we visit a care center or things like that. Lots of fun. we are also doing things with our Faith group which is mainly time for the kids to play and moms to talk and have fellowship. We start that back up on Thursday. Another big change in out life is that we are getting ready to start out training for foster parenting. We have prayed and prayed and been lead to do so. we are excited and scared at the same time. We will only start with younger children because we do homeschool and I'm not ready for the older children to have the behavioral problems in their face just yet. Prayer would be welcome for our family as we go through the process of this and the journey of moving in a couple of weeks. Lots to do and its seems to be coming at me full speed. But I have been loving everything second. We had a field trip to Purina Farms the other day for the dog show and the kids had so much fun!! Wore them out. Ended the day with a tractor ride. we are doing week 14 in MFW and are in France. we have borrowed every book from the library about France and Hannah is actually taking French this year so she is speaking French to me and I have no clue what she is saying. he painting we have been studying are so beautiful. We plan to take a trip to the Art Museum in the 2 weeks to wrap up France. Cody has taking off with his Geography and blow me away. He can label North America,South America with a little help and Europe.AMAZING for a child who hates to read and write. When he finds what he likes he take off with it. We were doing FIAR but are getting ready to switch over to Before FIAR for the littles. I thought it would work out great for them and Cody but Cody isn't in to it I'm going to step it down a bit Ethan and Chase. The olders will listen to he story but not required to do the activities with us. I'm sure they will do crafts but no paper work.
Plans for the week ahead:
Sunday- Church, Birthday party Monday: school, Maytag repair guy comes to fix stove top. Tuesday: School Wednesday:Foster meeting Thursday:Faith group at park Friday: MFW co op. Should be a fun week.Blessings
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