I had a nice mothers day yesterday. I woke up early and made homemade waffles for everyone,then went to church without my hubby as he wanted to move dirt before the rain came. Came home cleaned like crazy. We had the two neighbor girls over to baked cup cakes and the kids had a blast doing it. Their mom is really happy to get some time to herself and eat a little chocolate :). For the kicker of the day yesterday...our lovely OLD neighbors that live behind us called the cops on us for letting our kids who by the way are 2 and 3!!! run outside in our back yard naked.Yes thats right naked!!!! Oh man thats horrible right. Give me a break. we potty train naked, we play naked, we sleep naked when they are hot. Their babies for crying out loud. The little had just come flying out of the tub and as always run to our back yard to not get dressed ( cute to us ) and the old grumpy couple are on their back porch looking our way thank you very much! SO they call with in the 3 minutes our babies were out and 2 squad cars show up. They tell my husband that the boys need to be dressed because they had a complaint and we live in a subdivision. Im cant wait for the new house to be done so I can run naked and not worry about a cop showing up. I was sooo mad!!! Now my first thought was Im going to be those peoples walking hell for the next few months we are here. I can have my kids be loud and louder and we can potty train next to our fence and just be down right mean neighbors. Thats just a thought. God has other plans for me. Im to be the bigger person and netter for it. so as much as Id like to rip her a new for being so rude im not. My kids wont be outside naked ( that they know of ) My husband is going to put a HUGE privacy fence up so that see us enjoying our children play naked in mud when they want to!!! Man oh man people are getting to me.
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