My sister Amber holding Jolene and her daughter Madison

Some of the boys after a long day of play :)
Today was a really nice day. At first it was crazy, I had woke up to Chase again with a horrible diaper rash that was way worse than yesterday. I put the whole cover over him again tonight hoping to let it air out and not be so sticky causing pain. SO we stayed home from church and headed out to my mom and dads because my sister Amber and her 3 children were there and then my brother and his 3 kids were there. so it was really nice to sit outside with every body watching the kids play and laugh. It was really nice. After they were done playing I headed out to the new house to show my Mom and Dad the progress. Jeff was out there sanding away.Bless his heart. I'm hoping the rain stays away so we can start framing this weekend.STAY AWAY RAIN. We got home and made pizza and a salad. I took Hannah,Jolene and Chase with me to the store and stock up on everything I was out of.Going to the store with Hannah is a trip :) She looks at everything, I mean everything. She did get some bracelets and other goodies but she is allowed because Dad says so ;) Jeff bought Cody a weed whipper over the weekend. Cody absolutely loves it. He spent most of Saturday out at the new house taken down the grass and tall weeds. That child loves to work hard like his Dad. He was ready to do more when we went there today. I did get my veggies into pots over the week with help from Ethan. I didn't want to put a garden in here as we are moving in a few months. I also didn't want to put a garden in out at the new place because I didn't want to leave everyday to care for it. So we decided to do pots. My husband laughs at me and says I remind him of his Mom. Hey you know what, I'm growing my own food!!!! Don't laugh! I also sent my homeschool group in a state of panic for me this week :( I was reading this book called 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese. It is a book that should have never been written and just totally made me forget the scriptures. I sent out an e-mail during my panic attack, yes I mean a huge attack I had. I was worried that I wasn't saved and my husband was going to hell and my family and just really freaked out. But my good friends that know me sent me e-mail after e-mail telling me what I already knew but forgot. this book is a trip. Don't read it. It only made me realize that hell is bad and I'm in NO way going there. my faith is strong but now stronger. That was a hard night! Oh yes and last weekend we were back in the ER. This time for Hannah. She was playing out in the mud and water and came on the porch and totally ate the ground but tried to stop herself with her hand and ripped tendons in her right hand and wrist. She has a cast on and is still in lot of pain. It doesn't bother her to much during the day at once she sits down to relax in the evenings it really starts to hurt :( So she cant play volleyball this year and I'm not so sure about soccer. Jolene got her first tooth the other day!! I cant believe it. But my boobs are feeling every bit of that one little tooth. Late at night when she is nursing and I dose off for a minute or two and then I'm wide a wake with the pain of her sleeping and biting me :) Good times there.
I better go to bed while I can.
1 comment:
Poor Hannah. I hope she feels better soon. Those were some great pictures!!
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