Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Man time flies

My little getting down at the twins birthday party
They each had a frog in their buckets

This is the side of the house on he first day they started framing

My hubby in the mud where the geothermal is going to go

The back of the house. I could fit in all in but you get the idea

This past week as just flow by with a blink of the eye. Alot has been happening. Like my husband and my brother and brother in law have started framing our house and the are starting to frame the first floor tomorrow. It look so different with the basement walls up and the sub floor down.The kids and me get so excited when we drive over there and see them working. My hubby is in work mode right now. Like I called him the other day because I was having one of those days where Jolene was in my arms all day and the boys were whining and Cody wasnt listen and I needed help. So he told me : Im on the bobcat now moving dirt, sorry". So of course Im crying my little heart out because dont you know I do that now and then :) But when he got home all was good. Jolene is going through a "moment" of only wanting mommy and mommy all day and night. So for the last 2 nights I have been holding her on my chest from like 10pm until 6am. Naps for her during the are only lasting like 20 minutes in the swing unless I hold her for an hour which I cant because oh yes I have others to tend to. Im thinking she is getting an ear infection as she is pulling her ears and running a fever. Chase was king of ear infections and seeing the same the problems with her. Pray its not! we have been doing character training instead of school for the next few weeks and lets say we need this more than anything. Im tried of the repeat questions, the whining, and then me not holding the discipline up. Who said parenting was easy? well thankfully we have God and the bible to help and He is amazing when you let him lead. My hair has turned grey these couple of days and if I hear the words" Can I" one more time I might just explode. If your grounded your grounded and that. I dont want to hear another thing about it. We have been catching frogs and turtles and little bugs that creep me out. Worms that get laid upon my lap while holding Jolene. Can you tell I have many many boys? e have had play dates and birthday parties and homeschool groups this last week. Yesterday I was my one and only day I was home all day. today was going to be another one of those days but I had to get Hannah from a friends house and then we ran to Kohls for some much needed carpi's for me and Hannah. we usually only wear Long Skirts but summer its different with the heat and Hannah riding bikes all day and jumping on the trampoline. I needed them as Im going to start working out again and skirts just dont work for me in that department :) Im thinking of taking a summer break!!!!!!!!! off from school. Not sure how I can do this but Im looking in to it!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The sun was out

Hannah and her new piercing

Cody and Ethan after a science test... they had to much fun
The start of science we had to hollow out 4 eggs

Ethan today with his new helmet

Chase today with his new helmet

Whats that? Oh the sun, I forgot what that looked like. We had a sunny day today can you believe it. I was outside with the blessing alot but not as much as I wanted to. Hannah has you best friend over until tomorrow and they are having alot of fun. She came over Monday and the littles glue to her like something crazy. Ethan just loves her :) Hannah asked if she should get her top ear pierced last night. So I talked to my hubby about it and he said to go ahead and let her. So we all loaded up and got it done. She was sooo excited and didnt even flinch. Brave young lady we have. She got a clear diamond put in and loves it. I remember being her age and getting mine done. Mines now closed up as is my belly ring. That wont happen as long as she is living here. One piercing is good enough and its just the ear. Right? The little boys also got their bike helmets today. Cody already has one and fits well so that was good because these things are pricey. Chase got a Toy Story helmet with knee and elbow pads.Ethan got Hot wheels with knee and elbow pads and I have to say I thought it would be a fight to get them one them but they have wore them the whole time they were out there playing. Now if I can get Cody to do that Id be very happy. Cody is my 300% boy enough said.Id love to roll him in a rubber outfit and huge helmet for everyday he goes outside. Today at the new house we found an alligator snapping turtle and this thing was HUGE. The kids loved to look at ( well the girls we were ready to run home ) but it must have been really old. Just really cool to see close up and in our field. Lots of snakes and bugs. Lots of copperheads.ewwww.Dont worry we have chore boots for walking in the fields for days like these. as long as the weather hold out we are going to start framing Saturday. Yaaaayyyyy. Im so happy. Im ready for my country life again. I know Jeff really excited to get this going. The lord has a plan and we are following. we are on a 6 week break from school right. we are focusing on character training. I have been losing my mind with the whining and back talking and the house falling apart so we are doing some training. God in my leader and I hope I can keep up. We still do math and reading but just alot of bible and talks and stuff like that. Nip it in the bud before it gets to big you know. well i better head to bed its late.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oh the weekends

This is Chase trying to get Jolene out of her crib
Chase giving her his oinks

Jolene sporting Dads rag and her pretty pink headband

My husband on Hannahs new bike and the boys riding theirs

Hannah and her new bike
we have been enjoying our 4 day break so far. Do you want to know what we have been doing these days?? NOTHING and yes it feels wonderful. The kids have been sleeping in and I have been relaxing with them and drinking coffee and nursing Jolene like all day :) She wants in NO way to eat babyfood. I try something with her everyday and nothing. Its turns into a big mess all over her face and she eats nothing. She wont even open her mouth. So im done trying for awhile. She is working on her third tooth on the bottom already. My Mom asked the other day is was crawling and I laughed so hard. Shes not even close to sitting up let alone crawling. Her floor time is like 10 minutes in the morning before the boys wake up and thats it. If she wants to be down its the crib or bouncer.We have to many karate kids in here for that. She has to go straight to walking thats all there is to it :) But that got me thinking??? She is almost 6 months and should be sitting by now. So my goal now for this month is to sit with her on the floor several times a day so she can gain her balance and sit. She will master this. Right?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Good day

Oh today is a good day :) we finished school for the week and are going to enjoy a 4 day weekend. I'm so ready for few field trips and not waking up up at the butt crack of dawn. the kids were totally happy to have finished today and break for a while. we school year round so we can do this and not worry. I got my hair cut today and feel wonderful. we went to the library and where I go to get my hair done had a sign up for $5 haircuts today so we ran in there and I cant tell you how much better it makes me feel. I babysit the two neighbor girls now after school so they are here playing hide n seek with my children. I have a roast in the pot and was informed that my olders think that it is horrible yes I know sad for me :) So I have 2 pizzas in the oven for them! Jeff is out working on the house, well really he is waiting for weekend because my brother is the one to help us but he can only do it then. So Jeff is mowing and doing man things like that over there.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A moment with thoughts

I have a ton on my mind and really should be in bed. Im thinking if ill know scripture like I want to? Will I have that marriage I dream of? I will ever have the body I want? I will ever have a log book done for the kids? I will ever feel complete in life? Will I ever be able to get a routine down for us that really works and works with a smile for everybody? I feel like everybody is seeing more of the world than we are. Like we are missing so much of it. Theres a whole world out there and we sit here in Missouri and let it pass by. Why? Im not that person. I never have been. Im a person who like to go and go explore everything out there. I feel almost stuck. If I could id sell this house and our new one by an RV and go, go where God would take us. Theres so much to see and feel like so little time but the time we do have is being wasted. Im not for one minute complaining here dont think that. I love what I do here lets just get that clear, but its the world that makes us realize what we have and just how beautiful the world really is. Its not all bad. I first want to go to ALL the Amish communities and meet them and spend a few days with them. Then I want to go see waterfalls, mountains, rivers, lakes, bears, NO SNAKES PLEASE. I want to see it all.
She is not liking her food

I had a nice mothers day yesterday. I woke up early and made homemade waffles for everyone,then went to church without my hubby as he wanted to move dirt before the rain came. Came home cleaned like crazy. We had the two neighbor girls over to baked cup cakes and the kids had a blast doing it. Their mom is really happy to get some time to herself and eat a little chocolate :). For the kicker of the day yesterday...our lovely OLD neighbors that live behind us called the cops on us for letting our kids who by the way are 2 and 3!!! run outside in our back yard naked.Yes thats right naked!!!! Oh man thats horrible right. Give me a break. we potty train naked, we play naked, we sleep naked when they are hot. Their babies for crying out loud. The little had just come flying out of the tub and as always run to our back yard to not get dressed ( cute to us ) and the old grumpy couple are on their back porch looking our way thank you very much! SO they call with in the 3 minutes our babies were out and 2 squad cars show up. They tell my husband that the boys need to be dressed because they had a complaint and we live in a subdivision. Im cant wait for the new house to be done so I can run naked and not worry about a cop showing up. I was sooo mad!!! Now my first thought was Im going to be those peoples walking hell for the next few months we are here. I can have my kids be loud and louder and we can potty train next to our fence and just be down right mean neighbors. Thats just a thought. God has other plans for me. Im to be the bigger person and netter for it. so as much as Id like to rip her a new for being so rude im not. My kids wont be outside naked ( that they know of ) My husband is going to put a HUGE privacy fence up so that see us enjoying our children play naked in mud when they want to!!! Man oh man people are getting to me.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Me rambling

The rock mound
Chase after he woke up from nap time

Ethan loven his rocks

Chase ready to fly

This is a friend of ours Jason and Ethan was so out of his shell with him and sat with Jason alot during our fellowship day. We all were totally shocked because this is not like Ethan. It usually takes like HOURS for him to talk to you. But he loved him and enjoyed playing and talking to him :)

Im done for the night with laundry and washing diapers. Chase's diaper rash is better right now since I let him go naked all day. He did really great with going to the potty and then going potty outside. Yes, Im one of those moms who allow them to pee outside. It works and its not on my floor :) I put him back in the wool tonight because that really helps with allowing the area to breath at night. I took them out to the property to bring Jeff his dinner plate and I put Chase in underwear and shorts and he got out of the suburban and peed everywhere. we were there like 20 minutes and went many underwear :) The kids love going out there to play on the gravel pail. They ask all day long can we go play on the rocks?? I take Jeff his dinner just about every evening so they get to play after we eat. The house is slowly coming along. Jeff fixed the bobcat today so he was filling the sides and doing alot of dirt moving. Hopefully this weekend or next they can start framing. yay!! I'm so ready for NO NEIGHBORS. Yesterday we went over to a good friends house they just built and it was beautiful. Im so excited for her and her family. it was a great day of fellowship with good friends and homeschoolers we love and trust around our kids. And I mean ALOT OF KIDS. Its always so much fun. When we left Chase was sleeping with in 2 minutes of being in the car seat. Our days are filled with school work, scooters, walks,bikes,dirt,dirt,dirt, dump trucks and lots of laughs and love. I always sit watching my children play as I nurse my sweet Jolene and thank God for how blessed I am to have my large family. There are alot of days I cant get passed the mess and im tired of repeating myself to kids all day. But, I'm so truly blessed to have them and have the laughs we have and joys and ups and downs. Enjoy your kids.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Our week

Cody sound asleep
Ethan helping me pot veggies

Hannah and Bree at my moms house today

My sister Amber holding Jolene and her daughter Madison

Some of the boys after a long day of play :)

Today was a really nice day. At first it was crazy, I had woke up to Chase again with a horrible diaper rash that was way worse than yesterday. I put the whole cover over him again tonight hoping to let it air out and not be so sticky causing pain. SO we stayed home from church and headed out to my mom and dads because my sister Amber and her 3 children were there and then my brother and his 3 kids were there. so it was really nice to sit outside with every body watching the kids play and laugh. It was really nice. After they were done playing I headed out to the new house to show my Mom and Dad the progress. Jeff was out there sanding away.Bless his heart. I'm hoping the rain stays away so we can start framing this weekend.STAY AWAY RAIN. We got home and made pizza and a salad. I took Hannah,Jolene and Chase with me to the store and stock up on everything I was out of.Going to the store with Hannah is a trip :) She looks at everything, I mean everything. She did get some bracelets and other goodies but she is allowed because Dad says so ;) Jeff bought Cody a weed whipper over the weekend. Cody absolutely loves it. He spent most of Saturday out at the new house taken down the grass and tall weeds. That child loves to work hard like his Dad. He was ready to do more when we went there today. I did get my veggies into pots over the week with help from Ethan. I didn't want to put a garden in here as we are moving in a few months. I also didn't want to put a garden in out at the new place because I didn't want to leave everyday to care for it. So we decided to do pots. My husband laughs at me and says I remind him of his Mom. Hey you know what, I'm growing my own food!!!! Don't laugh! I also sent my homeschool group in a state of panic for me this week :( I was reading this book called 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese. It is a book that should have never been written and just totally made me forget the scriptures. I sent out an e-mail during my panic attack, yes I mean a huge attack I had. I was worried that I wasn't saved and my husband was going to hell and my family and just really freaked out. But my good friends that know me sent me e-mail after e-mail telling me what I already knew but forgot. this book is a trip. Don't read it. It only made me realize that hell is bad and I'm in NO way going there. my faith is strong but now stronger. That was a hard night! Oh yes and last weekend we were back in the ER. This time for Hannah. She was playing out in the mud and water and came on the porch and totally ate the ground but tried to stop herself with her hand and ripped tendons in her right hand and wrist. She has a cast on and is still in lot of pain. It doesn't bother her to much during the day at once she sits down to relax in the evenings it really starts to hurt :( So she cant play volleyball this year and I'm not so sure about soccer. Jolene got her first tooth the other day!! I cant believe it. But my boobs are feeling every bit of that one little tooth. Late at night when she is nursing and I dose off for a minute or two and then I'm wide a wake with the pain of her sleeping and biting me :) Good times there.

I better go to bed while I can.

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