These last 2 weeks have the prettiest I have I ever seen. Pure sunshine and warm with all the trees blooming. All of my seedlings have come up and are ready for the pots. I dont want to plant a big garden here at this house and then move right before everything comes up. I also dont want to haul water out to the new house everyday if I started my garden out there so Im using pots this year. Im really planted much just things I use alot of and the kids can really help with. Peas, all kids of peppers, potatoes, different herbs, there was something else but im forgetting them???? I need more coffee. The kids went to the dentist Monday and each had 3 fillings put it in. Im talking Hannah and Cody not the littles. Cody has 9 cavities and Hannah has 6. They can only fill 3 at a time so we have 2 more trips to make. Cody was in so much pain afterwards and needed ice pack and Motrin all night. It looks like its just a nicked gum that is causing the pain. Yesterday he didnt really complain only after her brushed his teeth. NO more candy or sweets everyday for us. Just birthday parties and thats that.Yesterday we pretty much stayed home all day. I did run over to Amandas house ( you can find her at Our heart and Home ) to get an excersaucer for Jolene. She loves it. Jolene is so tiny I was thinking I needed to stuff the front with blankets and stuff but she stood right up and was making circles and grabbing every toy she could find. I was shocked. She little legs look so cute under there standing on tinyyyy feet. melted my heart. They grow so fast. I had talk with God the other day and told him I was ready for another when ever he is ready to bless us. But that all so requires to see my husband sometimes. Jeff hasnt been getting home until after dark and Im so busy when I get all the kids down for the night. All in good time, right? Chase has been peeing in the potty again. Yay Chase!!! Ethan has also taught him how to drop pants by trees in the back yard and pee on them. Yes we have neighbors all over and yes they are usually outside. They all are ready for us to move. As im hanging my pretty cloth diapers all around my back yard I have two little people with what they call "their tools" yes they even make sounds with them while they pee, as Im doing the diapers they are loudly peeing all over. My personality, is to just laugh because to me its funny. Why not? They haven't yet peed at the park together so Im doing good on the manners :) I do remember when Cody was younger and he came down the slide in Sullivan and dropped pants and peed right in front of the slide,was 5. Yes 5. Good times. Anyways I love homeschooling the kids for a really good reason I see posted every where so I thought I would do the same. I love it so much because when its nice like this we can go do stuff and not worry about it. We can go the park during the day, zoo, the creek, fisheries, anything we can and enjoy it whenever we want. I love being able to say school work outside today to hear creams of joy from the kids. I love to say nature walk time at 9 in the morning. I Love it I really. I love being able to go over to a friends house in the middle of the day who also homeschools and see her kids playing outside just to add my kids to that. its amazing. We are truly blessed to be bale to homeschool our kids so we can enjoy this amazing world. I love it !! We are getting ready for Codys birthday party. We are doing a double party with his best bud Keegan at the park. We have like 63 kids coming. It will be so much fun.Looks like the weather will be sunny and warm for them again yayy. Well ill write more later I need coffee and a shower while every one is still sleeping.
1 comment:
lol Ok, their faces are pretty funny!!
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