Hannah and Jolene yesterday after Hannah got ahold of her


I came out of the shower to see this beautiful bunch of children together :)
He has Risen!!! What a day. The weather was beautiful and the kids had such a good time playing with all their cousin and Aunts and Uncles and Grandma and Papa. I had a nice time over at my moms also but I was in so much pain I could only handle it for so long. we had a wonderful lunch and the kids did the egg hunt and found a lot of eggs. This is the one tradition we wont ever stop. Having the kids be with family is really important to me.Although we dont do Easter baskets and the hype here at our house my brother and sister do. They kids do get goodies from Grandma. I had planned on doing a whole breakfast with the kids and making and making this morning really special for them but God had other plans for the Ownby family. I broke my big toe last night :( Yes Hannah, Jolene and me headed to the ER about 10 pm last night. After an x ray and the docs "trying" to touch my foot as I would have blackened their eye if they did it turns out its broke. This is the worst pain. Well not the worst but it hurts soo very bad. Its black now from being on it all day and now my foot is throbbing like crazy. The ER visit was actually a good time for Hannah and me. it was a chance for mother daughter laughing, not sure if it was the pain or what but we were laughing so loud and hard I thought we were going to get into trouble. We had the nurses laughing and coming back to join us in our laugh and see what was going on.They had many stories to tell us about toe injuries and they gave a little TMI for me while Im there with my toe injury :0 Hannah almost past out when the Doc came in and said its broke. I almost wet my self. She went pale and was like OHH my. It was a truly funny. Then I have my leg resting on the bed and Im sitting in the chair waiting for the nurse to come back and Hannah was telling me a story and if you know Hannah she throws her arms like rag dolls when she talks and she smacked my toe I jumped through the roof, Hurt so bad and was laughing til I almost cried. Anyways my toe is black,it hurts, cant really walk, dont want to go to bed because Im afraid the comforter will hurt. Looks like the recliner is calling my name again. I do have to say how wonderful my Hannah is. She helped me all night last night and today. She is amazing. He heart is pure gold and truly loves to serve and help when ever she can.I love her so much.
We have been so busy lately Im sick of it. we have a of appts. this week with the first on tomorrow morning which will not be fun for me. But we have to go. Well I write more tomorrow im in pain right now.
1 comment:
Lovely photos; looks like you all had a great day. Too bad it didn't finish so well; sorry to hear about your foot.
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
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