It doesn't feel much like a weekend with the husband working 7 days a week. He does get Monday off. He has been pretty sick with congestion and coughing and feeling horrid. He works right through it but comes home to boss me around and tell me he isn't lifting a finger around here ;) Glad he gets a day off to regroup. Ever since I went almost ( 85%) whole foods I have had more energy than ever! Its been awesome! The change was hard the first week but got alot better when the headache went away. Id say that was from the sugar withdraw. I have been on the floor playing with the kids and hiking alot and my house is staying some what picked up. Cant really be picked up with the Indians but its ok. The attitude change has been big also. I'm not so grumpy. Yeaaaaa from the kids! I have been working out but in different ways each days. I rock TaeBo and sooo love that. But now that its not 10000 degrees outside we have been hiking. I feel like Sacajawea with Laurabeth on my back. Thats a mighty good work out. I have been doing weights with that. I'm seeing results in my back and my legs for sure. My belly is slowly going down. Ill be so glad when my ab wall goes together again.
On the homeschool homestead we have been blessed in many ways. The Lord showed me a path I had been wanting to take for awhile now but was to scared to take. It has been pretty cool to say the least. So many changes. I had posted before about unschooling the kids. we have tried so many curriculum's out there and im just not a planner and I don't like things laid out for me. Drives me and the kids NUTS. So we said good bye to the planner,curriculum and anything else that reminded us of "school". Well not 100% because my littles still use MFW because they like it but I don't use the planner at all which was a waste of 100 dollars. The husband is a math guy so the kids are using Saxon math with the cd rom. They also write their memory verses with the bible. But everything else is from life and living books. Its a sigh of fresh air. When your child leads the way in learning it will blow your mind. We are the type of people who get up in the morning and say lets do this and go. we adventure and we love the outdoors. My Ethan, who has Asperger's, does need at least a plan. If we decide to go somewhere or even want to go outside to the playground he needs to know for how long we will be there and every detail we plan to do. Now he isn't like that everyday. Just some. So we are very careful with how we do things but once we tell him and he gets every detail he needs he is the first in the car or the first be on the swings out back. The amount of time with my kids now that I'm not bogged down with the planner is pure awesomeness. We are teaching our kids the joy and life skills they need for life now a days.
So we made some homemade cloth diaper soap yesterday. The one I was making was with borax and that was a big no no. After many rashes and many times of me throwing my diapers against the wall I found out it was my soap. Well someone posted a recipe with the borax. I shall let you know in a month how my diapers are doing :) Always something. Today is Sept 1st. I have to HUGE birthdays this month. My first baby turns 14 YIKES and my baby baby turns 1 !! Yes its a bitter sweet month for me. Whats eve sadder is I'm usually pregnant by now and I'm not seeing a baby as of yet. Its all Gods timing and I'm cool with that. I'm in this new health habit right now so maybe He is just letting me lose some weight and then bless us.
Laurabeth playing in the water a few days ago.
Heres the soap bar for the diaper soap. Its the same soap I use for the laundry.
Jolene mixing the melted soap and wasing soda.
Laurabeth is just to cute!
My husband took his bobcat and cleared a massive gocart path in our fields and creek for the kids. This is the path heading to our creek.
Jolene loves the creek. Today they only found one lonely toad.
Yes Hannah went hiking in the creek in that outfit. Whatever works. She was just happy she made it out with no mud on her sweater ;)
Laurabeth was mad we were done!
Cody heard was nothing.....we think....
I guess I better go and read my email and do that laundry.
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