Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beautiful Morning

 This was last week for Art. They were doing an oil pastel of birds
 Cody riding Grandma JJs horse
 Queen Jolene. Below is Cody and Hannah doing there fresh water/salt water experiment.
Its a beautiful morning here Missouri. The birds are singing to me and the sun is shining though the window on my face. I have been awaking up and nursing the baby/changing diapers and then going straight to my workout. Im in week 2 and loven it. I knew once my depression past, id get right back into a workout routine and obsess about it. Im not a fat person on the inside. Unfortunately just the outside. I have always been a workaholic. I would run that treadmill like it was nothing. Id weightlift like nobodies business. Then God blessed me with 4 more babies BACK TO BACK and I never got a chance to work out. Until the depression went bye bye and the joy of working out came back. I love waking up and sweating. I love that when I work out my body shakes because I worked it hard. It makes me smile. Once you do that in the mornings, you feel amazing ALL day long. It changes the way you eat, think and act towards you children. My goal long term is get down down to the size I was when Jeff and I first got together. If I was smart I would have continued to workeven after I became preggers. I'm making short goals for myself. By my birthday I wont to be down 2 sizes. By Jolenes 3rd birthday I want to be down 50pounds. Im making realistic goals. Im very excited to soon have my double chin GONE! Hopefully soon because I HATE IT!
 This morning we have a playdate at the park with some friends and then we will come back and crank out the school work. we are in Kenya for MFW ECC. We are spending the summer finishing up ECC we stopped back in 2010. YES I know. Don't say it! That way when Sept comes we can start CtG and K and keep with the planner on that. Cody is doing amazing! This is like night and day for day him. Once we stopped text book work the fun of learning came running into our house. He is learning WAY more from living books and art than ever. Its so nice to hear him read and enjoy it. His math is coming along and we finished his math book. Now we are getting ready to start the next booklets and get caught up to were his dad wasn't him to be at. Hannah is doing wonderful. She reads while she cleans,shower, watches littles,mows the lawn, you get the idea, She is never with out a book. Math for her is always ok. We are using Saxon and now have a love hate with that. We are switching her over to booklets with Cody only because the explain the steps better than Saxon. I refuse to buy the cd rom for her math with Saxon because we have heard mix reviews on it. She can log on the computer and type in her question and get help for FREE on some sites. Free is always better for a homeschoolng family.She has put her text books away and turned to CM learning along with Cody. We wont do anymore text in this house EVER AGAIN! MFW is just amazing and I love when I say its time for school they grab books and sit and read. I ask questions and read aloud with to them. My littles LOVE to hear a big person book. They ask more questions about the books than anyone. Books that are WAY above them but they get it. Read to your kids books that are meant for older kids because they listen and in my opinion learn a ton.
 I must get up and get moving, The sun is just soooo nice and warm on my face right now. I hope you all have a blessed day and enjoy the weather with your kiddos :)

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