Jolene at the Hanukkah homeschool party
Where do I begin....the holidays are over and I have packed and removed any Christmas things away. Im sad it flew by but Im also excited to get school back on track.We have been so busy and I want to post it all but its like really?? Routine is a most around here and I so badly need it.We had a blessed Christmas with my family yesterday.On Christmas day my kids were sick with strep so we stayed home and really enjoyed the day. All the kids woke up and did their wooo and awwww's and tore though there gifts and had some play time before half the kids were on the sofa until bed time. They didn't even realize that they had living full of new toys! My olders weren't sick and played like crazy.Hannah got a 3DDS and was glued to it all day. Cody got lots of Lego sets and hunting things which kept him busy. I made the ham and yummy side dishes because I wanted Christmas to be Christmas even if they were to sick to know. The next day they were feeling better and boy the played with toys like crazy. It was so nice! Jolene still has a nasty wet cough and she gave that to her daddy this week. My family came over yesterday and I have to stay it was 60 outside and pure sunshine! You know He was shining down the blessings on us! All 13 kids were playing and eating. It was such a nice time I went to bed with a smile on my face. Today was clean up day and I only got to Christmas stuff because now we have the stomach bug! GOOD FREAKIN TIMES! Theres always tomorrow.I have to get our books out and see here we are so I can plan our planners. Cody is doing unit studies so that will be our change for this year. Hannah will be doing tha same as always. I have to start looking, researching the home schooling though high school. Im biting my nails here!
Theres many happenings here but some stuff will be private you know:) All good no worries.IM also doing the 90 day Bible Challange. Amy over at http://www.momstoolbox.com/blog/2011/12/12/bible-in-90-days-spring-2012-host-sites/ so ill be doing this and excited about it.
I must go but I leave you with the things that I pray for this New Year.
I pray my family is happy and Healthy, I pray my husband gets a job in state where we can be a family again. I pray that my sister in law gets blessed with a baby this year, I pray for my Judy who is searching for something and I think she may have found her call, I pray for mom and dad and that they win the lottery ;). I pray my dad is healed and gets back everything he lost when he had his stroke years ago. I pray my mm is blessed with so many things I cant begin to write. The list goes on and on but I'm good writing these down right now. I have a 2 year old at my side waiting for bed.
It's great to have friends to do the 90 day Bible challenge with! So glad you're on board!
First of all, I love the Star Wars pic! The cowboy hats with light sabers, priceless!!! Second of all, THANK YOU!!!! I love ya girl!
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