Saturday, November 10, 2012

Long time no post ;)

Alrighty. I just got all my kids happy and content so lets see if I can actually post today! We have been busy like everyone else that homeschools or just plain  has a life ;) We were blessed a few weeks ago with a family conference with Steve and Teri Maxwell. Two nights of pure joy. You should look them up if you need help with being a wife, mother, teacher or sister in Christ. Anyways I bought a few of their books and I cant tell you enough good stuff about them! We started doing the chorepacks, were you clip a pack of chores  that are writen on cards to your child's shirt/pants and it tells them what to do for the morning/supper. Those little clips have BEEN huge in our house. I do still have to remind a few times out of the week but that's only because we have been extra busy. A friend was going to let me borrow her book Managers of Their Home but have yet to receive that and I'm dying to get my hands on it. Im in the works of starting a bible study on their book Sweet Journey. Daughters and mothers studing together sounds pretty awesome to me right now.
 Around the house we have been trying to simplify and get rid of stuff that just bothers me. I had a WHOLE trash bag of socks that didn't have a match and needed to go. I have shelves of stuff ready for a new home. Time time time where is the time for these extra chores to do? We are almost ready for our "school break" with the holidays coming up. Yes, we unschool but that by no means means we don't teach our kids. We don't break like some kids do a summer break, we break like we focus our time and activities around the Lord. We serve others, make crafts for elders, we make gifts, we pour our time soaking up the love and happiness this time of year brings. I write this for a few reason. People are so nosey and rude and make stupid comments to me about how celebrating Christmas isn't Christian. I wasn't born yesterday, so for you to make a comment so off the wall to a grown woman who CLEARLY knows her Lord and the teachings of the WORD, is just down right crappy. I have studied the " behind the reason for Christmas" and how it was started. I also study very very hard on the Feast days. My house celebrates ALL the Holy days Feats and  yes Hanukkah. For my family, Christmas is about Jesus rather you like it or not. Im not worshipping a tree or some pagan idea you have. This time of year ALOT of people have Jesus on their mind and they are happy and asking questions and praying more than they usually do. Would that make Jesus happy? I light my house with lights, trees whatever I want. My kids get pure joy from hearing mommy sing in the kitchen and making special cookies and shopping for them. Our faith in the Lord grows more and more everyday and I Do NOT need someone to send me another message telling me I'm not christian for doing so. Passover,Days of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First Fruits, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacle are things we do in this house along with Christmas. Im pretty sure Jesus is ok with us praising Him during these times.
 I have ever said how much I love carrying my babies on my back? I have always done so but man oh man I love so much! I get so much down and the baby is so happy. Although for my hair I might be bald in the back. Im trying to let my hair grow out but not that Laurabeth hangs from it I'm rethinking that whole " I look awesome with long hair" idea. I have been cloth diapering for over 5 years now and I have a love hate relationship with them. I just sold all my stash and now I'm dieing to buy more. Laurabeth has the most sensitive skin ever! The cloth diapers I could never strip them enough to get the crap out. Pampers are causing rashes and leaking out of them. Jolene is almost potty trained so Ill stick with pampers for her. I have a sample of diaper soap I'm going to try with the new diapers I try and just go with it. I hate the cemicals on the babies from the pampers. So cloth it is. Even though I just said ill prolly keep the diposies on Jolene you know ill cloth her to because its healthier and cuter right? I change my mind on everything so MUCH and fast I'm shocked my husband can keep up, but he does.

 Well I guess I better run. Have a blessed night and God bless you all :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


 Its been along time from my last post. Im not going to post much tonight. Just pictures of my beautiful family. Im so blessed to be called Mom by these amazing children.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Homestead update

It doesn't feel much like a weekend with the husband working 7 days a week. He does get Monday off. He has been pretty sick with congestion and coughing and feeling horrid. He works right through it but comes home to boss me around and tell me he isn't lifting a finger around here ;) Glad he gets a day off to regroup. Ever since I went almost ( 85%) whole foods I have had more energy than ever! Its been awesome! The change was hard the first week but got alot better when the headache went away. Id say that was from the sugar withdraw. I have been on the floor playing with the kids and hiking alot and my house is staying some what picked up. Cant really be picked up with the Indians but its ok. The attitude change has been big also. I'm not so grumpy. Yeaaaaa from the kids! I have been working out but in different ways each days. I rock TaeBo and sooo love that. But now that its not 10000 degrees outside we have been hiking. I feel like Sacajawea with Laurabeth on my back. Thats a  mighty good work out. I have been doing weights with that. I'm seeing results in my back and my legs for sure. My belly is slowly going down. Ill be so glad when my ab wall goes together again.
 On the homeschool homestead we have been blessed in many ways. The Lord showed me a path I had been wanting to take for awhile now but was to scared to take. It has been pretty cool to say the least. So many changes. I had posted before about unschooling the kids. we have tried so many curriculum's out there and im just not a planner and I don't like things laid out for me. Drives me and the kids NUTS. So we said good bye to the planner,curriculum and anything else that reminded us of "school". Well not 100% because my littles still use MFW because they like it but I don't use the planner at all which was a waste of 100 dollars. The husband is a math guy so the kids are using Saxon math with the cd rom. They also write their memory verses with the bible. But everything else is from life and living books. Its a sigh of fresh air. When your child leads the way in learning it will blow your mind. We are the type of people who get up in the morning and say lets do this and go. we adventure and we love the outdoors. My Ethan, who has Asperger's, does need at least a plan. If we decide to go somewhere or even want to go outside to the playground he needs to know for how long we will be there and every detail we plan to do. Now he isn't like that everyday. Just some. So we are very careful with how we do things but once we tell him and he gets every detail he needs he is the first in the car or the first be on the swings out back. The amount of time with my kids now that I'm not bogged down with the planner is pure awesomeness. We are teaching our kids the joy and life skills they need for life now a days.
 So we made some homemade cloth diaper soap yesterday. The one I was making was with borax and that was a big no no. After many rashes and many times of me throwing my diapers against the wall I found out it was my soap. Well someone posted a recipe with the borax. I shall let you know in a month how my diapers are doing :) Always something. Today is Sept 1st. I have to HUGE birthdays this month. My first baby turns 14 YIKES and my baby baby turns 1 !! Yes its a bitter sweet month for me. Whats eve sadder is I'm usually pregnant by now and I'm not seeing a baby as of yet. Its all Gods timing and I'm cool with that. I'm in this new health habit right now so maybe He is just letting me lose some weight and then bless us.
 Laurabeth playing in the water a few days ago.
 Heres the soap bar for the diaper soap. Its the same soap I use for the laundry.
 Jolene mixing the melted soap and wasing soda.
  Laurabeth is just to cute!
 My  husband took his bobcat and cleared a massive gocart path in our fields and creek for the kids. This is the path heading to our creek.

 Jolene loves the creek. Today they only found one lonely toad.
 Yes Hannah went hiking in the creek in that outfit. Whatever works. She was just happy she made it out with no mud on her sweater ;)
 Laurabeth was mad we were done!
 Cody heard was nothing.....we think....
 I guess I better go and read my email and do that laundry.  

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Well fall is almost here and I'm sitting here waiting for it. Cooler weather is so what I need. we had really nice weather and then BAM it was gone. I'm not complaining but I'm a fall winter person. As most of my kids are too. We have been field tripping alot these last few weeks. Kids learning like never before. My little Laurabeth is almost walking.SCARY! I have many wild Indians in this house and having a baby Indian on that floor is never a good idea. My days are now full of " Oh my goodness, Watch out!, grab her, Laurabeth NO!" Yes my Cindy Crawford Meaningful beauty is getting a run for its money here. Laura is either fighting of big sister Jolene who thinks she is a rag doll or the wild Indians are running past her so fast she wipes out. The best spot for her to be is latched on to the jugs so know one can hurt her or bump her. Jolene is like a dozen bulls wrapped into a child's body. She is wild and full of adventure. She reminds me of Cody when he was little.
 Our life in the homeschool world has changed yet again. This time it is where it was before only difference is I am totally cool with it. we have learned text books are my kids worst enemies. I pulled them out they hid. I yelled, and sure enough they yelled back. I said sit they said see ya. See the pattern there. We hated it. So I did what every crazy child loving mom would do. I got rid of all the text books. I know I know you are saying what did she do. Her kids will never learn those hippies. I bought My Fathers World curriculum which is a CM method. No real texts books. As we are plugging away at that we just weren't happy to sit and school and make sure this was done and that. They just weren't excited about learning. Another we homeschool is that out kids have a passion to learn. Not the sit here for X amount of time and write X paper for a grade that just tells your brain isn't working. Now I have always been the type of person that goes down the path no one really does. I like adventure and I LOVE to get out and explore the world. Always have. I'm not sure if its because I hit 30 in July and I grew my bog girl panties or what. Maybe it was when I started this homeschool journey many years ago, even knowing how I wanted it to go and what I liked, I fell in the homeschool trap. The trap that no matter what you do you will be judged. Well that scared me I guess. Thinking that now my kids future is in my hands and I'm surely going to screw them up if I don't use use curriculum or go here or start our morning with this. I was scared that I wouldn't be that homeschool mom I seen at the group or the homeschool mom who is crammed down my throat. 6 years into it and I finally can say PROUDLY that I'm not that homeschool mom. I'm just a wife, mother, sister and daughter. I'm the one who rebels against the normal and does things on my own terms. I like we unschool. I thrive my kids thrive my husband laughs and likes the wife he married. Theres reasons for the seasons in life we have. Nothing here really has changed. We do things the way we want. No planner, no text books, no time. For the first time in EVER my 11 year old went to the library and pulled he liked and didn't complain ONE TIME! That was huge for him. He pulled books on fossils, rocks, survival guides, insects. All things he loves and learns on his own. Theres no pressure from me or dad to read it. He just does. Hannah has always been a learner and lover of books so when this child goes to the library she brings back the library! Like I said no pressure to learn. Its just what kids do when they are happy and can pick what they like and learn from it. The world is huge and we plan to use it. Unschooling isn't right for everyone. maybe just a few of us really. Its we like and its how we learn and grow.
 As I'm writing this its FINALLY raining! Hannah and Cody are at the picnic with my mom for her work and it happens to rain on that day! hahaha. Boy do we need the rain. The farmers out here are already cutting their corn because its a loss. The only thing growing in the weeds.

 We have some really neat field trips coming up. Friday we are apple pickin and then the Friday after that we are going to Pioneer Boones farm thingy. They will learn some pioneer skills. The Nature Reserve is having their Prairie Day On the 15th and they do that every other year and we never miss it. Its always tons of fun. This year I think we will dress the part. Our own halfpint will have to get a dress.Well I better get off here the littles are attacking the craft room with full force! Blessings.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A right to vent...

As a mom, wife, daughter, sister, HUMAN... I get the right to vent without people texting,emailing or leaving comments that are as childish as ever. Im going to vent but if you cant handle an adult woman venting stop reading. Must will say " Oh man I have been there or I am there right now". Just because I vent doesnt mean I dont like my calling as the things said above. I cherish them all. But every once in awhile it builds up and BAM it needs to come out.

 Im running on  a little over an hours sleep from last night. The last few months Laurabeth has been up 6 plus times at night to either nurse like a newborn or just lay on me knowing she can nurse when she feels her head come close to my jugs. As I love nursing and the blal blah blah I went out last night and bought the formula and a bottle. Yes the toxic powder I hear you are to never give to your baby because Oh my it horrid. Got home to have my husband with is popping out of his head because I left the 3 little middle littles with him for 40 mins and they went crazy on him. Well I made that horrid bottle and even stuffed oatmeal in the dang thing. Having high hopes of her settling into my lap and laying there looking at me while she sucked that bottle dry. For real she was screaming like I was pulling her teeth. She threw the bottle across the room over and over again. She wailed like moms boobs were now a thing of the past. It was so bad! She didnt take one drop of the beloved bottle. I ended up waking up 7 times and nursing 7 times all night long. My mind is shot and im NO good today! I told Jeff I was moving Jolenes crib in our room and then Lauras crib in her room and she WILL cry it out tonight. Praising GOd I only have one neighbor who already im sure thinks Im nuts but she has a baby the same age as Laura so hearing a baby cry at night will not alarm her.
 I HATE that everyday of every freaking morning I have to give a DETAILED list of things to my older 2 kids. Its like every night when they hit the pillow it somehow strips their memory and we start over. Everyday they have to be told do their chores, every detail of that said chore has to be given. Im shocked everyday I dont have to remind them to wipe their butts! You would think with by now they would have this down. I guess I need my mom here every morning to tell me to get Laura and change her diaper, feed her and all the other kids because I cant do it with that detailed voice reminder.
 Im sick and tired of the WORLD cramming poison down my kids throat. I hate every thing we buy theres dyes and crap in it. My child has an ulcer and NO body listens to what he can and cant have even ME! Who in there right mind would even ALLOW food or drinks down his throat if it was slowly causing him to end up back in the hospital. Well im the only one to blame because im weak and stupid. I allowed it over and over again and now my child is hacking up acid and cant swallow again. Its me who listens to him cry for a soda or a snack food and I give him. I have let him down. I hate that I now have to eat fruits and veggies and cant enjoy a nice greasy hamburger because I decided to not lose weight in between my baby making periods. Now I suffer from being fat and I feel like dog crap. I hate that now I must work out everyday and even though I enjoy working out and kickboxing only picturing the person I hate the must while slamming the punch and kick, I hate it. Only because I have to do because I need to lose weight. Id love to have another baby or babies but I cant right now because im so stinking fat!
 I also im sooo upset over the fact my husband doesnt see that I actually truly work my ass off. Im sorry who takes care of the kids 24/7, cooks, makes sure your lunch is packed and ready for you, who does the laundry so when you open your dresser you have clothes, or scrubs the toilet after many boys come in and piss all over not only the lid but the wall and fall.Who makes dinner ever night? Even after I make dinner and spent my time doing it you still sit at the table and spit it out like I feed you cat food. Nice hun nice!!
 I even hate the fact im blogging right now. Who really reads this blog? Who wants to read a blog about a crazy redneck mom and her wild Indians. Right now I have my 4 year screaming in my ear that he is dying because I wont turn the tv on and give him milk. Oh man I have a love hate relationship with the tv! I love that they can watch nice shows but I hate that every freaking break is a half naked woman having sex with a new food they came out with. Really people. Cant you do better than that???

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10 things or more about me

We are in the middle of our second week of the new school year. This year we are relaxed and I finally know what we like. BOOKS. No text books, just books. To see Cody fly through his day without meltdowns and him smiling because he likes it, is just priceless. I was doing a little freak out when I was researching for Hannah. She will be in 9th grade next year and I was freaking out on how to keep records. Well after speaking with a few women and reading on, I found out that I can breathe again. She is far beyond 8th grade level right now and I feel comfortable with placing her in high school reading. She can take her many subjects now for it. My only other freak out was, how do I log and keep test scores when we don't text or have a curric??? No biggie at all. People all over the United States school like we do and they just happen to have blogs and websites on it for people like me who FREAK! But again I'm not freaking out anymore. If I do my husband would be oh so happy to smack me back to normal.
 The little boys started K with MFW and love it. we had to slow the letters down for them. Going way to fast for them. Thats another reason we love homeschooling, we CHOOSE how fast slow they go. we love MFW so very much. THe letter introduction is a little fast paced but once we get the the Units passed Creation it will be better. the big kids are doing MFW CtG and LOVE IT! I had to add so many books into the book basket to keep them going. Nothing to say we had to tweek just yet on it for them. They have been doing the timeline. we place it along our hallway wall. A good 7 feet of timeline. Today they were reading about Noah and they made a big drawing of the Ark. They turned out really good.
 The Missouri heat has been unbelievable these last few weeks. I do like my warm weather for nature hikes,swimming and early park time but give me a break! I have a baby that is teething and if she is outside to long WAMMM her fever goes crazy and that makes for a crabby and I refuse to have a crabby baby. ( in my world). So we play outside in the morning and the evenings and make schooling happen in between. My husband has been outside for like 11 hours everyday building and working on a new retaining wall and patio area. I cant wait for the patio to be poured. Its huge and the kids can ride their scooter and bikes on it IN THE SHADE. Makes me happy. we have been really blessed by our American Sycamore tree out back. It gives us a massive amount of shade all day so I can put Laurabeths pool over there an she is good. Im a sun lover and I prefer to be in direct sun whenever im outside. Shade is for babies :)No just kidding. The hubs and me sit out under our beloved tree and watch the kids play. Making memories. My willow trees are doing wonderful!!! I water them every night and they just dance around me. Im going to plant a few of them once we gt the playground in place. I want the four corners of the playground to have a weeping willow. They remind of a book. Very beautiful they are.
 So I see all the bloggers are posting "10 things you may not know what me", so Ill do the same.

1.) I love Jesus like crazy and pray all day long. We do not attend church. We do our bible studies at home. we fellow the Holy Days and some find that weird and not Christian like.HAHA Ok people whatever.

2.) I love tattoos and rock n roll.Id have a sleeve of tats if I had the time to get it done. I can listen to Poison and GunsNroses all day. I also love my JOY FM. I love listening to Adrian Rodgers in the morning. I have a mouth like a sailor BUT will not be a sailor in front of kids. At least your kids.

3.) I love long skirts! No a religious thing, just makes me feel pretty.

4.) Everyone in this house is addicted to Little House on the Prairie. e even named our last baby Laura Elizabeth. Wish we could have lived back then but with electric.

5.) When getting ready to take a shower I always look in the mirror and giggle my belly. Why not?

6.) I have found that alot of homeschoolers are really rather snobby. They are the first to judge and the first to preach the walk they aren't walking. Keep it real people.

7.) I love soda. Its so bad for me and I know it. I hate that! I have no self control over it. I so love a nice cold coke and lots of ice. I know I know. I go to the chiro all the time and she a dietitian and I KNOW I'm a big girl and don't need you to tell me the wrongs about it.

8.) I love me husband ALOT! Why we don't have 100 kids is beyond us. He is hot and makes me feel like a teenager. Cant help it. I make him laugh like he is a little kid and I LOVE hearing him laugh! He is a handful almost everyday but im pretty much a pit viper so it equals out.

9.) I have a daughter that amazes at her abilities. I had her right after I turned 16. She is BY FAR the best girl I have ever met.

10.) I wish I had met Jeff right after I had Cody so our kids wouldn't have been 5 years apart. I wish I had 10 kids.

11.) If I could id live in the middle of nowhere, living off my land, with horse and buggy. Id love to start my own town from back in the day. Before the stupids entered the world. But again with electric.

12.) If you stop by my house you are more than likely to see kids naked or in their underwear. They are always in dirt.

 My husband showing the kids how NOT to eat a goldfish.
 Little boys working on their creation pages.
 Ethan working on his patterns
 Laurabeth just got her ears done :)
 Laurabeth and me.
 This is Cody. this child works like must MEN dream about. He works next to his dad and doesn't even complain. Then he helps our friend every evening with her horses. Love this little guy!
 Chase taking Laurabeth for ride.
 Hannah though she was a little child and could climb the playground. She did.Below is my dad showing Hannah how to use his gun. Start young and they will respect the GUN.
13.) I have a child with Asperger's and he is the light of our house. He love Jesus and loves telling the stories of the bible to us.

14.) I nurse my babies until they stop. Could be 6 months could be 4 years. Get over it.

15.) We cloth diaper.

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