Yesterday was a wonderful day. I had my friend Lisa and her 3 beautiful children over for a day of fellowship. Manly so I could pick her brain on The Feast of Tabernacles. She has been teaching a class on the Feast and Holy days we have been attending but I needed more answers and wanted to really get the facts right an be able to look them up in scripture myself and see. Hannah and I have just been soaking this up. Boy do we Christians really miss things that are right in front of us but dont take the time to do it because we are so caught up in the world. Im sorry but we will no longer live blindly and walk around in caught up in all thats not right.Amazing how things are right in front of ya and you choose not to see or you are worried what some people might think of ya. Oh boy the stuff we have learned and Im honestly waiting for certain people to say to me" I sure hope you are studying on your own" or " Your not going to be brain washed again are ya?" or so on and so on. Keep it to yourself please!
Anyways we are waiting for some rain here. The dark clouds moved in and the rain needs to come like now! we are plugging away at school and not getting much of it done really because theres alot to do with school. The husband was pretty upset with me this weekend because the big kids were again when he came home. So he laid the law down and told me and THEM they arent to to be gone but once a month when he comes home. He finally gets Saturdays off and they weren't here for a family day so we stayed home. He got alot done around the house though.Sunday he even bbqed for us and we loaded everybody up and went for a nice long drive.The trees are starting to turn beautiful colors.We have a field trip Thursday with our co op to the Shaw Nature Reserve to enjoy the trees and hiking. I also need to take the kids to the pumpkin patch this weekend and apple picking next week. The littles are reading The Pumpkin Patch Parable and LOVE IT. They are ready to rip open their pumpkins. Their letter this week is E and P. Color is orange and shape is a triangle. The will do weaving and more painting. The bigger kids are a bible study on Feasts. They have basketball this weekend and Hannah starts a new piano class Thursday. She is very excited to start back up as she has been off since Sept because of the baby. She got a really nice digital Yamaha piano for birthday last month and its so cool because she can record what she plays and then it shows her what keys she might have messed up on. She loves it! Cody has showed an interest in piano so Im thinking maybe he will join her. Jolene has been coloring with the kids as they do school work and is always so busy.She reminds me of Chase because they are always soooo busy! Little LauraBeth is doing awesome! Nursing like a pro and nursing ALL the time. I so love nursing her.I have missed it so much.Jolene stopped around 9 months and I was so sad! Laura lost her baby cord on Sunday and I cried :( Why cant they stay small for longer?! I always take her outside on the porch and sit in my favorite chair while the other kids play and I nurse her.Pure joy!! There is nothing like nursing your baby and watching all your other kids smile and scream with laughter ( unless its Jolene who is screaming because 3 of her brothers are chasing her with power wheels). Im so grateful for all I have been blessed with.My kiddos are loud and crazy and I wouldnt change that for anything!
So sorry I have missed the last couple of Feast Classes. Can't wait until you can fill me in!
So glad that life is settling into routine for you. Where is Hannah taking piano class now? I can't wait to see that new piano sounds really cool!!
Lisa's classes are amzzing! Thank You soooooooooo much Jen for introducing me to her. Your right, today's Christians are blind to so much of what God's word has to offer. I'm happy to see you are all doing well. Hopefully we will meet your newest blessing soon. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO COME OUT!!!!!
OK, I'm hung up on the pic of the barn! I love the silver panels, the doors and the windows! What a great setting. The Lord moved us in town over a decade ago, and it has been a hard change. However, when you described your kids as "loud and crazy" it brought back wonderful memories of playing outside with gusto, not worrying about any neighbors because they were miles away. Your life sounds so happy and blessed!
So glad you are all doing so well! I can't wait to meet your new wee one and see your other kiddos. Sounds like life is simply joyfully. What more could you ask for! Well, except for Jeff to be home but that will come too.
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