My 3 boys got really into it so Hannah and me joined!
I have hit week 10 with this baby and feeling better everyday.Im not as tired and crabby as I was but Im a woman and we are all usually crabby from time to time anyway so whats new ;) We have had storm after storm here in Missouri and they have had some scary straight line winds that look worse than tornado's at times.I love a good thunderstorm but the bad storms are no fun with no husband around to keep me down to earth.we had many trips downstairs late at night with the littles not knowing what is going on.Needless to say im ready for spring but the storms can be gone :) School is going good but slow.My girlfriend bless her heart gave me all her 4th grade Abeka! I still need Math 4 and some readers and I cant think what else..... anyways she saved me alot of money.Now i have to buy 7th grade Abeka and really looking forward to using this.I have all of grade 2 so the little boys will be good in a few years.I had thought I wouldn't buy them a set of books, but I still love Rod and Staff preschool and their packs are so cheap and all though we have done the packs twice now, Ethan is just now realizing Letters make a sound and a word.Chase is right behind him so we have decided to go ahead and stick with those packs for this year coming up. We have all our seeds for our garden and getting ready to plant them in there containers for our seedlings to sport.Im hoping to do a big garden this year so we can can and freeze and have enough for the winter.Would love to work on a chicken coop but honestly im one woman with a handful of kids and my time is all over but building something.Im very blessed to have a Mom who is very handy and good at doing stuff like this.Did I tell you she is the one who put in all my posts for our fence! I didnt do even one!! I was busy inside with the littles while her and Cody were working hard.
I have another Ultrasound Wednesday and then we are heading to Indiana to see my husband.We are waiting for his blood results to see if he is the carrier for the antigens I have.I have tigers Little C in my blood. With Chase I had little E and C and Jolene I only had E, with this one I have C and thats scary because it can cause problems I wont get into until we know who carries them.SO we are waiting and waiting and its causing exploding thoughts for me! I leave it in the Lords hands and thats what comforts me the most. We are also on the hunt for a 12 or 15 passenger van.Needs to be in our price range and nice. we found a few but nothing that really held for us. Well I most be off to do some laundry and cleaning!......
1 comment:
Hi Jen!
...just wanted to let you know that we are starting a MFW Homeschool Highlights link up in the coming weeks. If you're interested, stop by and let me know!
:: Happy Homeschooling! ::
Kathi @ A Heart Like Water A Heart Like Water
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