well I have to say the husband does not clean up here in Indiana.I just spent the better half of my morning scrubbing and changing out the shower curtain. he keeps the kitchen spotless and the living room ( I'm thinking that's because theres no kids here to make it a mess) but he uses whats called grandpas soap and it likes pine tar.Dark brown and sticks to everything.Its clean now and I'm sure he'll be happy :) Yesterday before we came up I had another ultrasound.The beaner was dancing and waving at me.every time I see a beaner it just amazes me that I have that in my body and I'm growing a baby! Amazing! He/she is looking great and we are still waiting on Jeffs blood work.Once the results show up Ill post what I'm talking because if I try to explain it now Id loose all of ya and that wouldn't be good. But baby and I look great.I'm measuring at 16 weeks and ill be 11 weeks Friday.I look like I'm 7 months preggers! But hey i love being preggers and ill take it! The kids are busy building forts with blankets, sofa pillows and tote boxes.Hannah is just getting up and its 11 am!!!! can you say teenagers!!!!!I brought little school work with us just our readers and Hannah's math.Hoping to relax and just be.we will leave here Sat and Jeff will follow after work that day only to have him home for 18 hours! I had planned on going to the history museum on our way back but I left Jolene's big stroller and Moby at home so that wont work for us at all! Maybe next time! I'm going to hit all the resale shops out here and found a crib!! i have yet decided on how ill do Jolene's room with another crib.But my bedroom is BIG and I'm thinking ill put the new baby in with me until he/she sleeps through the night.So that means until 3 years old in this house! Jolene is up and down all night long still.BUT last night she slept forever and when Jeff and I woke up we had 2 little boys in the middle of us with all our blankets! They were sleeping in the living and how and when they got in bed is still a question?!
well i must go and do something......not sure what but something :)