A day running again. we ran it seems everywhere today. But they had to get done. We came home in time for nap time and some cleaning. Made breakfast for dinner and it out to my hubby. As he ate the children and me picked some yummy blackberries. I found the mother load and took a wacker to weedthem . The kids that it was pretty cool to see old mom here swinging it like a mad woman. Felt pretty good to. As we were pickin Ethan was a eating. He turned purple ing so and looked so cute. very once in a while Chase would eat one and spit it right back out and giggle. Hannah and Cody didnt really want to eat many until they were washed. Im so glad we found all the berries. I was worried we only had a few bushes and they didnt look very big but man oh man we scored big time. They all are pretty red still but turning. we picked all the ones that were ready. We ate all of them :)
We have half the windows in now :) They look so pretty. The hubby and I were talking ad looking at the front porch and I talked him into putting a porch fan in so we can sit in the summer with a breeze na watch the children play. Then I said I wanted a swing on there so when we are old we can swing and watch the grandkids play. He just smiled :) Oh its to fun to talk about the new house :) I cant wait! he poor hubby has just been out there sweating away and doing everything he can. Im so proud of him.
Chase made again all day in underwear! Every store, every stop we made he peed in the potty. Even wore underwear at nap time!! Thats a big deal. Night time still doing the Bum-genius and wool cover. Way to wet for not.
So as we begin the new school year which its really new to us but for he state of Mo July 1st is the new school year for homeschoolers. So here is what we are doing... Right now we are doing a HUGE unit on Little House on the Prairie. it has been the funnest thing we have done so far. The kids re just eating it up....
Teaching Textbook 6/ R&S speed drills
Notgrass Bible Psalms
My Fathers World for History, Geography,Science and a little bible
Rod and Staff spelling 6
Rod and Staff English 6
French Rosita Stone
Pathway readers 6
Handwriting is bible verses for the week
Many new readers coming
Art will be normal craft time
Rod and Staff math 3
Rod and Staff English 3
My Fathers Worlds for Science,History, geography,little bible
Notgrass Psalms bible work
Handwriting is bible verses for the week
Pathway readers 2nd and 3rd again this year
Rod and Staff spelling 3
Art normal craft time
Five in a Row is also going to our big thing with Cody and the littles this year
Lots of tracing,coloring,reading,puzzles,
Lots of coloring,puzzles,reading,playing
We are doing Five in a Row with the 3 boys. I have a ton of other stuff I through in the school year but this gives you an idea of what we do. Its much fun!!
Where are you getting all the resources for your Little House series? That is what the girls and I are doing starting next month. But I am compiling it on my own. Got any good websites or ideas you can reccomend?
Hey Amanda, we have borrowed alot from the library. They have the other books for our unit study and then some. I have the whole book set myself if you want to start borrowing them. But Union has every thing on Prairies and the Little house short chapter books Cody loves. Also there is a site called homeschoolshare.com/prairie and they have the WHOLE study done for me. Everything. I just go and print what I need from there. Its amazing.
Hi, Jennifer.
I'm following you from the MFW Blog Roll - I love getting to know other MFW moms. :^) I hope you can stop by my place, too: http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com.
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