This is my favorite time of year. The lights, smells,happiness and Jesus on everybodys mind. Its the time of year I know people are being saved because more people are talking about Jesus and spreading the Word. It makes me happy knowing more people will be in Heaven to enjoy beauty's our Father has made for His children. We put up the text books and turn our attention to what the season is about. The only thing we wont put away is math as we cant afford to review a months worth of math we would forget. Yes we do school year around and kick myself for taking a huge break this past summer. But thats ok we know now we cant do it again.we have more field trips and playdates in fall/winter than summer when its so hot we hate going outside. Anywho we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family at my sisters house. Jolene was pretty sick with her fever but we still went and Im so glad we did because the kids needed to play with there cousins. We are doing Christmas this year at my house and Im beyond excited. Only because that means I dont have to take an extra 2 hours in the morning to get everybody and load the mom bus with all our things and drive. Yeaaaaahhhh. I don't think my family realizes how hard it is to keep everybody ready and loaded. So I'm just glad now the Christmas celebrations will be here. My Dad smoked a turkey and I have to say we will be investing in a smoker because it was the best turkey I have EVER had. My sister made one too but honestly I only ate the smoked because I loved it so much. This years Thanksgiving dinner was different for me. Laurabeth cant have dairy,which means I don't get dairy. I slipped up on that day and she did have a hard time that night and next day. But I'm very careful and I'm sticking to my Ulrameal protein shakes and light lunches. I don't even use creamer in my coffee any more!!! Thats huge for me. I have learned to just adjust to what I can eat. I'm see results in my weight since I had to cut dairy and fructose. My face is slimmer and puffy, my tummy is bloated and its starting to shrink. The husband has been noticing ;) Good times ;) I'm very aware now of what goes in my mouth. I double think everything. I think the only thing I'm having problems with is soda. I'm down to maybe a cup of soda a day compared to my 5 or 6 cans a day. I'm very proud of that! Ice tea is my new favorite drink. Today we have pictures for the kids and Laurabeths 2 month photo shoot. Jeff told me last night he wants to get our ( just me and him) done in black and white.So I need to plan that also. He is so sweet. Although he told me I have to wear my hair down because when I have it pulled back he thinks I look like an old grandma!!! Thanks hun! We have never had our pictures done together alone. I wonder how they will turn out?? Anywho..... i have alot to do this month but since we put the books up it will be a relaxed month.I'm praying for snow. The 27th was Ethans 5th birthday. He has wished for snow and unfortunately his Daddy had to leave for Indiana at 5 that night BUT 2 hours after daddy left, it started to snow. Not alot, just beautiful snowflakes that we watched for while until it stopped. God is so good. He made my sons face light up and the kids giggle with delight. It was a moment I paused and gave thanks. I cant believe Ethan is 5. My mom came over and gave him is birthday gifts.....a new super cool dvd player with a Christmas movie! He was so excited. She had got him one last year but it broke because he was a little to ruff with it. This one he is super careful and loves it. Daddy also got him batman stuff of course. Jolenes 2nd birthday was on the 2nd and i cried! I cant believe they are growing so fast. Jolene is amazing. She holds her ground like the boys and I'm pretty sure if you made her mad, she would take you down. She will be holding her baby doll in one arm and a light saber in the other beating the boys. This house of ours is filled with nonstop noise and playing. This so far is the best time of my life. I pray my husband could be here enjoying this with me. I know I cant be angry or unhappy about the path of him not being here. I'm joyful, happy and just choosing to be that better person for my kids. Hannah and Cody are helping around here all the time. We do have times where they would rather roll there eyes at me or ignore me completely but at that age its to be expected. It doesn't happen alot. I have good... great kids. well I must go I have a sweet little baby needed my snuggles. May God Bless You today.........