So the Missouri heat is on full blast and I just happen to be huge and preggers. Well thats alright because the nice old air of my house is wonderful! We have been busy playing inside making the house a mess, which is also ok because thats why we have it, to enjoy inside and out! I do think my laundry room needs meds right away because every time I turn my back it throws up all these things called clothes and its very disturbing.Ill post a pic but let me warn you ahead of time..... its not pretty! As for school we are cracking right along. Cody got a little behind but boy when I say we need to make it up he jumps and works all day until his little hand and head can go no more. Hannah is flying right along too, I had to slow her down in 2 subjects as she was going away ahead of my planning and I just cant keep up with her. Cody and Hannah are really showing me the signs that school is neat. I have seen a huge a change in Cody this school year.Lets keep praying it stays that way. The little boys are doing awesome also.we learned the color red, began hand writing, shapes, and even a little pretend play ;0 This is just review for Ethan but Chase wants to be right along with him so we start from the start and just go with the flow. My sister dropped off a ton of toys for the littles and they have been busy away playing.It was Christmas is July for them. We also spent the day out at my sisters house enjoying her massive pool and the family.It was nice to have a day with her and the kids and my mom.I dont see her enough or those wild Nelson kids. My brother is putting up our deck off the dinning room and I cant wait for that to get done.Ill post pics :) I must go and write more later my brother just pulled up and ready to work.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Busy playing and planning
Friday, July 15, 2011
Im so mentally drained its not even humanly right for one person. Im sure its a mix of being 7 months pregnant, 3 little who dont listen, 2 older kids who dont bother to help unless they are yelled at, the husband gone 6 days a week, me the only one keeping up the house, having to deal with the baby not growing...... the list goes on. I finally just had enough tonight and sent my littles to bed and the big kids down stairs. I usually have a routine that would make a mother scream! Ready for this???? I rock Jolene to sleep EVERY night in my chair.I rock Chase to sleep EVERY night in my chair, Ethan stays up as late as I do, meaning 10 or later for him.I hate the routine we have.I need my alone time, I get NO time to ever breathe EVER. It feels like my world is caving in on me.I get even more stressed when people are being nice and I love all who ask but I dont need help with the kids, I dont need help with the house and I need some body here all the time. I NEED MY KIDS TO LISTEN, I need my husband home and I my family back in one house. Its a stress unless you have been down this road you wont have any idea what this feels like. I'm expecting a baby in weeks and im so ready to pack for Indiana and be there so I have help from my husband. I need him like crazy and its not fair Im on this road. I usually have good days but the amount of stress I have right now makes me speechless. I have to get the littles on some routine that will change this behavior that's making me stress.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Wooohoo we are doing it!
Thats right folks our school year has kicked off and we are loving it! aside from the little boys so full of energy they could pull a steam train up a hill all by themselves, we are moving along. I plan on doing a weekly wrap up with other bloggers of homeschoolers on Fridays so I wont post a whole lot right on school. I have my 15 year old niece Robin for a whole week. Hannah and Robin are like 2 peas in pod! I mean the talent these girls have for drawing is beyond amazing. So they are painting a HUGE beautiful nature theme on the nursery for the little girls. They are doing trees on both sides of the window.One tree is a tree of fairy babies and the other is a tree with an old owl looking on and leaves falling. I wouldnt be Jen if I didnt have some random pumpkins on the wall :) So they will paint some little pumpkins on the bottom with the grass.They have the drawings done and have started the painting of the trees. Im so excited! Once done with the girls room, they will move to the boys room and do the solar plant! Oh man they are good. They only thing I can make is stick people and even that is scary! My pregnancy is moving long and getting closer to the day I get to hold and snuggle this baby. Its amazing to me we will have 7 beautiful kids. Our house is loud and crazy and total mess but its ok.This is just a season in my life and before I know it they will be grown and on there own. So sad to think about. Its so funny because people come over who have 2 or 3 kids and they have NO clue how a house is ran with many kids. They look at you like your nuts and judge from the way the kids will act up ( just them playing drives them crazy). FUNNY!! Anywho I better get back to the kids and fold this laundry thats calling my name and I get yelling back at it to chill out but it dont listen!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Our Curriculum for the new year ;)
I have been pounding away at our lessons for the new school year ( July 11th). Well I try, with littles always on the table and a fight to stop and sippies to fill and mouths to get the idea! So Im pretty much done, only thing I need to do is the preschool and work on my monthly calender.With co op not decided if they will stick to Mondays or not im feeling like I just lost time writing in the planners.Thankfully a good friend said to plan everything in pencil, and I listened. So heres our run down....
Hannah- Abeka 7 Science Order and Design, 7 Grammar and Composition, 7 Vocabulary Spelling and Poetry, 7 History of the World in a Christian Perspective, Saxon Math 7/6, Pathway Readers Seeking True Values and Step by Step both with workbooks,Building Thinking Skills Book 2,Bible Joshua and Judges and Acts. She will be required to turn in a book report every 2 weeks.We are doing Creative writing and Art with our co op class. We, at home will do Abeka Art 4. Im sure I forgot something....
Cody-Abeka 3 Spelling and Poetry,Math 3 Abeka,Penmanship mastery 4,God Girf of Language A ( writing and Grammar), Science 4 Understanding Gods World,History of the United States in a Christian Perspective 4,developing Good Health 4, Rod and Staff Bible, Phonics on Audio tapes.All together we will be doing the Power Builders as our Bible time.Again I'm sure I left something out....He will also be required to turn in a book report every week.
we will also finish last years My Fathers World Year one.Not much left to do but they did love the map and the books.
My littles are doing My fathers World K and Rod and Staff preschool. Abeka Art Amber Lamb. Alots of learning this year and very excited to get going. As soon as we are in full swing the baby will be here to knock us off track ;) But thats alright the kids don't mind ;)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Romans 5:3-4
Ethan sporting Hannahs cRAZy wigg.
My 4 guys looking at the new hole my husband dug with his man toy.
we can rejoice,too, when we run into problems and trails,for we know that they help us develop endurance.4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. I woke up with this verse this morning. Not showed to me by anyone but God.He is just that amazing! As I go through some very hard stressful times I rely on God to guide and lead our family where we need to be.Is it hard? You bet! But in the end, it all is amazing and im waiting for that. I know we will be ok, I know Laura will be healthy and happy with im hoping the big floppy Ownby ears. I know Jeff and I can make any house a home rather its here in Missouri or Indiana or Illinois or Vermont.I know that this house my husband built for us is not a home because he isnt here to make it complete.I dont except my family to understand but in time they will. I cant be mom and dad 24/7. Sure I can do sometimes and do it with joy knowing my husband is 2 states over working himself to death for us.But he is always so upset because he has missed out on everything with Jolene.He has missed moments here Cody needed a dad to guide him.He misses night time routine, dinner at the table with his beautiful. Why should a family be torn about just because they have a nice house back here.Or because I feel guilty for taking my kids away from family here.God is showing me that this will be ok. What the future holds we dont know but I know everyday it gets easier to deal with because I know we will be together in the end. we told the kids last night that we are thinking of RVing it for awhile and sure enough the movie RV came on not 5 minutes later and the first question had was " whos cleaning out the crapper?!" Cody raised his hand and called it.Shew thats one thing I dont have to do now! I do enough diaper changes I cant handle doing the big crapper! So we will see how things go.First thing is first and thats getting Laura here big and healthy. Alrighty heres what we have been up to lately.... we hosted friends from North Carolina for a few days this past weekend.It was so nice to have a house full of kids and mom of 6 who understands what I go through. they have moved so many times and stayed together the whole time. Amazing she had the strength to move with that many kids and was so joyful about.She is amazing! we had 4 teenage girls,6 rowdy rowdy boys and 2 beautiful little baby girls! So mush for the kids and me. we missed our first co op Monday but thats alright.Thats life with a large family. Hannah is doing awesome in piano and Jeff is looking for a new piano for her.We have a really old one we were blessed with by some friends but it needs alot of work and the price it would be to fix we can find one new used.He has looked all over the part in Indiana where is at but none have really caught our eye.Look continues! We have been enjoying the Missouri heat and sunny days we have here.the wildlife right out our back is totally beautiful! Cody spends all day and I mean all day looking for snakes and turtles and lizards.we have had a few snakes in his hands and nasty looking things.Being a mom to 3 boys snakes dont seem to bad anymore because you should see some of the crazy gross frogs and toads they bring to me! Ill take a snake anyday!!!! We had kids with bronchitis and pneumonia that lasted about 2 weeks. That was scary and so glad its over. Cody did wake up this morning begging for pain reliever for his headache.Poor guy never ever gets sick so im hoping he is just needing a lot water and rest.His tummy was hurting so i have him laying in bed.Please Lord dont let him throw up! Jolene is talking up a storm now. Every morning she goes up and down the hallway screaming " guys! guys!". Shes looking for the little boys. I also had 2 friends have babies this week and its the start of baby season over here.I have 3 more friends due before me now and 3 due right after me! Should be fun times and anyone not having babies I just have to say baby fever will likely kick in now!
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