Its Monday with a down pour yet again.My kids say April showers bring may flowers but I'm thinking floods! Our backyard is like a river and of course our labs think that its play time.They lay in it, like the puddles, dig big holes and then go in the dog house.They remind me of kids. Although my kids really want to play but I'm sick of the mud in my house so I wont let them.I did let them go out for a few minutes today in the front yard but Jolene got her pretty dress all wet and I brought them in.My husband had a nice 3 day weekend.he worked his butt off here but at least we were under the same roof and in the same bed for 3 nights.He was able to rip the laundry room floor out and get that cleared away so Tony can come in and replace drywall and put new bamboo flooring in. We had a really horrible water leak right after we moved in and had to move all my school room stuff and store it in my kitchen/dinning room and bring my school table in the kitchen right after I just got it all cute and ready for school.Nice I know.BUT after this week it will back to normal and I can have my dinning room back and pantry finally done with shelves.I had to the pantry for 2 book cases and a desk while this "mess" was in the way and im so ready to have a pantry its nuts. we had a wonderful Easter at my Mom and Dads Sunday.Lots of eggs and my mom gave us the rest of the ham and we had it for dinner last night, some this morning and we had it for lunch.It was that good! Chase was really crabby at Easter and was causing some stress for some people but hes 3 and he has been sick and been though alot this past week.I didnt think twice about it.Im so use to littles and their melt downs. Chase has a concussion I would have posted earlier on but life has been busy.He is ok just needs to take it easy.This happened Thursday night after the little boys were playing rescue hero's on the sofa.Chase was on he floor my the sofa and Ethan was flipping around on the sofa and kicked Chase right smack in the eye causing chase to stiffing up and go limp in the legs.His jaw locked up sideways and he totally seized.Scared the living day lights out of Hannah and me.we ran him to the ER and he was not happy ro have to doctors touching him or even looking at him.Chase would let the nurse put the bracelet on him and I finally told the nurse she needed to back off because she is freaking him out. doctors for reason bother me more than anything. They think toddlers should just there and so what they ask.Right! If I was little and had people touching me and asking me things you bet Id freak out and yell.Im an adult and if someone bumps into at the store I get pissed.They wanted to do a cat scan but I kept telling them no that what if when he is older and for some reason needs a cat scan but already had one.It causes cancer the more you have them and even one time a child can cause damage to them.he finally let the nurse& doctor look him over and they sent us home.They wanted to watch him for 4 hours since he wouldn't sit still.But since he wasn't throwing up and his eyes were dilating they gave me a list of things to do to him over the next 48 hours. Jolene and Chase are on the last few days of taking their antibiotics.uhhhggggg its never ending around here. Jolene wants the moby wrap all day and I want to clean and sleep. BUT I love the snuggles and mommy moments I have been having them.I watch Hannah and Cody talk and be with friends and I just think "wow" my babies aren't babies anymore and I have to remember to stop blinking. Its amazing to me that Hannah will be 13 this year.My sweet chubby little nursing until 2 and half baby is almost 13! I have been looking back on the years that have gone by and being so young with having 2 babies.By the time I was 18 I had Hannah and Cody.I was a single mom and honestly had nothing to complain about. My God giving plan was to be a Mom. I had the best the support from my family and took raising my babies like I was I had been doing it for centuries.I remember always praying that one day Id havea husband who had a good job and wanted alot of kids and wanted to homeschool. I remember always wanting to homeschool Hannah when she started kindergarten and my Mom always telling me no I couldn't.I would always get so mad but I lived under her roof and felt I couldn't. I hated taking her to school and she be gone all day away from me.It was hard. Meeting Jeff was such a blessing from the Lord. It was like He was saying to me" Jen, Im answering your prayers." Its been amazing to be married to such a a guy I prayed for so many years.A guy who puts me first and wants nothing more but to make me happy.He is just such a manly man and takes his job to heart.He works so hard for us and doesnt say one thing about.If I need something I go get it or he brings it from Indiana to me on the weekends.he makes sure ever weekend before he leaves that he has everything for me taking care of. You just have no idea how blessed we are here in this house.I have been so busy taking care of babies and kids and the stress of everything around me.I have been going 100mph and havent had to breathe.Life gets likes this sometimes and how you handle it makes a huge difference in the children later in their life. sure there those moments you go to bed and pray about the way you handle something with one of the kidsnad wish you have done different.we have those moments we go to the kids and WE say sorry for yelling like that.Id love to do alot different but I cant. I can pray and make the future easier.I know yelling at one child only brings out the anger and disrespect in one.I know that not praising one child for doing chores makes that child sad.I know that clapping for child who just peed in the potty come out with a his lip down because mommy didnt act happy.I know that if I dont read to one child he just wants to watch tv all day.I know my husband like to hear how amazing I think he is.
And theres school. yes school. we had planned on being done by May but thats not happening.So we have decided to school all year.It will be a lighter load for them but we just afford to not do math and reading.Theres just no way.Im still having a hard time finding something for English.I asked my friends and everybody uses something.I looked at all of them and I loved them but for the kids that are two totally different learning styles nothing looked like it would fit them.Not sure what we will use but trust me Ill find it! I was also looking at My Fathers World K. I know I had said I wasn't going to use a full curriculum for the boys but realized they asked everyday to do school and are really thriving right now.Chase who is just 3 is awesome!! If you have used the MFW K or 1st grade please tell me how your kids did with it and what all was in the year.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Cody!
Cody yesterday with his new gear!
My man Cody showing me his good looking pose.
Happy Birthday Cody!He turned 10 yesterday and we had a busy stressful day.we started our day at Urgent care waiting for a doctor to see Jolene and Chase.As we sat and waited for over an hour we got in and out.Turns out me baby girl has an ear infection,sinus infection and bronchitis.Im not one for antibitics but we need it.Chase has an ear infection and nasty sinus infection which needed some antibiatics too.He is doing better, Jolene is still coughing hard and very tired but she only woke up once last night we slept though the storm so I know it was a much needed rest for her.After that trip I took the kiddos to lunch at Steak N Shake for Cody only to have waitress who was no smarter than a rock.we had a glass of water spill all over Cody and she brings me 2 nakins! yes 2!! So im really mad and she knows it and so does her boss.They gave kid shakes for free and that ws that.His pants were soaked and he doesnt like to a center of attention and that made him mad.After that we headed to target and he picked out a neat DS game,skate board, knee pads,wrist graurds and knee pads and a gun.He was happy.Did I tell you he also got a lawn mower?? that was is topper from his uncle Doug.we will do a birthday party for him on easter day since the family will be together anyways and theres no need to have everyone spend more money on gas than needed. On a sad note the goat my Mom got right after I had Cody died on his birthday :( we cried and remembered the times we had with him.I had just had Cody and was bottle feeding these 2 sweet goats.I loved that.Sorry he died but he was 10 and lived a great life. We also made a homemade cheese cake and we ate every last crumb! it was so good.
Jeff will be home for 3 days this weekend! he has alot to do so we wont be having family time but at least he will be sleeping in the same house!
Im on my porch waiting for these major storms to roll though.we have storm chasers from discovery channel and the weather channel over the St.Louis area and its crazy! I lovemea good storm just not at night! Now my spell check will not work so bare with me on this post you get to see how well of a speller I really am! I have dinner in the oven! I feel like I have done alot today.I put up my new valance in the kitchen and I put up curtains in the living room. They look so cute and I hope the hubby likes them!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Laura Elizabeth Ownby
We found out Friday we are having another girl! Woohoooooo girls rule the house! In honor of Laura Ingalls Wilder we are naming our baby Laura Elizabeth. Just beautiful!Cant wait to hold and snuggle this baby.I look forward to nursing and rocking and all the wonderful things a new blessing brings to a family.We havent done anything but school work and clean.I had some homeschool friends over for a day of fellowship and that was so nice. The weather was amazing and the kids played hard. Over the weekend Cody had a friends sleep over and we had a birthday party to go and the I babysat my sisters 3 kiddos.Sunday my sweet sexy husband bbq for us and we enjoyed the weather by trying to fly kites.With 60 mph winds we broke alot of kites.We only have 3 weeks of school left before I declare summer break wooooohoooooo!! Im ready to lay out and tan this big white growing belly! It pays to not have neighbors close by people. Theres alot coming up this spring and it makes me tired just thinking about it all, but its all good times..... Here's somethings Im thinking of tonight....Im very excited to be learning about the Feast and Holy Days.As we learned about Hanukkah this past winter and now we will celebrate that just as we do the birth of Jesus on Christmas.Very excited about the Holy days and we have been reading the bible about them and doing research after research and loven every minute of it. Im also thinking about the people who judge others because they do not fit into their idea of what a Christian should look and act like.The bible clearly states WE DO NOT judge.My walk with God is so much more real and honest when I stopped trying to fit in to this label of people.I wore a skirt for 2 years and hide myself from the world and my husband because I thought and looked down upon and gossiped about if I didnt look or make my kids and I act the way they did. I hide myself for so long and made my sweet children suffer along with me.Once I broke out of my shell and God told me he loved me as ME.The big loud mouth tell you how it is really kinda girl.I love Jesus and we teach our children to by theGlory God.We do that.But God made us all different and he Likes that! I dont have to be like you or wear what you wear or act like you.I love our God and teach is commands and we follow.But my children will have black hair or blue hair and they will wear shorts and paint there nails wild colors and my boys will be rowdy and crazy and get muddy and manly.Thats how we roll.but if you like to do that Ill love that about you and cherish that fact.It doesnt make us better people for what we wear.I love my dear friends who only wear long shirts.Why? because thats who they are and they are great people! I like the fact I can talk like sailor and my husband doesn't even blink.Why? Because thats who I am and he loves every drop of me he can get.He knows my love for Jesus as we Jesus is a huge fact in our daily lives.Sure I pray for helping in holding my tongue because God doesnt like that but im human and when the f bomb flies out of my mouth or when I stub my toe on the chair and I have ugly words fly out of mouth its all good.Don't judge because I dont care how Holy you think you are words happen.Im also thinking about these people who are suppose to leading believers on a walk and they are faker than Dollys boobs and so many people dont realize this until they are betrayed these very people.I pray for them and pray hard.Bless them! Thinking that id love to have my garden tilled and ready which im not seeing that getting done.WHY? Because I'm lazy! well not really but lets use that. Id also like to start going through all these totes and getting rid of the clothes we dont fit in and our out of season.The boys all have so many clothes and if you saw my 3 boys play out side you'd know why I keep so many extras for them. But I really dont need to keep 3 totes of clothes the boys dont fit in either.Hannah has I think 2 totes she has out grown and I know everything we saved last year for her will no longer fit.She is almost as tall as me.Jolene has bags and bags of clothes for this spring and summer.Thanks Aunt Paula!!! I'm so ready for her to wear them! carpi's here we come!!!
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