we have been so busy around here I had to catch my own head and reattach it. Crazy I know.From traveling to Indiana every other week with the kids and then moving and schooling and oh yes that thing called life, im ready to hunker down for the winter and enjoy my new house with my family.Im so blessed for all i have and blessed to have a husband who every morning puts layer upon layer on to head to work out in blow freezing weather.This man has never once complained about a thing to me!!! Not once has he said he hates the cold weather or hates having to get up and go to work. This man is beyond my dreams and so much more.He will never know how much I look up to him and adore him. My husband is the greatest in every way.i tear up just thinking about wonderful our God is. when I was a single mother of 2 i always sat around wondering if I would ever be a mom of many or have a husband who at least loved me alittle.I prayed for a man like Jeff and I prayed hard.Its it something when the Lord speaks and shows us he is listening,he knows my heart my desires but the question lays in you.are you listening? You better believe I am!
we a had great Christmas with family and the kids had the first Christmas ever where we stayed home on Christmas day to enjoy each other and play with the goodies they got. we had a huge snow fall here in Missouri and in Indiana.A white Christmas was something my Hannah wanted and that wish was granted! Id post pictures but my computer has a nasty virus on it so until thats fixed im on my daughters notebook.Ill see if she'll let me download pics. I have alot to post and will when the time is right.I have 2 pounds of frozen hamburger in the pan,im trying to make tacos for six 6 kids who i think truly have hollow legs!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hanukkah fun
The time just flies by when we are busy and then I try to catch up and go" I cant believe its been that long". This week I'm so proud of us as homeschoolers.Why you ask? well I have buckled down and we have been cranking out the work like crazy. learning a ton and looking forward to the next study. we have been doing The Jesse tree Journey and the kids find it totally awesome. On Monday we went over to a fellow homeschoolers house and learned about Hanukkah.She had all the bells and whistles out for us.we were so blessed to be invited to this.She had so many crafts,games and yummy Hanukkah treats.She sent the kids home with a game called Dreidel.If you haven't played before look it up and enjoy. Hanukkah is something we will start doing every year at our house.After we had our fellowship I came home and researched this and I cant believe what we have been missing out on.A huge part of God right there and I was unaware of it.I have alot more research to do for it but next year ill be ready.Ill go ahead and give Lisa a plug on my blog for her new book!!! Check your book stores or online for Lisa Stough's new book Healing Letters. She is truly amazing.Here's the blog for her book healinglettersthebook.blogspot.com I'm so proud of her!!!
Anyways we have been busy around here.So much to write about but I'm not because theres a new Amish book I'm reading and I think I love it more than the Lewis series.ohhhh my, such a nerd I know.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Im sitting here in the kitchen of our Indiana home we rent. Its very cute and the neighborhood is great.LOT of history here and im looking forward to day so we can find the museum and explore a bit. The ride up was nice and the kids giggled alot. we made it here in a little over 4 hours so that was great timing.Jolene is the only one still sick.Chase and her are on day 6 of the antibiotics. Chase is almost 100% better but Jolene has alot of chest congestion and a nasty cough that im watching for close. I made lasagna last night for dinner and Ithink everybody liked it :) Its my moms recipe.When the littles eat it you know its good. I bought up our school work.well its A Jesus Advent Celebration and its an amazing booklet for the study of Jesus.I cant wait to get into today.i have had so many thoughts and listening to God.My heart has been so heavy and tired. When I started over as the new me I think I also lost part of me while doing it.I love the loud very loud me I always have been.But I let go of what was really important to me and to my family.i allowed not so nice language in our house, shows that even my husband was like I think not. In my head I knew that was wrong but I wanted to do it anyway.So as im still on this new journey Im also grabbing along the way the things that mean a lot to me. Our number one reason we are here is Jesus.Jesus should be front and center in all we do.I have let that backslide on my children here lately. Yes we do bible study and learn His teachings but not really.we lost the meaning and the joy that really comes from His teachings. we got lost in the world of me me me.So asI try to get back on track and balance out the world and us it will be a challenge. I have great friends and family and not ever going let that change.Im just saying we need to focus on the reason we are here.I think alot of people are lost and need to know the story of Jesus and we are here to help.we have so much to be thankful for this year. My husband job which allows us to have everything we need and more.The beautiful home my husband built for us and enough land for the kids to go crazy and be kids.We are blessed for the house in St.Clair that housed us for the birth of Jolene and laughs and crys we had there.Im thankful for this house in Indiana that is big enough for all of us and then some.Im thankful for the health of my kids and family.Im really thankful we went and did our 9 week classes so we can be foster parents to kids who need a little love and support.these are just a few things im thankful this year. Really look at your life and give thanks.even if you look back and say you dont have much.Really you do...Look harder and you'll see all the great you have.Just look and sit and pray.
Im thinking....theres so much on my mind these days.Im ready to go to my friends home and hold the baby I have waited to hold for a long time.
I am wishing... Jolene's URI would go away already..
In the school room... Advent time!! Christmas crafts and cookies
Im creating.....Godly children
I am hearing...Jolene taking daddys brush up and down the wall next me. The sound of big trucks getting trash on the streets and the girls snoring in the living.
I am wearing... yoga pants,turtleneck, sweater and Christmas socks.
Im thinking....theres so much on my mind these days.Im ready to go to my friends home and hold the baby I have waited to hold for a long time.
I am wishing... Jolene's URI would go away already..
In the school room... Advent time!! Christmas crafts and cookies
Im creating.....Godly children
I am hearing...Jolene taking daddys brush up and down the wall next me. The sound of big trucks getting trash on the streets and the girls snoring in the living.
I am wearing... yoga pants,turtleneck, sweater and Christmas socks.
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