Monday, November 22, 2010
Im done
So this post is pretty much just for me. Im tired of being so fat and uncomfortable and cant move like I sue to.working out used to be Huge in my life.Right before and even the first few months after meeting Jeff I was running on the treadmill every second I could.I would never let a day ago by unless I ran 3 miles.I miss my legs and I miss my back and arms. I use to have arms that had definition in them.I loved feeling like I could all day and not blink an eye.Im tired of looking in the mirror and going "oh my goodness what have I done". It sucks ass bad.Im so over stopping at the dam Mcds and really my family one bite at a time. Im tired of thinking that piece of food wont hurt me. Bull shit. In done. I want to be healthy and happy.I dont like being smaller than 12 but that's just me. I'm FAR from that and HATE it.When I would wear long skirts it hid alot of fat but man trying on blue jeans is just something Id will not do until I lose about 30 pounds.I would like to lose about 75 lbs and maybe more.Im done. I cant do this anymore.Im very much into natural healing and natural everything but why is it so dam hard to stay away from the one thing that is slowly killing alot of us? I have to be stronger than that.I use to be why not now. I really lost myself over the last few years and I feel like finally Ill be able to get me back.Im ready for me.Its very important that the kids get up and start moving as well. They need to workout and shed the weight. why? Because what ever I was eating they were eating and it just needs to stop.theres no point of being here on earth if we are just slowly dieing.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
1 year ago today

This is half my kitchen

Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet and giggly daughter Jolene Denise.I cant believe its been a year already. I hate blinking really I do.She is an amazing child. Super laid back and laughs all the time. Loves her huggs and kisses and loves chasing her brothers around the house.Jolene has 8 teeth and started walking about a month ago. She loves her Daddy like crazy and misses him greatly while he is away. we headed up to Indiana over the weekend only to leave Tuesday because I had sick children and needed to be home so they could be comfy.It was so pretty up there and totally easy to drive too.Farm land after farm land and really great people.Love the house Jeff got up there.Its in a really cute and OLD neighborhood. Theres this church that looks like a castle out of a book. Totally beautiful and amazing. I fell in love the first day we were there. We did get to eat a Mennonite restaurant and love it too. The women were in he whole outfit. They didnt have the prayer cap on so that bothered me but all was good.There is also an Amish restaurant but we left before I could go there. Next trip for sure! we will probably go there every other week for a few days. I found a homeschool group in that area im excited to join.they do alot of farm field trips and things that I love to do. Exciting!!! the new house is moving really so because Jeff is away 6 days now. We did hire out the rest of the house but its just one guy and he moves slower than my 93 year old grandma. we only have little left to do but man oh man its taking forever. I have been slowly taking boxes over there but how we manged to squeeze so much in here. Really looking forward to my new kitchen.Can you say Christmas cookies anyone?!
We have had a few MFW co ops since my last post. The kids really look forward to those. we have to miss tomorrows because we are sick but we will be wishing we were there with them.We are in Kenya and really loven it.Lots of books to read and the culture is awesome!!! The kids love looking and watching about the people there.We have watching alot of National Geo dvds on Africa.Love every bit of it! I have noticed we need to spend time on reading with Cody. He needs to pick a book and read it. Thats that! Im sure I could write forever but I want to put up Christmas lights today so we have the Holiday feel in here. I know I know we are moving but honestly with out my husband here its kinda sad. Os lights will work wonders one me!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
WOO HOO its November

This is what we wear when we change diapers in this house! Just kidding

well I'm so excited its November.We have almost a dozen birthdays this month with family. Jolene turns 1 ( yes I'm crying) and Ethan turns 4. I just cant believe it.Where one earth does the time go. Really? I cant even wrap my mind around the thought of Jolene 1.nope its to hard to do.This month we also move into our new house.The floor looks great and they are putting in the cabinets as we speak.Ill head over there tonight and take pics after they are done.This weekend was a blur to us. Jeff came home late Friday night and of course was like Santa to the kids.They love when daddy comes home!Saturday the older kids went to Six Flags with their friends and then we ran around like a fish out of water all day.Yesterday we ran again like crazy and it was Halloween.Jeff had to leave at 5pm and that was Right at the same time I got the kids out the door to go trick or treating. So they didn't really know he was leaving which made it easier for that part. But this morning they were aware of him not being here.Next weekend Jeff and his friend move into a house in Indiana they found for rent. Which its a really nice house and its bigger than the current house we are in I manage to squeeze 6 kids in here I have no idea. I guess it will be Nice for them to have all that space.Thats why I'm waiting to move to our new home. SPACE!We took the day off school today so we could relax and regroup.Im beat and the kids are beat. SO much running and having extra kids all the time is exhausting.This week no extra kids or extra running. I finished my last Foster parenting class Thursday and have to take my 6 hour class this Saturday and we are done.This class is not for the faint of heart but I would suggest that any parent with a heart take this class. It makes you love your kids that much more.Its been a blessing to hear the stories we hear there because now we know why God called us to do this. Those kids need some one.I'm like a hoarder,really.Hoard those kids so I can hug them and love them and make sure they are ok.Man oh man they go through alot....
Anyways lets talk school....uhhh we didn't make it to Kenya in My Father's World.... although today I did order the book basket books from the library today. Like 25 of them this time. Thats less than Germany and Norway we borrowed.Germany is freaking cool to learn about. we still have a lapbook to make for that country. I'm so ready to do Kenya though.Lots of lapbooks and the littles can do one for this too.School is going really slow right now and Im not sure what the heck is my deal. I really wish some one would hide my keys and then give them back on the weekends.Ohh and my dear friend is having her baby tomorrow. I cant wait to meet the little bundle of joy. This is her 5th blessing.I cant wait to hold and snuggle him.SO much fun. Can we say BABY FEVER??Lets see what God has planned because as soon as I decide something he places something else on my heart.I'm listening!!!Thats for sure. I love this time of year. Yes I even broke out the Christmas sweaters and bought new Christmas socks. Hubby bought me the new Allen Jackson cd over the weekend and I'm listening to Christmas music online right now!!! The kids love it and it totally sets the tone in the house. We start our 30 days of blessings tree today.SO much to be thankful for this year.Lots.Chase is over here dancing to Jingle Bells SO cute.Tomorrow he will wear his reindeer sweater with NOEL socks with mommy :) hehehehe.
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