Saturday, February 27, 2010
Happy birthday to my husband today!!! Im going to make him his pineapple upside down cake he loves that I only make once a year on his day. He cant wait for dinner to have it. He just left to get my stepdaughter Caitlin for the day.I cant believe she is almost 14 now!!! man oh man. Hannah has her bff over for asleep over.She is another homeschooler we met a few years ago and they are inseparable.They woke up this morning to make pancakes from scratch for us.They confused a TBLS with a tsp on the salt.So as me and the 3 boys sat down and we all put a bite in our mouth we all spit it back up about throwing up. The girls were like "what!!!" So they took a bite and found out why we were racing to the sink!!!!So I showed them how to make it and we made a new batched that all gobbled up. They are so sweet to us. Last night all the kids stayed up making face masks for fun.They turned out really well. The littles were more into the body paint than anything.
I have already cleaned my kitchen and have my diapers washed and dried. I have so much more laundry to do. But I actually like doing laundry for the great smell of freshness. Id love to mop the kitchen floor but I have to wait until the little go down for a nap. Ill write more later the baby needs me.
I have already cleaned my kitchen and have my diapers washed and dried. I have so much more laundry to do. But I actually like doing laundry for the great smell of freshness. Id love to mop the kitchen floor but I have to wait until the little go down for a nap. Ill write more later the baby needs me.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Today my husband ordered our school books- My Fathers World year one!!!! cant wait to get it.Ill be watching the mailman like a hawk. SO Im putting all my other school books we will not be using on Homeschoolclassfieds if you'd like to look. Alot of Rod and Staff 2 and 5. I cant wait for it to arrive.
Chase and Ethan still have poopies.They down milk like crazy.we go through a gallon very day and with loose stools im thinking its probley not to good for them.So I made hot tea and put it in their sippys and they are now in bed.Jolene has been tired all day. I think she is having a gr owning sprout. She is already 3 months old! It feels like yesterday I was huge and ready to have her. She just smiles and smiles all the time.Id love to have her on the floor more to build those neck and arm muscles but the 3 boys think they are karate kids so thats not a good idea.She pretty much lives in the Moby wrap. She loves that though. I can now have her facing outward to see what everybody is doing.So when im teaching with the dry Erase board her feet wipe away whats on the bottom part. Its really cute. Chase is talking up a storm lately. He now calls Cody really loud from the living room.He scream TODY!!! Cant get that C out just yet.ANd he says Hannah with no problem.He still clings to my legs when ever I walk past him.Melts my heart. Cody and Chase are our lovers. They pass our hugs and kisses like they havent seen you in a few years.LOVE IT.Ethan does the hugs and kisses too but is really into bear hugs.Hannah will give me hug and kisses at night but she thinks shes to big to hug all the time :(
Chase and Ethan still have poopies.They down milk like crazy.we go through a gallon very day and with loose stools im thinking its probley not to good for them.So I made hot tea and put it in their sippys and they are now in bed.Jolene has been tired all day. I think she is having a gr owning sprout. She is already 3 months old! It feels like yesterday I was huge and ready to have her. She just smiles and smiles all the time.Id love to have her on the floor more to build those neck and arm muscles but the 3 boys think they are karate kids so thats not a good idea.She pretty much lives in the Moby wrap. She loves that though. I can now have her facing outward to see what everybody is doing.So when im teaching with the dry Erase board her feet wipe away whats on the bottom part. Its really cute. Chase is talking up a storm lately. He now calls Cody really loud from the living room.He scream TODY!!! Cant get that C out just yet.ANd he says Hannah with no problem.He still clings to my legs when ever I walk past him.Melts my heart. Cody and Chase are our lovers. They pass our hugs and kisses like they havent seen you in a few years.LOVE IT.Ethan does the hugs and kisses too but is really into bear hugs.Hannah will give me hug and kisses at night but she thinks shes to big to hug all the time :(
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I have 4 out of our 5 children sick with a bug. They aren't feeling to bad just the runny pooh :( so sorry. I thought I was getting my laundry caught up to find another mountain to go :) I'm one of those people that really like to do laundry. I think its the smell of fresh linens. Ohh man I could smell a box of Bounce all day.but my husband would never allow that :) I taught my daughter to do laundry and she loves the gathering and loading but really puts off the folding ( like I do ). I have a table in my laundry room my husband put in there so I could fold while pulling them out which as really helped but during the day I don't have time to fold I just shove in baskets and then they pail up until the middle of the week and me and Hannah have like 6 baskets to fold. Hannah is stepping up in the kitchen.Its her job to unload.Which was really scary at first because she just stacked things everything and when you'd open a cabinet things would hit you in the face. So I had to go over and over with her how to do it.Finally she has it down and I don't have to worry about a cup breaking my face.
Tomorrow Cody is making a fudge cake. He has a real passion for cooking and baking. Im trying to think of something fun he can cook tomorrow for dinner.I was going to roast a chicken and he could make the mashed potatoes and gravy.He loves the big mixer. So do I :)
We didnt really to do much today.I organized all my craft stuff and we pretty much just read all day.
Tomorrow Cody is making a fudge cake. He has a real passion for cooking and baking. Im trying to think of something fun he can cook tomorrow for dinner.I was going to roast a chicken and he could make the mashed potatoes and gravy.He loves the big mixer. So do I :)
We didnt really to do much today.I organized all my craft stuff and we pretty much just read all day.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Root canals
I went in day today and had a double root canal. What a time I had :) we all got there around 10:15 this morning and I nursed Jolene in the waiting room so she would be hungry. well I didnt get out of the chair until 2:30!!! It didnt hurt at all, just really weird seeing the drills over your head heading for your mouth. But its done and im not in pain any more and ill have beautiful crowns in a few weeks. But the price was wayyy crazy. We have insurance but they only pay up to $1000 a year. SO with both root canal and crowns it was $2880.So we had to pay out of pocket $1880.00!!! Can you believe that. Now thats alot of money to take out of the savings!!! Im just thankful we had it because I was in so much pain and really making me crabby. The husband was so wonderful about it. I kept saying I was sorry it cost so much but man he was just glad I was better and bad to my old self again. Thank you God :)
we'll be home im hoping all week, as with that chunk of money gone dont want to waste gas. I do have to go to the library but thats just up the road.Im ready to stay home and clean and do some reading with kids.
I am thinking...I wish Chases running pooh would stop
I am thankful for...my husband
From the learning room...Jeff e-bayed 26 reading books for us that come today
From the kitchen...I made taco and taco salad tonight
I am wearing...long black skirt w/green shirt
I am creating...Godly children
I am going...to read tonight
I am reading...All The Way Home by Mary Pride
I am hoping...for a great day tomorrow
I am hearing...the sound of 3 boys making train sounds
Around the house...all is good
One of my favorite things... the smiles my kids give when I make something yummy
A few plans for the days ahead...read and bake
we'll be home im hoping all week, as with that chunk of money gone dont want to waste gas. I do have to go to the library but thats just up the road.Im ready to stay home and clean and do some reading with kids.
I am thinking...I wish Chases running pooh would stop
I am thankful for...my husband
From the learning room...Jeff e-bayed 26 reading books for us that come today
From the kitchen...I made taco and taco salad tonight
I am wearing...long black skirt w/green shirt
I am creating...Godly children
I am going...to read tonight
I am reading...All The Way Home by Mary Pride
I am hoping...for a great day tomorrow
I am hearing...the sound of 3 boys making train sounds
Around the house...all is good
One of my favorite things... the smiles my kids give when I make something yummy
A few plans for the days ahead...read and bake
Sunday, February 21, 2010
What A week of learning

I have learned so much this week. Like a mothers attitude sets the house for the day.Like when I lose my cool, my kids think its ok they act like that.I learned being a help meet to my loving husband is sometimes so hard I have to walk away.What did I also get from this...that God is the only one who can help in my areas of weakness.I have many of them, we were born sinners and everybody struggles. I didnt become a TRUE believer in Christ until after Ethan was born.Sure I believed in God but I didnt know a thing about what being a christian meant. One day I was struggling with my marriage and didnt want to talk about it with anyone, and by the grace of God, was lead to my bible.NOt knowing where to search through it to find what I needed, God showed me the answers his way...by me opening the bible and happening to be on the page speaking of my husband being the head of the house. From that day my outlook changed.Im a very stubborn person, I mean very!!! And this was really hard to turn myself over to my husband.THis is were I struggle today.Its natural now for me to submit to him but days I find it hard to keep my mouth shut on things.He his a realllly laid back guy if you have ever met him, so we usually dont disagree but maybe on a few things. But what find is like him not willing to help me out with all the kids when I need a break for second or when Jolene is crying, Chase is poohy and Ethan needs help, I somehow grow 8 arms and manage to do it all. All the while trying to stay cool and not riping his head off. Little things like that make it hard. But I keep on praying.
Ethan also learned his letters A F and B this week. yEAHH Ethan. He also poohed on the toilet, want to know how??? Its really weird but my Jeff did this :) Ethan has been trained since Sept but would never go pooh on the pot so I had to out a diaper on him for him to go. Well Jeff told Ethan he could cut out the back of the diaper and he could sit on the pot and it would fall in the toilet.Ethan was very excited and sat on the pot and went.HE was SOO excited. Strange yes but it worked and now he is using the potty. Chase would be trained but I have been so busy that the time just didnt allow. But We are now limiting the places and activities we do so we can train him totally and focus on our new curriculum. We are wanting to change to My Fathers World which Im thinking we will order this week. We need to really focus on bible training the boys. I found a blog called Raising Godly tomatoes and I have to say its changed our view on the boys and how to handle their behavior. I have been having a really hard time with one child and it sets the tone for the others so we had to nip it in the butt. So I feel like I have been on a tomato staking frenzy the last couple and its finely working.
Tomorrow Im going in to have a root canal done maybe two. I have been in so much pain and my jaw... well id like to break it off it hurts so bad. Its pretty bad when you look forward to a root canal. joys there :)
Alright I have a little one rubbing my arm ( Chase ) ready for his bed time.He hasnt been feeling to well lately. Good night and God bless.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My thoughts
We have come to the conclusions on schooling... we are done with text books!!! Yes we will be doing My Fathers World but not like they say to use it. We will be doing Bible work/study which is our #1 in this house. But im not buying math or anything else.That said, we have the computer to use for things we need for logging proposes. But we have found when doing a timed routine doesnt work in the house.We are crazy busy all the time and find we are learning more when living our life. Our daughter is being trained to be a keeper of the home so she is happy to learn what mom does.She loves to read and loves to read aloud to the littles. the littles don't care what it is they just like someone reading to them. So as we are getting of alots of text books we are bringing in ALOT of reading books. We will quiz them when we read and do the normal to make sure they are were we think they should.When I first pulled the kids out of the public soap opera ( aka public school ) I didn't really do anything but what a friend calls "to defunk" them. Meaning stripping them of all the bad influences they picked up. which they were we really young so not much to shake off.This is our 3rd year schooling them and we are still find things that work for us and what don't. I find myself still to this day thinking like a public school mom, which is why im putting a stop it it now. w homeschool for the freedom it gives us and the closeness and the teaching of GOD. we are shaping the future and if people don't wake up and realize what they are letting their kids do because they want to be "cool" parents, id hate to see the world when they are running things.Parents are so caught up in being there friends and working out side of the home.Which I do understand if the wife needs to work and single parent who isn't always home but they can raise their child with morals and respect.Im sick of seeing teenagers hanging all over each other every time we go and my KIDS have to see that.I think not. Take responsibility for your kids and teach them something you can be proud of. You know I was one of those teenage Moms twice. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world, but I grow up the moment I found out I was pregnant at 15. I jumped on board and fell in love with being a mom.I nursed my daughter until she 2 and half and I was 4 or 5 months pg with my son. Nursed him forever too. I ahd no friends because I was being a mom. How many teenage kids do that? Very few for sure.Im tired of hearing kids making babies and then they decide they cant do it so they go off and kill the baby! What parent would allow that? If I meant one I personally would jack slap you in the head. This just boils my blood. Love your kids. Thats that... Love you kids
Friday, February 12, 2010
Blessed Day
We had a wonderful day today. It was God blessed. We had a day of school with not one complaint or problem. The house ran so smooth today we played board games and just really enjoyed each other.Im so deeply in love my family it makes a smile come on my face. These are the reasons why we have large families.I really enjoy all my kids and cant wait until God blesses us again. I dont feel like I have a large family,its rather small to what I desire and feel what God has placed on my heart.I kiss my kids goodnight and look at there faces and they smile and say " night mom,I love you " that right there melts my heart and brings a tear to my eyes. They are all so wonderful.Even my little Jolene who nurses to sleep and is half out of it and looks at me while on the breast and does the half smile with milk dripping from her lips, I know she is saying I love you mom. I love the bond breastfeeding gives me with my babies. All of my kids have been breastfeed, they nursed whenever they wanted. Jolene is almost 3 months and nurses every 2 hours but I think she does as comfort.I put her in the moby wrap and she snuggles in.I love when I give her a bath and wrap her in a towel,she will snuggle under my chin and lay there until shes dry. Chase still does that now and then.Both boys usually come flying out of the tub and run towards the living room laughing. Their like dogs, they roll on the sofa until dry :) Once I say "I have lotion " they come right back and lay down. They love their massages.
I have many things on my To Do List, but we have such a busy week coming up I dont think Ill get them done. Tomorrow we are taking the kids Bowling. Sunday we are going to the Country Dance with fellow homeschoolers.Tuesday we have a Valentines party for the kids with our faith group, Wednesday we have homeschool skating, Thursday will be all day of school,Friday the creator of My Fathers World is coming to a church out here so we are going to that. Im looking forward to that. So the kids have a fun week ahead of them.
I have many things on my To Do List, but we have such a busy week coming up I dont think Ill get them done. Tomorrow we are taking the kids Bowling. Sunday we are going to the Country Dance with fellow homeschoolers.Tuesday we have a Valentines party for the kids with our faith group, Wednesday we have homeschool skating, Thursday will be all day of school,Friday the creator of My Fathers World is coming to a church out here so we are going to that. Im looking forward to that. So the kids have a fun week ahead of them.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
My thoughts
I am thinking...Im tired of everyone asking for snacks right after dinner
I am thankful for...my bed
From the learning room...We have many new ideas
From the kitchen...I made roasted chicken,fresh salad,Chedder bay biscuits
I am wearing...Blah
I am creating...Godly children
I am going...to sleep more than 3 hours tonight
I am reading...my bible
I am hoping...to hug my kids and love them more
I am hearing...silience...I hate silence
Around the house...Ethan,Chase and Jolene are sleeping,Hannah and Cody watching The duggars with Dad
One of my favorite things...seeing Cody smile ear to ear when he completes his task
A few plans for the days ahead...READ
We had an ok day today. I had a really eye opening talk with a great friend of mine and showed me ways to work with Cody. He is giving me a run for my sanity :) I wont go into details but lets say he has a mouth on him that would knock you flat if you heard it. Im tired of it its disrespectful and if not corrected now we are going to have a trouble whne he is older. I cant control him at all. Its fight every time we open out mouths to him. I have laid the law down with him so many time s and noting works. Until my dear friend told me what to do, So I explained tohim the rules of the house and how it would work. We are family and we love you..... so if you even roll the eyes at me once if told to do somehthings everything from your room will be boxed and in the laundry room for when you decide to act right in this family. He did great until he was asked to do something.HE flat out refused. I stayed clam, I didnt yell, I said you have made your chose and now I have to stick to the rules too. I got 2 totes and filled it up with everytthing in his room.He has his bed, dresser, and all his books that it. He can earn 1 thing back after a week of being good and trouble. He was so mad at us. But you know what its called tuff love. even my little boys were puinished for acting out and screaming today which I think totally through them off. They do have time outs for stuff but im really tired of whining to ge there way and ripping toys from one another so the rules are for them too. Hannah is respectful, so I dont have to watch her to much but she was told the rules and what would haooen and she is fully aware. Im praying God wraps his arms around Cody and hld him tight. The devil is working a number on my family but you know Jesus is way stronger and prayer will take care of us. Cody is an awesome child, very caring and sweet and loves babies. But when he doesnt get his way watch out. Theres many areas here that are my fault and I know that. Im working hard on changing my lack of lack of control. I use to never follow through with my rules and give so many chances just to have to raise my voice again. So thats a huge problem. I did that, now im fixing it.Cody is alot like me.But I know God is going to turn him in to an amzing man and he will do wonderful in life. He is a great kid, he just has a mom who lacks self disipline in herself.
Today my husband really cleaned the living room.Sorted all the toy boxes and went crazy sorting the trains, way to many trains for 3 boys :) I dont think I got anything done but clean the kitchen 3 times, one load of laundry, and srub the bathroom. I did nurse Jolene watch her smile at me.I did play with her on the bed and she was giggling. I did read aloud to the kids and Hannah listen to Hannah read to the littles. I did laugh hard with all the kids while at dinner. I did manage to hug and kiss my kids and see them smile.Thats what counts.
I am thinking...Im tired of everyone asking for snacks right after dinner
I am thankful for...my bed
From the learning room...We have many new ideas
From the kitchen...I made roasted chicken,fresh salad,Chedder bay biscuits
I am wearing...Blah
I am creating...Godly children
I am going...to sleep more than 3 hours tonight
I am reading...my bible
I am hoping...to hug my kids and love them more
I am hearing...silience...I hate silence
Around the house...Ethan,Chase and Jolene are sleeping,Hannah and Cody watching The duggars with Dad
One of my favorite things...seeing Cody smile ear to ear when he completes his task
A few plans for the days ahead...READ
We had an ok day today. I had a really eye opening talk with a great friend of mine and showed me ways to work with Cody. He is giving me a run for my sanity :) I wont go into details but lets say he has a mouth on him that would knock you flat if you heard it. Im tired of it its disrespectful and if not corrected now we are going to have a trouble whne he is older. I cant control him at all. Its fight every time we open out mouths to him. I have laid the law down with him so many time s and noting works. Until my dear friend told me what to do, So I explained tohim the rules of the house and how it would work. We are family and we love you..... so if you even roll the eyes at me once if told to do somehthings everything from your room will be boxed and in the laundry room for when you decide to act right in this family. He did great until he was asked to do something.HE flat out refused. I stayed clam, I didnt yell, I said you have made your chose and now I have to stick to the rules too. I got 2 totes and filled it up with everytthing in his room.He has his bed, dresser, and all his books that it. He can earn 1 thing back after a week of being good and trouble. He was so mad at us. But you know what its called tuff love. even my little boys were puinished for acting out and screaming today which I think totally through them off. They do have time outs for stuff but im really tired of whining to ge there way and ripping toys from one another so the rules are for them too. Hannah is respectful, so I dont have to watch her to much but she was told the rules and what would haooen and she is fully aware. Im praying God wraps his arms around Cody and hld him tight. The devil is working a number on my family but you know Jesus is way stronger and prayer will take care of us. Cody is an awesome child, very caring and sweet and loves babies. But when he doesnt get his way watch out. Theres many areas here that are my fault and I know that. Im working hard on changing my lack of lack of control. I use to never follow through with my rules and give so many chances just to have to raise my voice again. So thats a huge problem. I did that, now im fixing it.Cody is alot like me.But I know God is going to turn him in to an amzing man and he will do wonderful in life. He is a great kid, he just has a mom who lacks self disipline in herself.
Today my husband really cleaned the living room.Sorted all the toy boxes and went crazy sorting the trains, way to many trains for 3 boys :) I dont think I got anything done but clean the kitchen 3 times, one load of laundry, and srub the bathroom. I did nurse Jolene watch her smile at me.I did play with her on the bed and she was giggling. I did read aloud to the kids and Hannah listen to Hannah read to the littles. I did laugh hard with all the kids while at dinner. I did manage to hug and kiss my kids and see them smile.Thats what counts.
Monday, February 8, 2010
One of those days
I have really had one of those days where you'd like to start over.No one said homeschooling was easy and if that were true, more would be doing it. I find trouble every morning in our house with disrespect and needing to remind kids about brushing teeth, getting dressed and oh yes get to the table to start our day. Well as I freak out every morning and nothing gets complete do the my lack of discipline in the children I though up my hands andso im done for the day. I can do no more.For the most part my children are very caring and respectful to to everybody, but me.Now I know thats my fault because I dont follow through with anything I say to them on the discipline area.well until recently, I did take the DS way until March 29 and its been 2 weeks and have not gave in yet.Theres no T.V until the week unless its approved my Jeff or me. Im tired of repeating myself so loud a jumbo jet cant compare to me. We all have days like this even if you are to afraid to say out loud. But you know what, tomorrow is a new day and its ok to have off days. Its ok to not do school work for the day when you feel you cant get a thing done.Thats the beauty of homeschool. I do know our BIGGEST problem is our curriculum right now. I thought I was going to wait and switch to My fathers World in August but we cant wait that long. I will be ordering it when my husband gets home tonight.Until then the only thing we will be doing is math I make up,bible, and reading time. Everything else is on hold.Its not working for us it causing way to much drama.To much paperwork makes us batty.We will be spending the next few weeks on being good role models fo the littles.We will be working on the respect the bible says parents should have. Manners, Patience,kindness, and doing to other. w have to change the way this house runs or I might actually explode ;)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Im thinking...I wish Ethan would stop screching
Im thankful for...kool-aid
From the learning... Bible study on manners
From the kitchen...Beef roast with cake and icecream
I am wearing...patch work long skirt with black top
I am creating...Godly children
I am going...to learn to be more relaxed
I am reading...All the Way Home by Mary pride
I am hoping...Chase will stop peeing every 5 mintues
I am hearing... the 3 boys playing cars reallly loud
Around the house... my husband is hiding so I dont put him to work
One of my favorite things...nursing Jolene and see looks at me
A few plans for the days ahead... Country Dance on Valentines, Micheals Art project Tuesday,My Fathers World coming to a church near us ...We are so there :)
Im thinking...I wish Ethan would stop screching
Im thankful for...kool-aid
From the learning... Bible study on manners
From the kitchen...Beef roast with cake and icecream
I am wearing...patch work long skirt with black top
I am creating...Godly children
I am going...to learn to be more relaxed
I am reading...All the Way Home by Mary pride
I am hoping...Chase will stop peeing every 5 mintues
I am hearing... the 3 boys playing cars reallly loud
Around the house... my husband is hiding so I dont put him to work
One of my favorite things...nursing Jolene and see looks at me
A few plans for the days ahead... Country Dance on Valentines, Micheals Art project Tuesday,My Fathers World coming to a church near us ...We are so there :)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I am thinking... I wish I was outside
I am thankful for... my husband who goes that extra mile to make me happy
From the learning room... make extra math sheets
From the kitchen... waiting to teach Hannah how to make butter
I am wearing...long black shirt with blue top
I am creating... Godly children
I am going... forward with my walk
I am reading... All the way Home by mary Pride
I hoping for... more children
I am hearing... Hannah reading to the littles and Jolene sucking her hands
Around the house.... its plain messy
One of my favorite things... looking at books
A few plans for the days ahead... valentine projects :)
I am thinking... I wish I was outside
I am thankful for... my husband who goes that extra mile to make me happy
From the learning room... make extra math sheets
From the kitchen... waiting to teach Hannah how to make butter
I am wearing...long black shirt with blue top
I am creating... Godly children
I am going... forward with my walk
I am reading... All the way Home by mary Pride
I hoping for... more children
I am hearing... Hannah reading to the littles and Jolene sucking her hands
Around the house.... its plain messy
One of my favorite things... looking at books
A few plans for the days ahead... valentine projects :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
The beauty of snow

Our day started off really crazy and loud.All the kids woke up way to early and whined until nap time around 1pm. Cody had his normal melt down with math, Jolene was awake most of the day, Hannah was in her own world dancing while doing school. After nap all was good and Cody did a 100% on his math to which he was rewarded.He also received a 91% on spelling. Hannah didnt have any tests today but did her schoolwork. Cody helped me make a pot of chili for Dad and then we made a pot of potato soup for us. He is so good and chopping potatoes and anything you give him. Hannah begged to chop onions so I said go for it knowing she would be crying shortly :) And she did but she continued until done and did it wonderfully. Once it was warm we put bacon bits and cheese on it YUMMM so good.
We are doing school tomorrow because I want to switch Curriculum soon but I want their math and English books finished before we do that. I found a really cool bible study for the kids that include my little ones too and they get to color and paste and the older ones get a word search and crossword puzzle with it. They like it alot. And its FREE. Gota love that.
Jolene is now awake after only being down for 20 minutes!!!! Heres the snow that is still coming down tonight!!!
We are doing school tomorrow because I want to switch Curriculum soon but I want their math and English books finished before we do that. I found a really cool bible study for the kids that include my little ones too and they get to color and paste and the older ones get a word search and crossword puzzle with it. They like it alot. And its FREE. Gota love that.
Jolene is now awake after only being down for 20 minutes!!!! Heres the snow that is still coming down tonight!!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Its been awhile
man its been a long time. I shall update everyone :)
Jolene was born on November 18,2009. She had a wonderful birth with very little pain. She was almost to easy. Jolene is now 8 weeks and smiling and cooing everybody who looks her way. She sleeps like crazy, i dont remember the others sleeping as much as she does. She nurses about 2-3 hours still but Im a strong believer in comfort nursing and on demand. When she wants it she gets it. Chase who is still my little baby, is quit the character still. Boy you just have to look at him and smiles ear to ear. He loves to be held and rocked to sleep still. He will wake up at 4 every morning and climb in the recliner with me and Jolene.He sticks his hand up my sleeve to get that skin to skin he loves so much and off to sleep he goes. I think Cody would do the same if there was room on the chair.They do make KING recliners right? ;) Cody in my 8 yr old lover. Loves to please you but is as stubborn as an ox. He would love to spend his day outside with a knife craving anything. If you want him to do something he really doesn't want to, just tell him you have something that needs to be cut up ( fruit, veggies, bread, play duh ). He loves it all. Hannah is in her training mode. She is going to make a fine wife and mother one day. we are working on laundry, mopping the floor, doing dishes right, and cooking. She cooks a mean pancake :) and loves making lasagna.Ethan is my joker. He wants you to laugh and laugh hard.Tonight at dinner he was showing us how we all act. He had his dad laughing so hard. Cody was falling out of his seat.I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff but its great. He is doing wonderful on listening. We had a really hard time with his whining and screaming so loud a jumbo jet would sound like a whisper. It turned out the whining was our fault as we gave in to everything. Once I figured that out it stopped. Well it started back up recently with his Dad being home and I got the water bottle back out and pretty much took care of that. A little squirt in the face does the trick.
We did move to St.Clair and love it. we are so close to my homeschooliong friends and right in the middle of many others. The kids love having their space and room to run. But as I got comfortable and started liking the house my husband drops a bomb on me and tells me he is going to go forward on building a house on our property in Union. I should have known once the very last box was emptied I would have to do it all over again in a few months. But many blessing come from our property i'll be looking forward to like my garden, tons and tons of land for the kids and being in the country again. My Mom has the neatest place ever. Goats everywhere and chickens and tons of bunnies the kids love.One day Ill do the same.
Homeschooling is going great. We are switching our curriculum to My Fathers world in April. If you haven't looked in it you should if you have multiple ages to teach. Its based around are creator and even though the Rod and Staff we are using now is but not like My Fathers World. Truly a great curriculum.
Id love to write more but ALL the kids need me now.
Jolene was born on November 18,2009. She had a wonderful birth with very little pain. She was almost to easy. Jolene is now 8 weeks and smiling and cooing everybody who looks her way. She sleeps like crazy, i dont remember the others sleeping as much as she does. She nurses about 2-3 hours still but Im a strong believer in comfort nursing and on demand. When she wants it she gets it. Chase who is still my little baby, is quit the character still. Boy you just have to look at him and smiles ear to ear. He loves to be held and rocked to sleep still. He will wake up at 4 every morning and climb in the recliner with me and Jolene.He sticks his hand up my sleeve to get that skin to skin he loves so much and off to sleep he goes. I think Cody would do the same if there was room on the chair.They do make KING recliners right? ;) Cody in my 8 yr old lover. Loves to please you but is as stubborn as an ox. He would love to spend his day outside with a knife craving anything. If you want him to do something he really doesn't want to, just tell him you have something that needs to be cut up ( fruit, veggies, bread, play duh ). He loves it all. Hannah is in her training mode. She is going to make a fine wife and mother one day. we are working on laundry, mopping the floor, doing dishes right, and cooking. She cooks a mean pancake :) and loves making lasagna.Ethan is my joker. He wants you to laugh and laugh hard.Tonight at dinner he was showing us how we all act. He had his dad laughing so hard. Cody was falling out of his seat.I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff but its great. He is doing wonderful on listening. We had a really hard time with his whining and screaming so loud a jumbo jet would sound like a whisper. It turned out the whining was our fault as we gave in to everything. Once I figured that out it stopped. Well it started back up recently with his Dad being home and I got the water bottle back out and pretty much took care of that. A little squirt in the face does the trick.
We did move to St.Clair and love it. we are so close to my homeschooliong friends and right in the middle of many others. The kids love having their space and room to run. But as I got comfortable and started liking the house my husband drops a bomb on me and tells me he is going to go forward on building a house on our property in Union. I should have known once the very last box was emptied I would have to do it all over again in a few months. But many blessing come from our property i'll be looking forward to like my garden, tons and tons of land for the kids and being in the country again. My Mom has the neatest place ever. Goats everywhere and chickens and tons of bunnies the kids love.One day Ill do the same.
Homeschooling is going great. We are switching our curriculum to My Fathers world in April. If you haven't looked in it you should if you have multiple ages to teach. Its based around are creator and even though the Rod and Staff we are using now is but not like My Fathers World. Truly a great curriculum.
Id love to write more but ALL the kids need me now.
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